News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
July 13, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Bro. Joe + gratitude = 40,000 calls

For some time, Bro. Joe Barrett and a handful of other brothers have been helping with our "Ministry of Gratitude" program. These brothers make phone calls to Marianist Mission donors to simply thank them for their generosity to the Society of Mary.

On July 4th, Bro. Joe sent me a note (right), announcing that he had just completed 40,000 phone calls!  

Thank you, Bro. Joe! You are a great witness to the Province of aging with grace and of staying vital to the mission throughout your consecrated life.

Visa prayers answered!

I'm happy to announce that Fr. Chinnaiah Polishety and Bro. Oscar Kerketta have successfully secured their visas to attend this year's session of the Institute for Religious Formation. They will arrive in Dayton on Aug. 11 in time for the jubilee celebration. They will spend time with Fr. Chris Wittmann and the novitiate community before heading for Chicago to begin the program.

Bros. Julius Maingi and Thomas Njari from the Region of Eastern Africa have received their student visas. In August, they will begin UD master's degree programs in English and educational leadership respectively.

Bros. Balaswamy and George Hans of the District of India are still awaiting visa approval. Please keep this intention in your prayers.

Final Bicentennial Area Gathering

The final Bicentennial Area Gathering will be July 21 for the brothers in California. On that same day, Bro. Jack Somerville will be officially installed as the new director of the Cupertino Marianist Community.

The Provincial Council will meet at the Cupertino Community July 20-22.

Let us remember in prayer our brothers who are making their annual retreats during the coming weeks.

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

Advocacy opportunity: urge Congress to protect trafficking victims

We are called to protect the dignity of all human beings, especially the most vulnerable. The USCCB's Committee on Migration has issued a letter of support for H.R. 2200, which seeks to protect victims of human trafficking. Please urge your U.S. Representative to pass this bill. Learn more.

The vote to ban nuclear weapons

The United States has been glaringly absent from discussions at the United Nations regarding banning nuclear weapons. A recent article in the National Catholic Reporter on the topic emphasizes the need for our efforts to increase active nonviolence. Here's an excerpt from the article:

"Our 21st century needs cooperation and partnership on a global scale in order to tackle climate change, sustainable development, poverty and mass migration. Yet trillions of dollars are being wasted on nuclear arsenals that breed fear, bad blood and deadlock instead. The world community is taking an essential step towards a future free of nuclear weapons. Those governments that chose to be absent are casting votes for the dangerous and irresponsible past." Read the full article.

Advocacy affirmation from the Archbishop of San Antonio

Earlier this summer, the Province sent letters to bishops in dioceses where Marianists serve, encouraging the bishops to increase efforts toward peace and active nonviolence.
San Antonio Archbishop Gustavo GarcĂ­a-Siller, M.Sp.S., responded personally: "Just today I attended a rally to pray with and speak to the people who are protesting the passage of Senate Bill 4. We stand in solidarity with these refugees, immigrants and their families. I applaud the Marianists for their initiatives on amplifying active nonviolence in the U.S. Catholic Church." Read the archbishop's letter.

Read the current issue

On the calendar
July 13-16: Marianist Lay Assembly 
July 21: Bicentennial Area Gatheirng, Cupertino 
July 20-22: Provincial Council 
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.