News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
Dec. 14, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Closing the bicentennial celebration

The bicentennial celebration will come to a grand close on Jan. 21-2 2 at Blessed Chaminade Parish in Singhpur, India. (See the invitation.) This venue was chosen because it represents a place of new Marianist life among the various branches of the Marianist Family.

I will be attending the installation of Dr. Lynn Babington as the 10th president of Chaminade University on Jan. 20. And so, Bro. Tom Giardino will be in India representing the province and the Provincial Council. Tom will stay an additional two days to direct a workshop for community and ministry leaders there. 

The celebration will be preceded by a special symposium on Marianist life and mission in Asia, thanks to the initiative and organization of Fr. David Fleming. Marianist Family members from all of the Asian units will be attending.

I had planned to be in India just after Christmas and to carry the Bicentennial Icon from Spain to the District of India. Given recent events, I'm staying in St. Louis during this time and Bro. Mike McAward has arranged to carry the icon from Rome to Delhi, where the Indian Marianists will receive it.


The newly appointed provincial leadership has begun the consultation for appointments to the new Provincial Council. I know the final weeks of December are busy, but I urge you to respond to this important consultation in a timely and thoughtful manner.

AN IMPORTANT CHANGE: I've been asked to note that Fr. Armando AƱeses appears in the "Brothers" section of the list of eligible SMs. Of course, Armando should be listed among the priests.

Provincial Council

The Provincial Council meets in St. Louis next Tuesday and Wednesday. Please keep our work in your prayers.
New website!

We're pleased to roll out a new While much of the content remains the same, the new site has a fresh look and is "responsive" for easier viewing on smart phones and tablets. We're aware there are some broken links and other issues with the new site; they're being repaired as quickly as possible.

Portal down temporarily

In this transition, we are also making technical improvements to the Marianist Portal. As a result, the portal will be temporarily unavailable. We expect to have it up in the next several days. Your existing password will remain valid.

In the meantime, if you need a resource normally available on the portal, please contact Ann Mueller.
To read

World Council of the Marianist Family: Christmas message
Via Latina 22: Latest issue
On the calendar
Dec. 19-20: Provincial Council

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.