News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
May 18, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

  Request for prayers

Last week, I received a request from Rachel Baumgartner-Lozano, the young woman whose healing from cancer was the basis of our attempt to move the cause of Fr. Chaminade closer to canonization. As you know, that initial attempt was not successful.  

Rachel will undergo a serious surgery on June 8 to address several issues created by previous surgeries and an ongoing and stubborn infection. I promised her that I would ask Province members to pray for her, again through the intercession of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade.

Please remember Rachel and everyone on our Province prayer list, especially our brothers in healthcare facilities.

Synod on Youth, Faith and Vocational Discernment

As the Vatican has announced, the Synod of Bishops in October 2018 will be dedicated to the theme of "Youth, Faith and Vocational Discernment."  

As in previous synods, Pope Francis is asking for a wide-ranging consultation that involves all segments of the Catholic community. As Marianist educators, this theme is especially important for us and our educational ministries. Read the Holy Father's letter to youth

On behalf of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, I have asked Brian Reavey to spearhead this consultation in the Province and among our educational ministries. Brian will include updates about the synod in Notes. Please see the special section below.

Ohio Bicentennial Area Gathering

Because of Saturday's funeral for Bro. Ray Miklich, we have had to modify the plans for the Bicentennial Area Gathering in Ohio. Bro. Dan Klco will communicate with the communities in Dayton and Cincinnati to create a new schedule to accommodate both events. Thanks for your understanding and flexibility.

Gratitude for gifts of service

On May 22, St. Mary's University will say thank you and farewell to Becky Day.  

Becky has served as vice president for finance and administration for many years and has been wonderfully supportive of the Catholic and Marianist spirit at the university. On behalf of the Province, I want to say a very big "thank you" to Becky and to wish her well in the years ahead.

We pray this week for Fr. Paul Neumann. Our brothers in Mexico describe him as one of the best confessors they ever encountered. May Fr. Paul now enjoy life for all eternity with the Lord, whose mercy and compassion he shared so well.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

General Chapter 2018

Superior General Fr. Manuel Cortés has announced key information for the 2018 General Chapter:
From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Lighter "Book of the Chair" confirmed

The Congregation of Divine Worship recently confirmed that, as with the previous edition of the Roman Missal, there will be available a "lighter" edition containing the prayers typically offered from the presider's chair.  

This is a blessing because many have found the present edition of the Roman Missal heavy and awkward to hold. See a summary of the new version's contents.  

The Congregation of Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments has also confirmed the liturgical text of Exorcisms and Related Supplications for the dioceses of the United States. The ritual edition, to be implemented later this year, will be produced by the USCCB and sold only to bishops and their designated exorcists.

LIFE students, mentors to provide input for Synod on Youth

In preparation for the 2018 Synod on Youth, which Fr. Marty described earlier, the assistants general for religious life of the SM and FMI, Fr. André Fétis and Sr. Susanna Kim respectively, have requested that we survey young people.

I have asked Toni Mesina, National Director of LIFE, to facilitate this survey through the LIFE students and their mentors. Thank you, Toni, for saying yes!

SLIconnect announces upcoming webinars

St. Luke's Institute has announced its new series of skill-building seminars for ministry. Take a look.

Hymn books available

We have on hand a number of copies of Bro. Howard Hughes' "Morning and Evening Hymns," which includes 20 compositions. Please contact Pat Stephens if you'd like copies.

Vatican Synod on Youth - Brian Reavey

Responding to P ope Francis' call for input

As Fr. Marty described above, the Vatican has asked for assistance in preparing for the 2018 Synod of Bishops.

We've been asked to collect information on youth and young adults ages 16-29. And so, we seek input from those who minister with these age groups -- such as teachers, campus ministers, vocation directors and parish youth ministers.

You do not need to fill out the entire questionnaire; just answer the questions that apply to you and your ministry.

Please complete this questionnaire by June 7.

You may wish to read the Vatican's preparatory document for more context.

Thank you for your participation.

On the calendar
May 19-21: Provincial Council

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.