News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
Special Edition 
August 1, 2018

The new Marianist Provincial Council of the United States begins term.

Marianist Provincial Council of the United States 2018-2023. Front: Bro. Jesse O'Neill, assistant for education; Fr. Oscar Vasquez, provincial; and Bro. Bernard Ploeger, assistant provincial. Back: Fr. Charles (Kip) Stander, councilor; Bro. Joseph Markel, assistant for temporalities; Fr. Timothy Kenney, assistant for religious life; and Bro. Charles Johnson, councilor.
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez

Oscar Vasquez 2018
Dear Brothers,

It begins

Today's Special Edition of  Notes from the Provincial Council is intended to highlight the fact that today is August 1, the beginning of the mandate for the Provincial Council. On behalf of the Provincial Council, I thank you for the trust that you have given to us by calling us to join you in serving the province and the people of God. (Next week, we return to the regular publication schedule of Notes from the Provincial Council.)

We look forward to serving you in a spirit of humility and collaboration. I once again thank Fr. Marty Solma and Bro. Joe Kamis for their service to all of us. I've assured both of them of our prayers.

As I and the other members of the Council begin our service, we are eager to visit our different ministries and communities. This evening, I invite members of the Province to pray for our province, ministries and the new Provincial Council in your community Mass/prayer. In a spirit of solidarity and support, the St. Louis area communities will be gathering this evening at 5:15 p.m. for Mass and dinner. Please send us pictures of your local community/area gatherings on this date.

Because in early August many of us are still on summer programs, travels and home visits, Bro. Bernie Ploeger & I will release a short video on August 15, the Feast of the Assumption.

I will be at the CMSM (Conference of Major Superiors of Men) annual meeting here in St. Louis from July 31 to August 3. This will be my first meeting representing the Marianists. Please keep this important meeting in your prayers.

I ask for your prayers and please be assured of our prayer.

From Fr. Timothy Kenney

Dear Brothers,

Gratitude is the memory of the heart

Over the course of the last few weeks, I have been thinking about how thankful I am:


  • Thankful for the experience of our Province Assembly;
  • Thankful for ways in which I and other members of the new Provincial Council have received so much support and encouragement from you;
  • Thankful that my time & service at St. John Vianney High School of 11 years has come to an end with great memories in my heart;
  • Thankful for the opportunities this summer to be able to do missionary preaching at several parishes on behalf of our Marianist Family;
  • Thankful for the meetings that I have had with Fr. Bill Meyer and other members of the Office of Religious Life as we plan for the future;
  • Thankful for some quiet moments when I have been alone at our Salve House in St Louis to work in the garden and think about God's creation and the call to take care of our earth;
  • Thankful for the times when I have been able to encounter some poor people on our street corners this summer and hear the call Jesus gives us from last Sunday's Gospel: you give them something to eat;
  • Thankful for the opportunity to walk or ride by Planned Parenthood almost every day here in St Louis and think about our call to promote life in our ministries & communities from the womb to the tomb and to pray for so many women who encounter fear and darkness because of very sad situations;
  • Thankful that we will encounter each other in many different ways and circumstances in the days, months, and years ahead and we will be "Brothers of Hope and Joy" for each other
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill

Dear Brothers,

"Say yes"

It is with deep gratitude and excitement that I begin my service to the province in the Office of Education.
At our assembly, we shared together about what it means to be "brothers of hope and joy." I look forward to traveling the province and seeing first-hand how we are living out this dream in our various ministries.

I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Bro. Tom Giardino for his generosity, wisdom and support to me during this transition. Like Mary, may we all have the commitment to "say yes" as we move into the future with hope and joy.

From Bro. Joseph Markel

Dear Brothers,

Looking forward and grateful

I look forward to serving the province again as assistant for temporalities and am most grateful for the opportunity of working for Bro. Ron Overman these past three years. 
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays*

August 1Brandon Paluch
August 3 : Joseph Markel, José Ramirez
August 5: J. Donald Cahill
August 6: Frank O'Donnell
August 7: Norbert Burns, Jerome Matz, Justin Quiroz

*With this issue, we will begin a new section that will appear in each Notes from the Provincial Council. The hope of the council is to find ways to celebrate our brothers. This section will list the upcoming birthdays for the Marianists for each week.

This list will include US brothers, Mexico brothers, Ex pats, foreign brothers studying/ministering in the US, and novices and aspirants. The District of India has its own particular Newsletter and way of celebrating birthdays. We will continue to list the names of the Indian Brothers in our regular yearly birthday list. 
On the calendar
August 1: New Provincial Council begins term

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.