News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
April 27, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Marianist Lay Assembly

I encourage you to attend the Marianist Lay Community of North America Continental Assembly July 13-16 at the University of Dayton if you are able.

The assembly theme is, "Yes, God!" Committing to the Marianist Movement. A number of Province members will be presenting at the event.

We have announced this important gathering several times in FamilyOnline. Assembly organizers, including co-chairs Al Prendergast and Kathleen Gushoney, are planning for a robust turnout, and our Lay colleagues will greatly appreciate the presence of Province members.

Please learn more and register now so that organizers can plan effectively.

And please commit this intention to your prayers and those of your community.

Happenings in India

The District of India will be holding its own assembly June 9-11 in Bangalore. Bro. Dennis Schmitz and I will be present to thank the outgoing District Council and to install the newly appointed Council.

Just before the start of the assembly, the District Chapter will meet to review its strategic plan, "To Know, Love and Serve," which will then be shared with the members of the District.  

Fr. George Cerniglia and Bro. Ed Brink, who will also attend the District Assembly, have been asked to direct the two retreats in India this year: May 20-27 in Ranchi, and June 1-7 in Bangalore.

Bro. Tom Oldenski will return to the Province in early May for some weeks. He will confer with the leaders of UD's College of Arts and Sciences about the UD program in Deepahalli, and will present his annual report.

There is a good possibility that a significant number of Brothers of St. Gabriel (FSG) from Thailand will join the 12 Marianist Brothers for the first year UD program in July, provided they are successful in securing their student visas. Many thanks to Tom for the good work he is doing.

Finally, please remember the five second-year novices who will profess their first vows on Sunday at the Marianist Novitiate, Nirmal Deep.

Jubilees and Easter joy

On Saturday, we will celebrate Province jubilarians in St. Louis. The jubilee celebrations in San Antonio and Honolulu will be May 6. Congratulations to all of our brothers who are marking milestones of their Marianist lives.

As we mark these 50 days of Easter joy, let us pray for one another and ask the Risen Lord to fill our lives with peace and joy.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

Community closing

Superior General Fr. Manuel Cortés has approved the Provincial Council's request to close the Marianist Community on McCormick Street in Baltimore.

The brothers living at the residence will remain there, but will join the Eldersburg Community to form one community living in two residences, as we have done elsewhere.

Community director appointments

There are a number of new community directors, as well as some who have been appointed for a second term. We are deeply grateful for the service of these brothers. See the appointments.

Personnel moves

Bro. James Christiana has moved from the St. John Vianney Center in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, to the Vianney Renewal Center in Dittmer, Missouri.

The following also will be changing communities:
  • Bro. Tom Spring, from the Pohaku Marianist Community to the Maui Marianist Community this summer.
  • Fr. Patrick McDaid, from the Hale Malia Community to the Marianist Hall Community in Honolulu this summer.
  • Fr. David McGuigan, from the Eldersburg Marianist Community to the Cape May Point Community in September.
  • Bro. Roy McLoughlin, from the Vianney Community to the Governor's Island Community effective April 22.
  • Fr. Michael Reaume, from the Dublin Marianist Community to the Eldersburg Marianist Community for an extended period of time to assist at St. Joseph Catholic Community.
From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Monday is Religious Brothers Day!

May 1, the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, marks the first celebration of Religious Brothers Day.

It is a day to celebrate our successes and renew our commitment to our ministries. Learn about ways to mark this special day!   

Oblate School of Theology summer programs

In addition to the Henri Nouwen Institute on June 19-21, OST has announced two short, intensive courses:
Rolheiser lectures now available

The Oblate School of Theology's website now offers free access to some of Fr. Ron Rolheiser's public lectures. Currently featured: Celebrating Mercy - From Paranoia to Metanoia.

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

What am I doing when I do what I do?

Thanks to Bro. Jim Brown for his submission to this ongoing series of reflections.

"When I look back these past 28 years of the ministry of planned giving here at the Marianist Mission, what do I consider to be most important?

Allow me to quote verses that I absolutely love from Saint Paul's Epistle to the Colossians. Col. 3:15b: "Dedicate yourselves to thankfulness." And from Col. 4:2: "Pray perseveringly, be attentive to prayer, and pray in a spirit of thanksgiving."

So, what I consider to be most important at the Marianist Mission is the "dedication" and "perseverance" to thankful prayer for our friends and benefactors.

Read more.

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

Urgent: oppose Arkansas execution

Arkansas has been on an execution spree as it seeks to use its lethal injection drug before it expires. Your voice for life is needed now. Governor Asa Hutchinson can still commute Kenneth Williams' execution set for tonight.

Please call Governor Hutchinson's office at 501.682.2345 or tweet him at @AsaHutchinson to make your voice heard. You may also contact Attorney General Leslie Rutledge at 501.682.2007 or tweet her at @AGRutledge.

Saturday: march for the climate

"I want the Church to go out to the streets!" says Pope Francis.

Join the Global Catholic Climate Movement and other faith-based environmental groups at the People's Climate March on April 29 in Washington, D.C., or in city near you. Learn more.

Urban plunge in Chicago

The Conference of Major Superiors of Men is inviting interested brothers to take part in an urban immersion trip to Chicago June 4-7. The experience is titled, "Urban Immersion: Encountering the Dimensions of Nonviolent Transformation."

Space is limited to 15 people. Learn more.

Immigration advocacy opportunity

Join more than 4,000 Catholics in signing a letter asking the Department of Homeland Security to extend the Temporarily Protected Status for 50,000 Haitian refugees.

On the calendar
April 29: St. Louis jubilee
May 6: Honolulu, San Antonio jubilees

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.