September 19, 2019
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

University Board Meetings

I’m just completing the Chaminade University Board meeting. St. Mary’s held its first meeting of the year in early September and the University of Dayton Board will have its first meeting in mid-October. The presence at these meetings is so important as the Provincial Council works with the presidents and rectors of each of our universities in assuring the Marianist character of our work. 

Thank you to all of our Brothers in the university apostolate. A special word of thanks to all Brothers who serve our universities, high schools and retreat centers. Gracias!

Marianist ID Cards

The Marianist ID cards were sent out last week to the community directors. Please contact Pat Stephens if you did not receive your card or for any problems, missing or extra cards.

This Coming Week

  • September 19-20: Chaminade University Board Meeting
  • September 22: Assisting with Masses at Our Lady of the Pillar, St. Louis
From Bro. Bernie Ploeger
Dear Brothers,

Directors Meeting

This year’s directors weekend at the Marianist Retreat and Conference Center, Eureka, Missouri, will be from Thursday, October 4, with Mass beginning at 5:00 pm through Sunday, October 6, concluding with lunch at 11:30 am. I would ask that any director, area coordinator or member of the Provincial Council who has not already registered, please contact Donna Tucker

On Saturday afternoon, we will join the celebration of the profession of perpetual vows of our Brothers, Jean Dossous and Juan Pablo Espinoza

Please keep in your and the community’s prayers both our Brothers making final vows and blessings for this meeting.
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim Kenney 8.19
Dear Brothers,

Venerable Marie Thérèse de Lamourous

There was a beautiful tribute to M arie Thérèse in the September issue of Give Us This Day. It is very well done and should make us feel very proud.
Blessed Among Us

Venerable Marie Thérèse de Lamourous
Founder, Mother of the Lay Marianists (1754-1836)

Marie Thérèse de Lamourous was raised in a noble family in Bordeaux. During the French Revolution, while in her thirties, she carried on the work of the underground Church, teaching catechism, visiting the sick and prisoners. Continue reading.
Beautiful Thought for the Week

Each of us must take a long look at our own life to see where I welcome and where I exclude, where I make peace and where I allow for violence. This is not in the least bit theoretical; this ought to be a part of our daily bread, and if it doesn’t make you squirm, then as my mother used to say, “You’re not doing it right.” (Sr. Virginia Herbers, ASCJ)

From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

LIFE 50th Anniversary Video

A 50th anniversary video for the Marianist Family is being produced for the LIFE gathering during the summer of 2020. The video will be shown to students at the celebration of the Marianist Family on July 11, 2020, at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio.
Please send Toni Mesina, the national coordinator of LIFE, any pictures with captions you have that depict the hope and joy of the Marianist family.
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

September 19: Hugh Charlson, Larry Doersching, Donald Wallace
September 22: George Cerniglia
September 24: Timothy Eden
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