News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
Oct. 26, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Provincial Council update

At last week's Provincial Council meeting, we reviewed comments from the directors meeting earlier this month.
The overall response was quite positive. As previously announced, the theme of "health and wellness" will be the subject of workshops around the province, sponsored by the Commission for Zeal and Mission. Watch for more details. This theme will also be the focus for the community visitations this year.  

Recommendations for future meetings of the directors included vocations, the skills needed for personal interviews of community members, and addressing the other elements of the "Body, Mind, Spirit."

The Provincial Council also had its annual meeting with two of the province corporations: the Marianist Mission and Bergamo Center. Throughout the year, the council meets with all corporately owned entities in the province, including the three universities, the province-owned high schools, and the retreat centers. Thanks to Bro. Joe Kamis for organizing these meetings.

Updates from India, Kenya

Bro. Arokia Doss, executive director of REDS in India, sent us the 2017 annual report. This is a special issue, as this year marks the 25th anniversary of this vital program serving desperately poor youth in Bangalore and Ranchi. We congratulate the brothers of the District of India for their enduring service to the urban and rural poor.

In November, Bro. Tim Phillips, who ministers at the novitiate in Kenya, will be visiting his family in Cleveland, especially his mother who is in her 90s. Welcome, Tim!

As you may know, the Republic of Kenya is holding a re-run of its presidential election. The original vote, which retained the incumbent, was annulled by the Kenya Supreme Count due to irregularities. This is a very fraught situation, and all sides are hoping to avoid the deep tribal conflicts that followed the 2007 balloting. 

Please remember our brothers in the Region of Eastern Africa today; pray for a free, fair and peaceful election.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

A good read, and brief too!

The largely unknown quarterly newsletter of the Religious Formation Conference is a gem that rarely disappoints.

Noteworthy in the current edition is Fr. Gary Riebe-Estrella's insightful article, Community: The Essence of Religious Life.

Fr. Riebe-Estrella asserts that "the root of our challenges (in community) lies not in our differences, but in the divisions we have created out of those differences." He goes on to counsel that "turning divisions back into differences is the primary work of discipleship today." 

For we who believe that our Marianist life together is the foundation of our apostolic mission, this article provides an encouraging challenge.

Please consider downloading this article for community discussion. All members of the province have membership in the Religious Formation Conference and have access to the RFC website. Our user ID is marianistprovince; the password is unitedstateprovince12.


Fr. Raymundo Domingues González has requested and been granted exclaustration by the Superior General for one year. Please keep Raymundo in your prayers.

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

An official welcome for STVM

We have officially welcomed St. Vincent-St. Mary High School into our family of sponsored ministries.

On Oct. 10, Fr. Marty Solma celebrated the Eucharist and I addressed the school community. We followed with an official signing of the sponsorship agreement.

There was a social for the students in the afternoon, and an evening reception for parents, alumni, faculty and other friends. Some 35 gracious student ambassadors greeted the 300-plus guests, and we were entertained by the STVM jazz ensemble. It was a delightful day.

We are pleased and excited about this new relationship with STVM, and we look forward to a productive partnership.

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

Catholic Nonviolence Initiative webinar

Join CNI for a free one-hour webinar on Nov. 7 at 9 a.m. Eastern.
The conversation will include discussion of CNI accomplishments and plans for concrete next steps to promote nonviolence. Learn more.

Catholic leaders respond to President Trump on Iran, North Korea

Leaders of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men were among 751 leaders of Catholic organizations, religious orders, and justice and peace committees as signatories to a statement challenging President Donald Trump's threat to "totally destroy" North Korea, and his efforts to repudiate the Iran deal. Read the statement.

Homily helps

From CMSM: More homily helps linking the lectionary to peace and justice. If you are not a homilist, please share these links with someone who is.

Oct. 29 by Bro. Steve Herro, O. Praem.
Nov. 5 by Don Timmerman, Catholic Worker
Nov. 12 by Dianne Bergant, CSA
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