News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
Nov. 16, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Consultation for assistant provincial

As you know, Fr. Manuel Cortés has asked you to respond to the consultation for assistant provincial by Dec. 1.  
If you haven't yet responded, here is the link:

I hope that the response from the province membership will be as robust as that for the new provincial.


Fr. Paul Landolfi is now at a nursing facility run by the Little Sisters of the Poor in New York. He is responding well and has rallied from where he was a few days ago.

Please pray for Fr. Paul and for all of our brothers in the health care communities.

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

St. Laurence College update

Over the past year and a half, the provincial council has been talking with members of the community and school in Ireland about how to continue the Catholic, Marianist identity at St. Laurence College.

Given the ages of the four brothers there, planning for the long term is a challenge. We intend to do our best, however, to preserve a fine school we have served for 50 years.  

St. Laurence College, Dublin

We believe, and the community and school leadership agree, that entering into one of the "Catholic schools trusts" (Le Chéile or CEIST) would best serve what parents, teachers and pupils want -- continuing Catholic education at St. Laurence.
The newly appointed Board of Management (like a board of trustees) was informed about this plan in this letter. We are leaning toward Le Chéile as the trust to enter. The organization's website provides more information. Basically, the trust assumes sponsorship of the school.

Fr. Marty Solma and I will be in Ireland Dec. 4-8 to address the Board of Management and the school community about this matter and the next steps in our planning. We have been in communication with the archbishop and the government's Department of Education and Skills as we have made this plan. There is no intent to close the school or the community.

Please keep this important matter in your prayers.
From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

Advocacy opportunity - Catholic Climate Covenant

We invite you to write to your legislators to urge them to protect current funding for international climate change policy and scientific cooperation. This funding is critical in order to sustain our ability to protect our common home. Take action.

Catholic editorial on gun violence

Occasionally, brothers send me articles, petitions and other JPIC-related information. Here's an editorial viewpoint from the National Catholic Reporter I received this week. 

Homily helps

From CMSM: More "homily helps" linking the lectionary to peace and justice. If you are not a homilist, please share these links with someone who is.

Nov. 19 by Fr. Mark Pranaitis, C.M.
Nov. 26 by Fr. Joseph Serano, O.Praem.
Dec. 3 by Don Timmerman, Catholic Worker
On the calendar
Nov. 21: Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
Nov. 23-24: Thanksgiving holiday, province offices closed 
Nov. 25: Ordination of Bro. Armando Añeses 
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.