News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
Feb. 23, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

New Indian assistant district superior named

We are pleased to announce that Bro. Darwin Joseph will be the new assistant district superior for India.

Bro. Darwin Joseph
Bro. Darwin's selection followed a consultation process in which a number of strong candidates emerged.

Bro. Darwin will serve a three-year term with Fr. Sudhir Kujur as district superior, beginning in mid-June. We congratulate these brothers and thank them for their willingness to serve.

Read my letter to the members of the District.

Nominations for area coordinators

Earlier this month, I sent an email to community directors inviting members of the Province to nominate up to three fellow SMs for the role of area coordinator.

You may nominate yourself or other brothers in your area for the role. New area coordinators begin serving a two-year, renewable term on April 1. Read a description of the area coordinator role.

To nominate someone for area coordinator in your area, please send an email with your nominations to Pat Stephens no later than March 1. You may also mail your nomination to Pat at the Province Office in St. Louis.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

Updates for Chapter on portal

Please continue to check the Marianist Portal for updates and reports related to next week's Provincial Chapter.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Congratulations, new deacons!

Three members of the Province of the United States were among five seminarians who were ordained as deacons last weekend in Rome.

We congratulate Bros. Armando Añeses (from Puerto Rico and formerly a teacher at Colegio San José), and Sebestian Bara and Raj Mohan of the District of India.

Bros. Francisco González (left) and Reinaldo Berríos were also on hand to celebrate with Deacon Armando.

Ordaining Archbishop Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrar with new deacons Raj, Sebestian and Armando.

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

PULSE mid-year retreat

Last week, the six Marianist PULSE volunteers joined their coordinator, Maureen O'Rourke, and chaplain, Fr. Ted Cassidy, on a road trip from Dayton to Cape May Point, New Jersey.

The group spent community-building time on Friday, followed by a weekend retreat Maureen and I facilitated. The "PULSERs" then journeyed to Philadelphia for sightseeing and fellowship with the brothers before heading back to Dayton on Monday. 
Members of the PULSE and Philadephia communities commingled in Philly last week.

CMSM encourages you to act
The Conference of Major Superiors of Men requests that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials not violate their own policies by targeting immigrants near sensitive locations such as churches.

CMSM encourages all people of faith to contact ICE, Congress and the White House and tell them to stop the raids and respect places of worship and ministry. Read more.

Online Lenten resources

Lent begins next week! You may wish to check out these resources for fresh inspiration on observing this holy time.

Education for Justice: You may access these resources by logging in with the username: jvogt and password: justice.

Profiles in Marianist leadership
Notes from the Provincial Council is featuring Marianists who hold leadership roles in the Province. We encourage you to learn more about these men, be grateful for all they do for us, and hold them in your prayers.

Fr. Kenneth Templin
First profession: 1959
Leadership role: Director of Lalanne House Community, California

Fr. John Thompson
First profession: 1992
Leadership role: Member of Provincial Council; Coordinator, Sector of Mexico
On the calendar
March 2-6: Provincial Chapter

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.