News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
Nov. 9, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

New Provincial

Congratulations and fraternal best wishes to Fr. Oscar Vasquez who has been named our new provincial. Let us keep Oscar in our prayers during the coming days. Thank you, Oscar, for your willingness to serve the province in this important role of leadership. God bless you abundantly! 

Please follow the directives of Fr. Manual Cortés concerning the consultation for Assistant Provincial. That consultation is due in Rome by December 1. 

Marianist Conference

The Marianist Community in Uniondale, New York. Joining us were our hosts, Bro. Tim Driscoll and Fr. Tom Cardone of the Province of Meribah, and Fr. Gérard Blais of the Region of Canada. After our usual sharing of the "state of the units", our discussion topics included: the upcoming General Chapter, the state of health care in each of our units, formation initiatives, wellness, the bicentennial, child protection and transition of leadership.

On Sunday morning, we attended a celebration of the deceased for the parents, students and alums of Kellenberg Memorial High School.

I also took the opportunity to visit with Fr. Paul Landolfi at the Marianist Community attached to Chaminade High School. Fr. Paul has recently made the decision that it is time to transition to an assisted living facility operated by the Little Sisters of the Poor. The Chaminade community continues to value and support Fr. Paul in this transition, and for this we are deeply grateful. 

Marianists at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago

Last weekend saw a "bump" in the number of Marianists at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Bro. Bernie Ploeger continues his sabbatical time in the Hesburgh Program; Indian Marianists Fr. Chinnaiah Polishety and Bro. Oscar Kerketta are engaged in the first term of the Institute of Religious Formation (IRF). 

Joining them were four other professed Marianists who were taking part in an extended program, entitled "Engaging our Diversity: Interculturality and Consecrated Life" through the Center for the Study of Consecrated Life (CSCL).  Good luck in your various programs and enjoy Chicago!

Bro. Bernie Ploeger, Sr. Nicole Trahan, Bro. Jean Dossous,  Sr. Laura Leming, Bros. Oscar Kerketta and Mark Motz, and  Fr. Chinnaiah Polishety 

Sutherland Springs, Texas

Yet again, we are confronted with a senseless mass shooting. Many innocent lives were lost. We pray for those who died and offer our condolences, especially to Paul Uhlig, professor of mathematics at St. Mary's University. Paul lost multiple relatives in the shooting. Paul is married to Jessica González Uhlig who is the Hispanic Market Manager for the Marianist Mission.

Faithful to the End

On Saturday, Bro. Tom Payne will be buried at Gate of Heaven Cemetery near the Marianist Community in Cupertino, California. Because of a worsening health condition and complications, Tom decided to forego further treatment for his bone marrow disorder with the inevitable result that he would not live beyond a month. Tom spoke about peacefully "going home" to the Lord whom he faithfully served for over 53 years. 

Bro. Jim Fitzgibbons , who has suffered for a very long time with pain related to shingles and with kidney failure, died in San Antonio on Monday. Jim has been a witness to patient suffering and faith during all of these years. He will be buried today.  Let us pray for this tireless missionary and advocate for the poor.

Fr. Gabriel Kirangah, Regional Superior for Eastern Africa, sends "our sincere condolences on the passing of Bros. Jim Fitzgibbons and Tom Payne. They were both known to us since they shared life and ministry here in Eastern Africa. May we meet them in the New Jerusalem."

We bid fraternal farewell this week to both of these faithful Marianists of our province as we continue to pray for all our Brothers in the health care centers.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

Position Available

The position "Assistant Director of Marianist Strategies-Student Programs," in the Office for Mission and Rector at the University of Dayton, is now posted for hiring on the University website. Click here for information. If any members of the Society of Mary are interested in this position, please contact me before applying. 

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

U.S. Bishops Renew Call for Gun Reform and Non-Violence

We continue to mourn, pray and advocate for the 26 lives lost on Sunday while peacefully worshiping in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Please click on the following resources for more information.
Laudato Si' Curriculum from the Carmelites

Laudato Si' and Pope Francis continue to inspire high school students to be guided by God's call to live with integrity of creation. Developed by the Carmelite NGO, this comprehensive curriculum is available to all to download or in hard copies. There are also Laudato Si' study guides for college classes and adult groups. Click here to access the curriculum. 
As we mark Veterans Day this year, we remember all of those who have served our country and those who have given their lives in conflict areas. Special recognition to the members of the province who are veterans.
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