News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
May 31, 2018
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Kwaheri na Asante Sana

As many in the province know, former Marianist Peter Daino has been working in our Advancement Office for about a year. His area of concentration has been the ministry needs in Africa and India. Peter is an amazing mission preacher and has been most beneficial to our fundraising efforts during the last year. Last week, he and Allison Hewitt, Director of Mission Advancement for the province, secured a major multi-year grant to allow the Marianists in the Region of Eastern Africa to build a new Marianist High School in Lilongwe, Malawi. This is a major accomplishment for Peter and Allison that will allow the African Brothers to offer a quality, Marianist education in a country considered the poorest in Africa. 

Peter will spend six weeks in Malawi and will re-visit a secondary school for 800 girls that he built for the Diocese of Karonga where Chaminade Secondary School and M.I.R.A.C.L.E. are located. He is also helping the Region of Eastern Africa raise funds for a new community residence in Karonga and will be working with the Marianist community there to move this project forward. Upon his return, he will transition to employment as the pastoral coordinator for All Saints parish in the Diocese of Syracuse.

As he departs, we wish Peter the grace and guidance of the Holy Spirit. We say "kwaheri" (farewell) and "asante sana" (thank you).

On the Mend

Thanks to so many Brothers of the province who have inquired about my recent accident and have offered prayers for my healing. I saw the surgeon on Tuesday and the 45 staples were removed from the incision! I began physiotherapy on Wednesday and will continue with that twice weekly for the next 4-5 weeks. This entire experience has made me much more conscious of the privilege of walking...and compassionate for those who are permanently disabled. So, thanks for the support. I appreciate it very much. 

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Marianist Charism course

Fr. Dave Fleming will once again be offering a week-long summer course on the Marianist Charism. Topics will include: Starting Point; Missionary Challenge: Southern France under Napoleon; A Developing View of Mary in Chaminade and Adele; Marianist insights into Mary after the Founders and beyond France; and, The Relevance of this Charism in the 21st Century

NACMS will sponsor this course via Zoom Video Conferencing July 16-20 from 2:30-4:30 p.m. (ET). 

This course is intended for those already familiar with the lives of the Founders and the characteristics of the Marianist Charism. 

For registration or additional information contact Patti Gehred, NACMS Program Coordinator.  
From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers,

Marianist Trust at St. Mary's University

Current and former Marianists on the faculty and staff at St. Mary's University have elected Bro. Tim Pieprzyca and Fr. Rudy Vela to serve on the Marianist Trust board for a term of three years. Marianists continuing on the Trust board are: Bros. Dennis Bautista, Michael Sullivan, Richard Dix, Fr. Tim Eden and President Tom Mengler (ex officio). 

The Marianist Trust funds scholarships, campus ministry activities and other related Marianist ministries at the University. 

The Provincial Council thanks Fr. John Leies and Bro. Fred Halwe for their many years of service as members of the Marianist Trust board. 
On the calendar
May 31: The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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