News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
Oct. 5, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Communicating in a crisis

Over the past several months, we've been working on plans for managing communications in a crisis situation. We've been fortunate to not have needed such a defined plan in recent years. Still, it's best to be prepared.

We recently completed a plan that has been reviewed by the Provincial Council and our legal counsel. Most of the plan pertains to provincial administration, but there are key elements of it that apply to province members and employees.

In the event of a crisis, these directives will help protect the province and enable us to resolve the situation -- whatever it might be -- as quickly as possible.

Five things you must know:

1. In the event of a crisis, inform the provincial immediately. In his absence, inform the assistant provincial.

2. No Marianist or province employee is to communicate with a media representative without express permission of the provincial or the designated Marianist spokesperson.

3. Do not post on social media or respond to posts regarding the situation.

4. Media inquiries should be referred politely to the provincial or designated spokesperson without comment. Do not be hostile or defensive.

5. If there is any suspicion of misconduct with a minor, immediately contact the following as well as local law enforcement officials:

Fr. Martin Solma - 314.753.3220 (cell)
If Fr. Marty is not available, Bro. Joe Kamis - 314.753.3219 (cell)
If Bro. Joe is not available, Allison Hewitt - 618.610.7953 (cell)

We will discuss the plan at the community directors meeting this weekend. Each community will be provided a laminated card with the five directives.

Thanks to Carol Dexter and Allison Hewitt for their work on developing the plan.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

In the footsteps of the founder

This past week, Fr. Chris Wittmann and I have had the privilege of accompanying novices Joseph Kim, Joseph Nugent and temporary professed Bro. Mark Motz on a bicentennial pilgrimage to Bordeaux and Saragossa.
The U.S. Province group at Blessed Chaminade's tomb.
We were joined by Bro. Tim Driscoll, Fr. Garret Long and the novices and aspirant of the Meribah Province, and Bro. Michael McAward of the General Administration.
It was greatly moving to spend time in prayer before the statue of Our Lady of the Pillar, in the place where Blessed Father Chaminade spent almost three years, and in which our Marianist Family was conceived. Read more.

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

What are the main lines of Marianist education today?

In his role as general assistant for education, Bro. Max Magnan offers us an insightful and fruitful response to this significant question for our mission and ministries today.

The document, The Main Axes of Marianist Education Today, is based in part on the summer meeting of assistants for education from around the Society of Mary as well as his own study and experience.

I have read this document and, like my experience at the summer gathering, I was encouraged and enlightened. Bro. Max indicates how the Office of Education is involved with the other two offices and the role of the awakening of faith and education in faith in our mission.

I urge you to read it and to share it with others in the ministries with which you are associated. It is worth the effort.

Bicentennial update - Bro. Charles Johnson

Dear Brothers,

Members of the Marianist Family across the Province of the United States helped us mark our 200 years in a variety of ways on Monday. Thank you to all who were involved in such wonderful celebrations.

Please be sure to check out the photos that will accompany the October issue of FamilyOnline.

In San Antonio, we honored those who have gone before us by praying the necrology for 24 hours, beginning on Sept. 29 at 12:01 a.m. We remembered each of the 4,489 brothers on whose shoulders we stand.

The readers included:
  • 22 SMs from the Marianist Residence and other local communities
  • Six students and staff members from Central Catholic, including President Paul Garro
  • 35 members of the Marianist Leadership Program at St. Mary's
  • 16 members of the St. Mary's choir  
  • Five members of the Holy Rosary Parish staff and their parish council president
  • St. Mary's University President Tom Mengler, and Wayne Romo, the director of campus ministry.
It was a beautiful, reverent experience for everyone involved. We are especially grateful to Bro. Mike O'Grady, whose assistance was invaluable.

Recently deceased Bro. Louis Ernst was among the names we read. Lou had signed up to be a reader. Makena Hamilton, activities director at the Residence Community, asked to read in his place. It was a special time.

Our prayer experience began and ended with a brief service coordinated by the St. Mary's choir. We ended by remembering our martyrs and, finally, Blessed William Joseph Chaminade.

Early on Friday morning, aspirant Jordan Stewart takes part in praying the necrology.

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

Jodi Mott
New PULSE assistant

Jodi Mott has begun service as an administrative assistant for Marianist PULSE in Dayton. Jodi has worked in parish ministry and served with Marianist LIFE.

Catholic institutions divest from fossil fuels 
In honor of the Feast of St. Francis, 40 Catholic institutions and the Italian city of Assisi made a record commitment to divest from fossil fuels.  
The University of Dayton was the first Catholic university to do so; others have since followed. Learn more.

The Fund for Colegio San José
Our school in San Juan will be in need of assistance for some time. Please support a special fund that will provide aid to Colegio San José and its students. Please share this link with others.
Prayer for victims of gun violence
The unspeakable violence in Las Vegas shakes us to our core. Again. The Center of Concern's Education for Justice project offers this prayer.
On the calendar
Oct. 5-8: Community directors and area coordinators meeting
Oct. 7: Our Lady of the Rosary 
Oct. 12: Our Lady of the Pillar 
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.