News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
Sept. 21, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Child protection update

Each year, I write to the dioceses and archdioceses where we live and work, informing the ordinaries of our efforts to maintain and promote healthy and safe environments in all of our sponsored institutional ministries. I am also required to provide a report to the members of the province concerning any allegations of inappropriate behavior as well as any legal costs incurred during the previous year.

We continue our commitment to the protection of children and to the standards adopted by the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM), accredited through the Praesidium Religious Services. Our five-year accreditation extends until July 2020, and there are now yearly reviews by Praesidium to ensure all standards are being met. I thank Bro. Joe Kamis and the province community directors for their assistance in this accreditation process.

The new standards adopted last year by CMSM address emerging areas of concern: appropriate use of social media by members, pornography, transparency in reporting, accountability by members living outside of the normal community structures for such accountability, and the rights of accused members under civil and canon law. Following the recommendation of the National Advisory Council, CMSM hired Fr. Jerry McGlone, SJ, long associated with Guest House, as the new associate director for protection of minors.

During the past year, the province addressed one case of a boundary violation by a member. No other misconduct was reported. We were able to settle four cases of historical abuse with pay-outs of just over $800,000 for counseling and settlements. Additional legal fees cost the province approximately $100,000.

There are three remaining legal cases; we hope these can be resolved before the end of this administration. Barring any change in the statute of limitations in various states, I sincerely hope that the next administration will be less preoccupied with these historical cases. At the end of July, Bro. Bernard Hartman concluded his prison term in Australia and has returned to the province.

I want to thank the members of the province for careful compliance to our child protection policies, for fidelity to the annual training sessions, and for the efforts to guarantee safe and healthy environments for those we serve. We must remain vigilant and worthy of the trust others have placed in us as religious and ministers.

The theme of the recent CMSM Assembly was "All Brothers - Mediators of God's Love."  May we be credible witnesses to our common brotherhood and mediate God's love in service to the People of God.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

  Ordination postponed

Hurricane Maria has forced us to postpone the priesthood ordination of Bro. Armando Añeses, which was scheduled for Saturday.

Please remember in your prayers Armando, his family and the brothers of the Colegio San José school community. Let us also pray for the people of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean Islands who now suffer with a second hurricane.

Gift to Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace

At its most recent meeting, the provincial council decided to give a gift of $15,000 toward the restoration of the historic Honolulu Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace. 

When the first Marianists arrived in Honolulu in September 1883, Fr. Damien, now St. Damien, welcomed the brothers to the cathedral, and offered the Eucharist in thanksgiving for their safe arrival.

The restored statue of Our Lady will have a new base with a plaque acknowledging our gift.

Blessed Stanley Rother, American priest and martyr

Fr. Stanley Rother, a priest from Oklahoma, volunteered to serve in the diocesan mission in Guatemala and arrived there in 1968. He learned the Mayan dialect and won the trust of the community.

When resentment against social injustice turned to resistance, government repression developed. Fr. Stanley's name appeared on one of the death lists and he returned to Oklahoma. Yet he found it unbearable to be away from the people and he returned to Guatemala.

On July 28, 1981, gunmen tried to kidnap him. When he refused, he was shot.

On Saturday, Fr. Stanley Rother will be beatified in Oklahoma City by Cardinal Angelo Amato on behalf of Pope Francis.

Read more about Blessed Stanley Rother.

Blessed Stanley Rother, may your prayers and example help us to defend the poor and share Christ's love with those around us. Pray for us!

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

Protecting health care for the poor and vulnerable

The USCCB encourages Catholics to act now on behalf of the poor and vulnerable:

"The Senate is once again considering a bill that would repeal and possibly replace the Affordable Care Act. The 'Graham-Cassidy' legislation will harm poor and struggling families because it risks loss of coverage for millions and will limit the quality of health care for those currently assisted by the Medicaid program."

Read more and take action.

Webinar on e nergy: Strategies for s ustainable b uildings

Join the Catholic Climate Covenant on Sept. 28 for a free, one-hour webinar exploring ways we can live Laudato Si' in our communities, schools and parishes.

Learn more.

On the calendar
Oct. 2: Holy Guardian Angels, 200th anniversary of founding of Society of Mary 
Oct. 5-8: Community directors meeting

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