News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
Jan. 26, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Chapter convocation - March 2017

I am happy to announce the convocation of the twenty-sixth session of the Provincial Chapter of the Province of the United States.

This session of the Chapter will be March 2 - 6, at the Marianist Retreat and Conference Center in Eureka, Missouri.  
Propositions for the twenty-sixth session of the Provincial Chapter are due to the Office of the Assistant Provincial by Feb. 10. Read my letter convoking the chapter and describing how to submit a proposition.

Let us pray for each other and ask that Christ continues to be the light of our lives as Marianists.

Congrats, Bro. Joo!

Congratulations to Bro. Joo Choi, who professed his first vows in Seoul, South Korea, on Chaminade Day. Fr. Chris Wittmann was able to be present for this happy occasion for Joo and the brothers in South Korea.

Bro. Joo (center) and friends following his vow profession ceremony.

From Fr. William Meyer

Dear Brothers,

RFC spring workshops

The Religious Formation Conference (RFC) has announced its spring workshop series: "Continuing the Conversations." You may wish to consider attending a workshop as a way to build your own skills for successful "border-crossings."

San Antonio, March 18
"Crossing the Border from Individual to One: Skills for Communal Discernment"
Presenter: Patricia Kozak, CSJ

St. Louis, May 6
"Religious Communal Living as an Intercultural Journey"
Presenter: Pio Estepa, SVD

Philadelphia, May 13
"Crossing the Boarders of Diversity: Interpersonal Skills and Challenges
Presenter: Luisa M. Saffiotti, Ph.D

Learn more.

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

Ministry appointment

At our most recent meeting, the Provincial Council appointed Fr. Sean Downing to serve as chaplain at Central Catholic High School in San Antonio beginning this summer.

Sean is presently in a pastoral year in San Antonio following his recent ordination. We are grateful to Sean for his generous and enthusiastic response to this call from the Province.

"What am I doing when I do what I do?"

Thanks to Bro. Brian Zampier for sharing his reflections.

... At the National Archives Marianist Province of the United States

What I do day to day: Try to organize material, recycle duplicates, eliminate the non-essentials, preserve and present the historical, unusual, creative and inspiring.

What I believe I am really doing: I hope I am making it easier for someone in the future to learn more about the influence of the Society of Mary in the United States ... getting the word out about who we are and what we have done ... possibly inspiring future vocations to the entire Marianist Family and encouraging the sharing of the creative gifts of everyone.

... As an artist who is also a Marianist

What I try do day to day: Go for a meditative, explorative, wandering walk or bike ride (check out ... make marks in books ... take photographs ... record my dreams ... document my days ... place an origami peace crane out in the world ... post a creative find from the past or present on social media ... give an occasional sketchbook journal workshop.

What I believe I am really doing: Encouraging people not to be afraid to create, express themselves, and to be open to the workings of the Holy Spirit in their lives -- as was Mary. Some people express their appreciation to me for what I am really doing, and for that I am grateful.

Profiles in Marianist leadership
Notes from the Provincial Council is featuring Marianists who hold leadership roles in the Province. We encourage you to learn more about these men, be grateful for all they do for us, and hold them in your prayers.

Bro. David Quigley
First profession: 1962
Leadership role: Director of Maui Marianist Community

Bro. Tom Redmond
First profession: 1972
Leadership role: Director of Cupertino Marianist Community, California Area Coordinator
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