September 6, 2018
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Thank you & thank you

Last week, I addressed the issues around the Pennsylvania report and the surrounding conversations that have stemmed from its release. I called on communities to devote a part of their daily time to penance and prayer for the healing of victims, their families, perpetrators and of our Church. I’m thankful that many communities and individual brothers have responded with their plans. Other communities have let me know that they will be discussing the issue in their upcoming community planning sessions. Thank you.  

Next week, I will publish a general listing of prayer & penance practices submitted by communities. Because this is such a deeply personal/communal effort, I will only list a summary of practices while not listing the name of the community/individual.  

Without losing focus on the current issue before us, it is important that we affirm our province membership. I’m thankful for all of our efforts in continuing to live our vows faithfully. The challenges of being a faithful religious in our day are difficult, but we know that the rewards are a true blessing. It is important that we celebrate fidelity in our Marianist life. 
New Marianist personnel 
By the middle of the month, you will receive copies of the new personnel directory. We thank Ann Mueller , yet again, for her dedication and perseverance in this annual undertaking.

We intentionally limit the distribution of the Marianist personnel because we are increasingly conscious of both printing costs and the privacy of province members. Please respect these serious concerns; do not give a copy to someone outside the province. Please destroy copies of last year’s personnel; do not simply recycle them.

You can also find a regularly updated copy on the portal home page . Please contact Ann Mueller if you have any questions.
From Fr. Tim Kenney

Dear Brothers,

Marianist feasts
September 5 - The Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of the Apostles.

Yesterday was a special date for the Marianists. A feast celebrated in memory of the first public profession of vows made by the seven initial members of the Society of Mary on Sept. 5, 1818. This event is considered to be the moment of the Society’s solemn foundation.
September 8 -
The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Father of mercy, give Your people help and strength from heaven. The birth of the Virgin Mary's Son was the dawn of our salvation. May the celebration of her birthday bring us closer to lasting peace. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen
September 12 - The Holy Name of Mary

This day is the patronal feast of all members of the Family of Mary. It is in the name of Mary that all members of the Society of Mary and the Marianist Family offer their ministry to the people of God. It is Mary, the woman of faith, who is our model for all we do as members of the Church community.

Let us pray: Lord, our God, when Your Son was dying on the cross, He gave us, as our mother, the one He had chosen to be His own mother - the Blessed Virgin Mary. Grant that we who call upon the Holy Name of Mary, our mother, may receive the strength and comfort in all our needs. May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be glorified in all places through the Immaculate Virgin Mary. Amen.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

What’s happening

On Monday, I will be leaving for Ireland with Bro. Thomas Giardino . Please keep this visit in your prayers as we continue the important conversations that will allow St. Laurence College to thrive into the future. Tom and I will arrive just in time to participate in the opening school Mass celebrated by Rev. Mike Reaume . The theme of their school year is “New Beginnings.” Let us pray that the students of St. Laurence embrace this message and have a year filled with both hope and joy. 

A message of hope and joy

(submitted by Rev. Ralph Siefert – president of Chaminade College Preparatory School – St. Louis )
Did you know…..
Chaminade students hail from 13 different countries! Our global community of hope and joy includes students from China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, Mexico, Canada, Antigua, Czech Republic, Sweden, German, Russia, the Philippines and, of course, the USA. The broad geography of nationalities provides the opportunity for our young men to learn more about being global citizens. It also gives them a chance to try games, foods and activities that might not be native to their homeland. There’s never a dull moment around Chaminade!
Paez '36 Celebrates 100th Birthday
Congratulations to Othon Paez '36, Chaminade's oldest living alumnus, who celebrated his 100th birthday earlier this year!
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

September 7: William Bolts

September 12: Nicholas Rufo
On the Calendar
September 8: The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
September 12: The Most Holy Name of Mary
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.