News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
April 13, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Let in joy!

On behalf of the Provincial Council, I wish all of the members of the Province of the United States a blessed and joy-filled Easter.

As we mark this paschal feast, liturgically and within our brotherhood, let us remember especially our brothers who are ill, the novitiate community, and all of our brothers who are preparing to renew their temporary vows.
In 1866, the year of his conversion, Gerard Manley Hopkins, wrote a poem titled "Easter Communion." This stanza is especially beautiful and reflects the transforming power of the Risen Lord:
Beauty now for ashes wear,
Perfumes for the garb of woe,
Chaplets for disheveled hair,
Dances for sad footsteps slow;
Open wide your hearts that they
Let in joy this Easter Day.
May we all "let in joy" this Easter.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Standing before Easter's empty tomb

"... there was a great earthquake; for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, approached, rolled back the stone, and sat upon it." Matthew 28:1-10
We've all beheld the dawn. A sudden ray of light breaks through the darkness of our personal struggles, our fear, our grief. And we're able to put the night behind us and face the new day.
We've all experienced that earthquake when a new understanding, a new revelation, rocked our world, and released us from the "tomb" we didn't realize we had dug for ourselves.
We all have confronted that stone: the regret and grief, fear and anxiety that block where we need to go or what we need to do. But, that God-given gift of our compassion somehow dislodges that mass of rock and we find our way around it.
At those dawns, in the broken earth of those quakes, in the stones that we manage to roll away, we find ourselves standing before Easter's empty tomb.
It's a little unsettling at first, but Easter is not about safety. It's about freedom. Because of the Risen Christ in the faithfulness of a friend, we made it through the night. Because of the Risen Christ in a wise teacher or mentor who reached out to us, our world broke open and set us on a new path. Because of the Risen Christ in the generosity of a fellow brother or community, we managed to roll away the stone.
Easter is not about the past in Jerusalem, but the hope that awaits in Galilee.
My dear brothers, the darkness before dawn, the trembling of the ground under us, the insurmountable stone we find a way to move, all bring us to the Easter mystery. And we discover that Easter is filled with the promise of new things that can be realized only through love, compassion, forgiveness, reconciliation, justice and peace.
The empty tomb is the sign of perfect hope: that in Christ all things are possible; that we can live our lives with meaning and purpose; that we can become the people God created us to be.
May we not fear or shrink from Easter's first morning light and fallen-away stones. May we instead embrace the light and hope it promises in the Risen One who is forever in our midst.
Happy Easter, brothers!

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

Lenten commitment to creation

In these final days of Lent, the JPIC Advisory Committee and MEEC remind Province members about CMSM's  Cherish All of Creation  resolution, which the Province signed in 2015. Here are the three resolution principles with recommended actions:

We resolve significantly to increase our reliance on green energy in our ministries and buildings, as we also significantly decrease and ultimately "replace without delay" our reliance on fossil fuels in each; and to support these same commitments in any investment decisions.

Recommended action:   Investigate options for renewable energy sources through Pear Energy.  
2. We resolve consistently to advocate for significant policy changes at the local, national, and international spheres that will transform the structures that damage creation.

Recommended action:   Contact your congressional representatives and voice your support for p olicies that promote green energy production, decrease fossil fuels and nuclear energy, and that support the EPA and Green Climate Fund.
3. We, the members of the Society of Mary, with all members of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, pledge to: Pray, Learn, Assess, Act, and Advocate.

Recommended action:
  Visit Catholic Climate Covenant for prayers, homily helps and other resources.

CMSM response to U.S. bombing in Syria

The Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) responded to the recent U.S. launch of 59 cruise missiles in retaliation for an alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria. Read the statement

Advocacy opportunity 

The USCCB encourages Catholics to support the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act by writing to their representatives. Learn more

On the calendar
April 20 -22: Provincial Council

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