News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
Jan. 25, 2018
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

A historic installation at Chaminade

Bros. Ron Overman, Bill Campbell, Ed Violett and Dennis Bautista joined me and the Marianists in Hawaii for the installation of Lynn Babington as the 10th president of Chaminade University on Jan. 20.

The installation ceremony took place in the context of the Eucharist, with about 200 people in attendance, including many members of Lynn's extended family.

Lynn pledged her commitment to the mission of the university and to the Characteristics of a Marianist University. President Tom Mengler from St. Mary's University and President Eric Spina from the University of Dayton were present, along with representatives from Fairfield University in Connecticut, Lynn's former school.

At the end of the celebration, Lynn received three special gifts. Bro. Ed Brink presented Lynn with a papal blessing on behalf of Chaminade University and the local Marianists. I was joined by Presidents Mengler and Spina in presenting a framed picture of Our Lady of the Pillar on behalf of the Province of the United States. The same picture hangs in the offices of the two other presidents.

Fellow Marianist university Presidents Eric Spina (in red) and Tom Mengler present
Lynn Babington with an image of Our Lady of the Pillar.

Bro. Dennis Bautista presented the final gift; one of historical significance. A unique walking stick was among the effects of Bro. Bertram Bellinghausen at the National Archives in San Antonio. The walking stick is engraved with the name of King Kalakaua , the last king of Hawaii and a friend of Bro. Bertram. 

In honor of Lynn's installation, the province made a permanent gift of this artifact to the Iolani Palace, the former home of King Kalakaua and a National Historic Landmark. When Dennis read the proclamation and sang an oli, there were audible gasps among the people present. This Hawaiian treasure is now in its rightful home.

On Sunday evening, we hosted a dinner for the three university presidents. We wish Lynn a long and fruitful tenure at Chaminade University. 

Read a recent article about Lynn from Honolulu's Midweek magazine.

Ordinations in India

Please pray for Bros. Sebestian Bara and Rajmohan, who will be ordained to the priesthood at the Marianist Novitiate in Ranchi, India, on Sunday. Bishop Telesphore Bilung of the Archdiocese of Ranchi will be the ordaining bishop.

Bro. Sebestian
Bro. Raj
Congratulations and best wishes to these brothers as they begin priestly ministry in the Society of Mary.


Fr. Richard Loehrlein, who died on Sunday, spent many years in Africa and was instrumental in the growth of a vibrant Lay Marianist movement in Malawi.

We commend him now to God's love and mercy and to Mary's embrace.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

50th anniversary in Dublin

Congratulations to St. Laurence College in Dublin, which will celebrate its 50th anniversary on Sunday with a Mass and afternoon tea at the school.     

Founded in 1967, St. Laurence has shared the Marianist Charism and educated thousands of students over the years. I'll be in Dublin to represent the Provincial Council and the province at the anniversary celebration.

Provincial Chapter

The six area coordinators are organizing pre-Chapter meetings for February.   

Each member of the Provincial Council will submit his report to the province. The reports will be available on the portal by Feb. 1.    

Frs. Oscar Vasquez, Chris Wittman and Jim Heft and Bro. Bernie Ploeger and I make up the Chapter preparatory commission. We ask you to read and reflect on these reports in preparation for the area gathering.   

Although area members may submit other comments to the Provincial Chapter through their minutes, the commission asks that the gathering respond especially to this question:   

Taking into consideration Fr. Manuel Cortés' letter on the priorities of the province from the recent consultations for provincial and assistant provincial, and Fr. Marty's review of Vision 2020 in his report to the Chapter, what are your suggestions for the priorities for the province in the first term of the new administration?     

In order to help us focus on this question, the segments from Fr. Cortes' letter and Fr. Marty's report will be on the portal with this question under "Provincial Chapter 2018." 

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Today, or on-demand

SLIconnect offers "From Toxic to Tolerable: Navigating a Difficult Work Environment" at 1 p.m. Eastern today, or on-demand at your convenience. Check it out.

Please pardon our goof

We accidentally omitted Fr. Raymond Malley from the listing of the 2018 jubiliarians in the Marianist Personnel. Ray is celebrating 50 years of priestly ministry among us.

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

Bicentennial closing in Singhpur

It was a privilege to be part of the Marianist Bicentennial closing celebration in Singhpur, India, on Jan. 21 and 22. 

You can see more photos and a brief video  here, compliments of Bro. Michael McAward.

The closing of the colorful Mass on Chaminade Day. 

From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers,

Siena Woods

Bro. Mike Murphy will be joining the Siena Woods Support Community in Dayton for some time. He will assist as a driver and provide general community support.
Thanks, Mike, for using some of your sabbatical time for this needed assistance.

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

March for Life

A sizeable contingent from St. John Vianney High School joined 2,200 teens from the Archdiocese of St. Louis in Washington, D.C., last weekend for the annual March for Life.

Fr. Tim (kneeling, front) and the Vianney contingent on the National Mall last weekend.

Fr. Tim Kenney, chaplain and director of campus ministry at Vianney, joined the marchers. "Our experience was just amazing. We had great prayer, good reflections, wonderful cooperation, excellent speakers, opportunity for fellowship, terrific weather, and a spirit of solidarity among so many young people taking a stand for their faith," Fr. Tim said. See his video testimony.

The Vianney group will continue its activism this weekend by joining thousands of other teens in St Louis in a march from Forest Park to the Gateway Arch.

DACA: Suggested actions from Catholic organizations
Earlier this week, Congress passed and President Trump signed another short-term funding bill without creating a solution for our nation's "Dreamers." Please consider taking some of these simple, recommended actions from Catholic groups.
From the Marianist General Administration

Via Latina 22

Bicentennial celebration photos

The General Administration seeks photos from Marianist Bicentennial celebrations around the world. If you have photos to share from your area or ministry, please send them (with a brief description) to:  [email protected] 
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.