News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
Sept. 14, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Improving communications with area coordinators

On the recommendation of the area coordinators at our meeting last month, we are creating a more formal communication channel between them and the Provincial Council. The following Provincial Council members will serve as liaisons with the area coordinators this year:

East Coast
Ireland/Puerto Rico 
Bro. Ron Overman
Bro. Charlie Johnson
Fr. John Thompson
Fr. Martin Solma
Bro. Joe Kamis
Fr. Bill Meyer
Bro. Tom Giardino

We believe this will strengthen the role of the area coordinators and improve communications. Our goal is that the area coordinators, in turn, engage with their community directors regularly.

After Irma

We are grateful that the schools and communities in Puerto Rico and Florida were spared from major damage by Hurricane Irma. The brothers of the Colegio San José and Chaminade-Madonna communities are doing well, although there is much clean-up and repair ahead in their areas. Read a short letter from Bro. Paul Bredestege in Florida.

Chicago troika

Bro. Bernie Ploeger is taking a well-deserved sabbatical this semester. He is attending the Hesburgh Sabbatical Program at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago.

The Institute for Religious Formation is located in the same place. Bro. Oscar Kerketta and Fr. Chinnaiah Polishety are enrolled in this program, allowing the three Marianists in Chicago to meet on a regular basis. Good luck to all of these brothers!

Bros. Oscar and Bernie, and Fr. Chinnaiah in Chicago.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Ordination prayers and reminders

Please keep Bro. Armando Añeses in your prayers as he prepares for ordination on Sept. 23 in Puerto Rico.

As a reminder, Fr. Armando will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving at Our Lady of the Pillar in St. Louis on Oct. 7 at 5 p.m. If you plan to attend the Mass and reception, please contact Gina Marty by tomorrow, Sept. 15.

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

CMSM supports the "Dreamers"

"As Catholic religious leaders in the U.S., CMSM is sick with grief and disgust at the recent decision by the administration to put children and young people in abrupt uncertainty by ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. DACA provides work authorization and temporary protection from deportation to about 780,000 people who were brought to the United States as children." Read full statement.

Consider contacting your representative or senators to voice your support of continuing DACA.

The Jesuit America publication also featured Pope Francis' comments on the moral responsibility involved with DACA. Read it.

Homily helps

Here are homily resources from CMSM linking peace and justice with the lectionary:

Sept. 17: Fr. Mark Pranaitis, CM
Sept. 24: Rhett Engelking, OFS
Oct. 1: Mark Peters, JPIC for Priests of the Sacred Heart

If you are not a homilist, please consider sharing these resources with your local priest.
On the calendar
Sept. 18: Blesseds Carlos Eraña, Fidel Fuidio, Jesús Hita, martyrs
Sept. 23:
Ordination of Bro. Armando Añeses

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