News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
May 11, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Mother Adèle to be Beatified

We happily join the Marianist Sisters and the entire Marianist Family in gratitude for the news we received this week about the impending beatification of Mother Adèle. Please read the " Promulgation of the Decree of Beatification" from Fr. Antonio Gascón, Postulator of the Cause, and Sr. Franca Zonta, Superior General of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate.

We have been asked to join the Marianist Sisters in a prayer of gratitude on May 12. This wonderful gift, during the period of our joint bicentennials, is another validation of the Marianist charism as a path to holiness.

Congratulations to all of the Marianist Sisters!

Jubilee in Hawai'i

On Saturday, May 6, about 200 friends and relatives joined the 2017 jubilarians in Hawai'i to mark these milestones of religious life with our Brothers. The festive Eucharist, highlighted by wonderful music and dancing and a superb homily by Fr. George Cerniglia, was followed by a reception and dinner in the Ching Conference Center. Congratulations to all of the jubilarians who, together, represented 335 years of Marianist life.

From left, Bro. Bernie Ploeger, Fr. John Thompson, Fr. Bob Bouffier, Bro. José Degorio, Bro. Tom Jalbert, Bro. Dennis Schmitz and Fr. Martin Solma.

Karibu Sana

Welcome back to Bro. Steve Grazulis who will be visiting the province and his family over the next weeks. Steve will be spending time with his father in Cleveland and will also spend time at some of the communities in Dayton. Steve's father will be 96 this year. Welcome back, Steve, and enjoy your time here.

Farewell to a Marianist Icon

On Wednesday evening, we celebrated the life of Bro. John Totten and the extraordinary contribution he has made to our understanding of the Marianist charism. In the recent Area Gathering video, "To Know, Love and Serve", Bro. John spoke about devotion to Mary leading us to the faith of a child. He lived what he taught. Now, we commend him to the everlasting love and joy of life with Christ and with the Mother whom he loved and served so well.

As we were preparing for the funeral of Bro. John Totten, news arrived of Bro. Ray Miklich's death. At the time of his death, Bro. Ray was watching a program on ESPN about baseball pitchers who had thrown "perfect games." What a way to go! Bro. Charlie Johnson was with him. Let us pray for Bro. Ray. Arrangements for his funeral are pending. 

As we continue these Easter days, let us pray for each other and especially for our Brothers who are ill.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

Reminder to all Directors

The deadline for your community's response regarding the preparatory work for developing the Lineamenta for the upcoming General Chapter is due to me by Monday, May 15, 2017. Please submit your community's three themes and the application of "See, Judge and Act" along with the one or two proposals you have developed. We need to gather these documents and summarize them for the Preparatory Committee of the General Chapter. Thanks to all those Directors who have already submitted your community's responses. 

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

San Antonio Jubilee

Jubilarians from the San Antonio area gathered on Saturday, May 6 in Guadalupe Chapel at St. Mary's University with family, friends and confrères for a joyous celebration of the Eucharist. A reception and dinner followed at which the guests were treated to wonderful video introducing the 2017 Jubilarians.

From left, Bro. Bill Chewning, Fr. Jim Mueller, Fr. Bill Meyer, Fr. George Montague and Fr. Bernard Lee. Not pictured, Fr. Paul Neumann.

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

St. Vincent-St. Mary's High School Update

As I have reported previously, the Province has been in a process of discernment regarding St.Vincent-St.Mary [STVM] becoming a sponsored Marianist ministry. I want to give you an update on this process as we are at an important stage. 

STVM has successfully completed all of the requirements of Phase 1 (Inquiry) and Phase 2 (Formation) of the "Sponsorship Exploration and Discernment Process for Secondary Schools."  Click here to read about the process. 

Phase 2 concluded during the week of April 24, when an executive team representing the STVM school community (president, principal, board chair and two board members) participated in a three-day formation experience in St. Louis. Click here for the chronological listing of all of the activities completed during Phase 2 along with the letter of recommendation from the Office of Sponsorship.

Based on what we have witnessed and learned from this Exploration and Discernment Process, both Dan Donnelly, Director of the Office of Sponsorship, and I are convinced that St. Vincent-St. Mary High School meets the criteria for Marianist Sponsorship. 

Dan sent a letter to this effect to the Sponsorship Commission as mentioned above. At their meeting on May 3, the Commission concurred with this assessment and recommended to the Provincial Council that STVM enters into the Sponsorship & Services Agreement with the Province, thus being recognized as a Marianist sponsored ministry. The Provincial Council will take this up during its May 19-21 meetings. Recall that we see this as a "pilot" initiative and we will continue to reflect on this experience before making any further such moves. 

If any member of the Province has comments on this decision, please send them to me

First row, Christine Marks (STVM board member); second row, Dan Donnelly (Director, Office of Sponsorship) and Tony Fitzgerald (Lay Marianist); last row, Joe Weber (STVM board chair), Jim Bowen (STVM board member), Bro. Tom Giardino (Assistant for Education), Rev. Martin Solma (Provincial), Robert Brownfield (STVM principal) and Tom Carone (STVM president). 

On the calendar
May 12: Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother and Mediatrix of Grace
May 13: 100th anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima
May 19-21: Provincial Council meeting

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