News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
June 15, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

To know, love and serve

Last weekend, the District of India held its assembly at the Vidya Sagar (scholasticate) Community in Bangalore. The assembly began with the celebration of the Eucharist by newly ordained Fr. Mariandu Belevendiran.

A highlight of the assembly was the presentation of "Guide for Formation for the District of India," recently approved by the Provincial Council and the General Administration. Perhaps the most important event, however, was the presentation of the new strategic plan, "To Know, Love and Serve: a Five-year Plan for the Re-founding of Marianist Life and Mission in India." This document, which has taken more than a year to complete with several District-wide consultations and District Chapter endorsement, will help the new administration address seven important goals for the future.

At the closing Eucharist, I had the honor of installing the new District Council: Fr. Sudhir Kujur, superior; Bro. Darwin Joseph, assistant superior; Fr. Jinu Muthukattil, religious life; Fr. Sanjay Ekka, education; and Bro. Lucian Tigga, temporalities.

The new District Council: Bros. Sanjay and Darwin, Frs. Sudhir and Jinu, and Bro. Lucian.

We thank Fr. Joseph Barla, Bro. Arokia Doss, Bro. Tom Oldenski and other coordinating team members for a very fine assembly. Thanks, as well, to Bro. Basant Kujur for superb Marianist hospitality; and to Bro. Dennis Schmitz for his ongoing service to the District as Province liaison.

Let us pray for our young, energetic, committed and talented brothers in the District of India.

Council meeting, Northeast Area Gathering

The Provincial Council convenes at the Bon Secours Center in Marriottsville, Maryland, today until Saturday. We will meet with the Sponsorship Commission and conclude the weekend with the area gathering for the Northeast.

Let us pray for one another on the special feast of the Sacred Heart this week, asking the Lord that we might know his love for us and be filled with the Spirit that flowed from his pieced side.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Brothers Symposium resources

The Conference of Major Superiors of Men has made available a wealth of resources from the Religious Brothers Symposium at Notre Dame in March.

You can view a video of the keynote address by Bro. Mark Falkenhain, OSB, or read a transcript of the address, see photos from the event or view additional videos, including one of Cardinal Joseph Tobin, C.Ss.R.

Visit the webpage.

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

Update on the Marianist Archives

Mary Kenney, Province archivist, along with her staff of Bro. Earl Leistikow, and part-timers Bro. Brian Zampier and Lisa Finnie, have been busy with renovations, cataloguing and other projects.

A few highlights:
  • A major upgrade of the HVAC system has been completed to allow for better temperature and humidity control, along with the installation of proper lighting for a display/exhibit area with "museum" lighting.
  • A second installation of exterior signage is complete.
  • The archives has established a location on Google Maps for the 3141 Culebra site and attached its Facebook link to that location.
  • Direct U.S. postal service has been established.
  • With the purchase of a good copier-scanner, digital record management will be enhanced for Provincial born-digital materials, such as permanent financial records, Notes from the Provincial Council and digital editions of Alive magazine and other Province publications.
New signage at the Marianist Archives in San Antonio.


We thank Mary and her team for progress in protecting our Province history.   

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

Active nonviolence
As a member of the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative, the Province was asked to participate in a national campaign to amplify active nonviolence in the U.S. Catholic Church. We were one of many religious orders that recommended these actions:  
  • Clearly and frequently affirm active nonviolence as "the nucleus of the Christian revolution" (Pope Benedict XVI).
  • Share and speak about Pope Francis' World Day of Peace message, Nonviolence: A Style of Politics for Peace.
  • Commit to an initiative that actively scales up practices of active nonviolence. See Fr. Marty's letter.
World Refugee Day

We are today experiencing the largest refugee crisis since the end of World War II. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees estimates the number of forcibly displaced people globally to be at about 65.3 million, including 21.3 million refugees.
Next Tuesday, June 20, marks World Refugee Day. See the toolkit provided by the USCCB for use in parishes and communities.

Hunger and climate

Bread for the World invites us to view its Hunger Report video connecting world hunger with the environment.

On the calendar
June 15-17: Provincial Council  
June 17: Northeast Area Gathering 
June 18-24: Province retreat, Bergamo

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