September 27, 2018
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Our world has changed 

In our own way, each of us is having to deal with the fallout from the abuse scandal in our Church. One of our brothers sent me this article that lists one individual’s understanding. Please, let us continue to pray for one another as our Church deals with this darkness.  

Provincial Council meetings

This past few days, the Provincial Council met for its September meeting in St. Louis. I’m thankful to the individuals that have sent notes of support and prayer for these meetings. 

Marianist schools in St Louis

The faculty/staff of the three Marianist high schools in St. Louis (Chaminade College Preparatory, St. John Vianney and St. Mary’s) will gather this coming Monday, October 1 to celebrate their common Marianist heritage. This gathering has been celebrated for a number of years. We are thankful to all our brothers who have served and continue to serve in each of these schools.  
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Dear Brothers,

Great Meeting Times
Over the last couple of weeks, I have had a full day of meetings with Bro. Jack Ventura on the Marianist Center for Lay Formation and then on another day with Bro. Mark Motz on Vocation Ministry. Both of these men are serving the province in wonderful ways and I am most grateful. Both of these themes are central to the thrusts of the new Provincial Council: Lay Formation/ Collaboration along with the invitation to young people to join our way of life and how we promote Marianist vocations. I have invited Jack and Mark to enter into conversation with our director’s next week on these two topics. It is my hope that our communities during the coming year will hear this important call for conversation for the coming community year.
Formation Prayer Book on the Portal
The Formation Prayer Book is being mailed out to all communities in the province as we speak. In addition we have placed this four- week cycle on the Marianist Portal.
Holy Land Pilgrimage
Fr. Paul Fitzpatrick will be conducting a trip to the Holy Land next May, 2019. Please see the brochure for further information. 
Feast of the Guardian Angels
The Feast of the Guardian Angels is Tuesday, October 2nd. On Oct. 2, 1817, French priest, Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, with three professional teachers, two seminarians and two artisans, started a “congregation” dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Our foundation date as Marianists is our birthday which falls on this feast of the Guardian Angels. Let’s celebrate.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

What’s happening

As, Fr. Oscar mentioned, this Monday, October 1st, there will be a Saint Louis Marianist schools gathering held at St. John Vianney High School. Chaminade College Preparatory School and St. Mary’s High School will join them for a day of prayer and reflection. Sr. Nicole Trahan, FMI will give the keynote address entitled, “A New Fulcrum to Move the World-Doing What is Ours to Do.

Upcoming Visits

I travel to San Antonio this upcoming week to experience the hope and joy of our Marianist mission. I will be meeting with….

  • October 2nd – Dr. Thomas Mengler - president of St. Mary’s University
  • October 3rd – Kay Tally-Foos – executive director of Tecaboca-
            A Marianist Center for Spiritual Renewal
  • October 3rd -  Mary Kenney – province archivist
  • October 4th-  Paul Garro – president of Central Catholic High School
  • October 4th - Rev. Timothy Eden – St. Mary’s University
            rector and vice president for the Office of Mission
  • October 4th – 7th Annual Directors’ Meeting
  • October 6th – Perpetual Vow Ceremony –
             Bro. Sylvester Burkemper, SM and Bro. Mark Motz, SM

A story of hope and joy

Submitted by Susan Mason Buckley,  St Laurence College, Loughlinstown, Ireland. Susan is a member of the Board of Management and member of the International Marianist Lay Community – Our Lady of the Round Table

Well, some might say I've never left school, and they would be right! As I walk through the doors of St Laurence College, Loughlinstown, on this overcast September morning, I am greeted by a hive of activity as staff and students alike preparing for the opening of the new school year mass, in the Bro. Fred Rech Library. There is a feeling of hope and joy as the whole school community listen to Mrs. McBride - our chaplain - speak about 'New Beginnings', the theme for our Mass. This is a new year open to exciting possibilities, whether a first-year student, new teacher or Principal starting on this new journey, or a sixth-year student in their final year of school. All are joined together in our Marianist Family, a place when no-one is excluded, everyone is valued and accepted. Today, I am here as a past pupil and parent of a fourth-year student, proudly continuing to 'embrace the dream'. 
From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

New Racial Justice Committee

For a number of years, the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative (MSJC) has addressed the related issues of racism and immigration through the efforts of our Racial and Immigrant Justice Team. While affirming the wonderful work of this team, it's been challenging to focus on two immense and timely topics within one issue team. Recognizing this limited capacity, along with increased interest that recently surfaced within the Marianist Family to expand our racial justice efforts, MSJC is discerning the possibility of forming another issue team that would be focused solely on racial justice. 

Eleven people from across the country who are passionate about this issue recently met via video conference. It was a very productive first meeting, and participants were from our high schools, universities, retreat centers, parishes and all three branches of our Marianist family. One of our first actions involves creating a Racial Justice Resource Database for the Marianist family. Our plan is to eventually glean this evolving resource list and make it a user-friendly page on our MSJC website. We invite you to contribute to our Resource Database link and add any source that has been helpful for you in terms of racial justice (book, article, website, curriculum, movie, etc.).

Please keep this initiative in your prayers, and contact Brian Reavey if you're an interested participant moving forward. 

Resources from CMSM

Mid-Term Election Resource - CMSM has worked with a coalition of DC-based Catholic national advocacy organizations to provide the following reflection guide for exercising your right to vote this November 2018. It is not intended to be exhaustive, but to invite deep reflection on priority issues shared between the organizations, which all support a consistent ethic of life and dignity.

Homily Helps - Linking Justice & Peace in the Lectionary - Below you will find homily resources from CMSM members and other people of wisdom in our community for your reflection. If you are not preparing homilies, please consider sharing with your local priest.

Sunday Sept. 30th by Thad Crouch, Veterans for Peace
Sunday Oct. 7th by Br. Steve Herro, O.Praem.
Sunday Oct. 14th by Dianne Bergant, CSA
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

September 27: James Kunes, Edward Longbottom
September 29 : Régulo Hernández García
September 30 : Hugh Bihl, James Burkholder, Fred Stovall
October 1: Allen Pacquing
October 2: M. Gary Marcinowski
October 3: John Lemker, Gerard Sullivan
On the Calendar
October 2: Feast of the Guardian Angels
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.