News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
Feb. 16, 2017
From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

Preparing for the Chapter

Please check the Marianist Portal regularly for new documents related to the Provincial Chapter, which begins March 2.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

This weekend: new deacons!

Let us remember our seminarians, Bros. Armando Añeses, Sebestian Bara and Raj Mohan, who will be ordained to the diaconate on Saturday in the chapel of the General Administration in Rome. Blessings, brothers!

Bro. Armando
Bro. Sebestian
Bro. Raj
Sign up now for annual retreat

A gentle reminder: If you haven't yet signed up for an annual retreat, please do so soon. Online sign-up is required, even if you plan to make a private retreat, or a retreat at Cupertino, Siena Woods or the Marianist Residence.

The registration deadline is March 17. Sign up now.

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

"What am I doing when I do what I do?"

Thanks to Fr. Al McMenamy for his reflection on this topic.

"Bob and Mary Ann, an Affiliate couple, have told me many times, 'being Affiliates, being part of this Affiliate community, has helped preserve our faith. Without this we are not sure we would still be church folks.' I have heard this from others over the years.

After teaching in our schools for almost 40 years, I began to minister full time as spiritual assistant/director with Affiliate groups and other Lay Marianist communities. I travel a lot around the Midwest and Southwest. In all of this I know I am being called upon to share the Good News of the Gospel, especially as known, lived and practiced in our 'Marianist way' of spirituality.
The critical piece for me is to realize that it is truly the Holy Spirit and our Blessed Mother who underpin everything. It is all about Jesus. Mary brought Jesus the first time; now it is our turn to continue her mission. I believe the folks with whom I work do know this truth. They are to bring Jesus to the waiting world! I am simply an instrument to help along the way.

Affiliates and other Lay Marianists love Father Chaminade's charism and his fundamental teachings: Mary, community, discipleship of equals, and mission.  I share this spirituality with them; they catch it; they love it!
The Holy Spirit and Mary are working their ways. I do my small part and then get out of the way!"

Profiles in Marianist leadership
Notes from the Provincial Council is featuring Marianists who hold leadership roles in the Province. We encourage you to learn more about these men, be grateful for all they do for us, and hold them in your prayers.

Bro. Thomas Giardino
First profession: 1962
Leadership role: Assistant for Education

Bro. Jeffrey Sullivan
First profession: 1966
Leadership role: Director of Meyer Hall Community, Dayton
On the calendar
March 2-6: Provincial Chapter

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