News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
June 22, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Lay Assembly, travel, retreats and an anniversary

In less than a month, members of the Marianist Family will gather at the University of Dayton for the Marianist Lay Assembly, happily titled "Yes, God!"

I know that many Province members plan to attend. Let's keep this special gathering in our prayers during the coming weeks.

Bro. Tom Giardino and I will be in Dublin next week for meetings at the community and at St. Laurence College. While I'm gone, Bro. Joe Kamis will be the point person for Province business.

Let's keep in prayer our brothers who are making their annual retreats. I've also been reminded that July 1 marks the 15th anniversary of the founding of the Province. Let's pray in gratitude for the blessings of these years.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

Lineamenta for General Chapter 2018

The Provincial Council thanks the communities that submitted proposals for consideration by the preparatory commission of the General Chapter.

Here is the Province's submission to the preparatory commission.

Personnel move

Bro. Jim Moran, formerly of the Alumni Hall Community in Dayton, has been assigned to the Marianist Residence in San Antonio as of June 17. We wish Jim well in his new community.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Reminder: SLIconnect resources

Be sure to check out SLIconnect Resources for Healthy Life & Ministry for their summer webinar offerings.

Use the code "SUMMER10" to get a $10 discount

And now for a smile ...

Prayer concerning the new, more "accurate" translation of certain prayers  
By Maryann Corbett

Lord of the inverted verb,
You Who alone vouchsafe and deign,
Whom simpler diction might perturb,
To Whom we may not make things plain,
Forgive us now this Job-like rant:
These prayers translated plumb-and-squarely
Pinch and constrict us (though we grant
They broaden our vocabulary).
Hear us still if we mutter dully
With uninflected tongues and knees,
Shunning (see Matthew 6) the poly-
Syllables of the Pharisees.
This we entreat, implore, beseech
Whose miseries are too deep for speech.

Thanks to Bro. Tim Driscoll of the Province of Meribah for sharing this gem.
From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

The valuable work of AMU

Together with the presidents and rectors of our three universities, I am a member of the board of trustees of the Association of Marianist Universities (AMU). We meet three times each year.

Our universities touch the lives of more than 16,000 students annually. AMU helps us share best practices and creates a common vision for maintaining the Marianist spirit at these institutions. Here's an update of recent activities:

AMU Connections fosters community and collaboration. For example:
  • The three service learning directors met recently and are working on a common document on civic engagement.
  • Faculty from the two law schools met to explore common activities regarding the characteristics of a Catholic and Marianist legal education.
  • The AMU Newsletter published each semester connects faculty, staff and administration.
AMU Forum provides a collection of written, audio and video resources for use by individuals and groups to deepen understanding and practice of Marianist higher education. Take a look.

Upcoming gatherings involving AMU Connections for 2017-2018:
  • AMU Campus Dialogues: "Inclusive Excellence" workshop this September regarding diversity/inclusive dialogue training models and opportunities.
  • Next spring, our universities' libraries will be sharing significant academic resources.
  • There will be an environmental sustainability collaboration centered on Marianist approaches to environment, diversity and place.
We thank Dr. Steve Neiheisel for his continuing stellar work as executive director.

Please visit the AMU website to learn more.

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

Laudato Si' P ledge

To mark the second anniversary of Laudato Si', the Global Catholic Climate Movement has launched an initiative, the Laudato Si' Pledge. Its purpose is to keep Pope Francis' message alive and inspire Catholic action on climate change. See the pledge

Linking justice and peace in the lectionary

Members of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men and other people of wisdom in our community graciously share homily resources:

June 25 by Rhett Engelking, OFS
July 2 by Don Timmerman, Catholic Worker
July 9 by Dianne Bergant, CSA

If you are not a homilist, please consider sharing these resources with your local priest.
On the calendar
July 1: 15th anniversary of establishment of the Province

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