August 9, 2018
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Greetings to Everyone

In just my first few days as provincial, I have come to understand that, in life, I/we don’t have control over much. I was scheduled to attend the jubilees in Douglaston, New York, but American Airlines had other plans for me. After many delays and a cancellation, I was not able to attend the Mass. This is a good reminder for me that, in everything, we are called to place God first in our lives. Congratulations to the jubilarians across the province for they remind us of our call to be faithful disciples.  

Service to the Greater Church

Last week, I had the blessing of attending the annual CMSM (Conference of Major Superiors of Men) meeting here in St. Louis. During that meeting, I met many superiors and conference staff. It was a great opportunity to reflect on the gift the Society of Mary provides to the Church. 

I received many thanks for the work that Bro. Bob Metzger has been doing as part of the National Religious Retirement Office. His assistance in helping religious orders plan has been invaluable. I also received affirmation on Bro. Steve Glodek and his service to CMSM in many different capacities over the years. I received accolades on Bro. Joe Kamis and his leadership with Region V (St. Louis area) leadership group of the CMSM. Thank you to our brothers for their service to the Church across the United States. I think that we all know that many of our brothers that have been and are active in assisting the Church across the United States. We give thanks for each of them.  

Special Services

Bro. Tom Redmond has agreed to direct the Spirit of Saragossa Retreat (perpetual vow retreat) for our brothers preparing for final vows in India & Eastern Africa. The retreats will be in October and November. Tom just completed leading the PV retreat here in the Province. Thank you to Tom.  

In our continued effort to accompany the Indian District, the council received a request from the Indian District Council for assistance in chairing the Indian chapter in mid-October. Bro. Tom Giardino has agreed to attend and assist with the duties of the chapter moderator.


Reminder that each of the Council members has been issued an SM-USA email address. The addresses follow the usual pattern and are as follows.

Fr. Oscar Vasquez [email protected]
Bro. Bernie Ploeger [email protected] 
Fr. Tim Kenney [email protected]
Bro. Jesse O’Neill [email protected]  
Bro. Joe Markel [email protected]  
Bro. Charles Johnson [email protected]  
Fr. Kip Stander [email protected] 

Unified in Spirit

Thank you to the many communities and individuals that sent in notes of support and prayer. Thank you to those that sent in pictures of our gatherings across the Province to unify in spirit.  We collected pictures that were able to be incorporated into the flickr format. See photos .

From Fr. Tim Kenney
Dear Brothers,

Province Assembly '18 Evaluations

Many thanks to many of you who have sent in your evaluation of the Province Assembly. We really appreciate the honest feedback and the ways in which you have captured different dreams that you would like the Provincial Council to keep in front of us as we reflect on our future together. If you did not have a chance to complete your evaluation, please complete your evaluation here . It will only take you a few moments and it will be a great help to us to know your thoughts and any other comments that you think would be helpful for our planning.

As community directors begin to plan your orientation meetings and gatherings for the new year, please take some time to reflect on the Province Assembly and the challenges that were given to us by our speakers, by our conversations, and by our lay collaborators.

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

CMN Praises Pope Francis for Catechism Update

The Catholic Mobilizing Network and our MSJC Death Penalty Issue Team celebrates the revision made on August 2, 2018 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church to say that, in all cases, the death penalty is “inadmissible” (Revised Catechism of the Catholic Church 2267). Read the full press release

Murphy Initiative Closes Its Doors

The P. Francis Murphy Initiative for Justice & Peace, of which our Province is a founding member, is dissolving after 16 years of service to the Baltimore area and beyond. We are grateful to Bros. Frank O'Donnell , Tom Trager and other Marianists in the area who have supported the inspiring work of the Murphy Initiative over the years. Read the official announcement .

Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

August 9: Robert Flaherty
August 11: Edward Brink
August 12: Raymond Fitz
August 16: Richard Thompson
On the Calendar
August 14 : Feast of Blessed Jakob Gapp
August 15 : The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.