News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
April 6, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Ratification of Chapter actions

We have just received a letter from the Superior General, Fr. Manuel Cortés, ratifying the acts of the recent Provincial Chapter. Please read his entire letter.

You will notice that the revised Province Directory still needs to be reviewed by the GA before it gives final approval.

Of special note is Fr. Cortés' decision to extend the terms of the current Provincial Chapter delegates. Given the upcoming consultation for Province leadership, this will enable to next Council to implement the decisions of the Chapter concerning size and composition of both the Provincial Council and the Provincial Chapter.

Commissioning of Dr. Spina
Dr. Spina and family

On Tuesday, I was present for the installation of Dr. Eric Spina as the 19th president of the University of Dayton. The installation ceremony was excellent. I am grateful to Fr. Jim Fitz and others for the inclusion of a clear and direct "commissioning" of Dr. Spina on behalf of the Society of Mary. Please read the Marianist Commissioning ceremony. Read Dr. Spina's inaugural address

During the dinner on Monday evening and on behalf of the Province, I presented Dr. Spina with a framed picture of Our Lady of the Pillar. I explained the significance of this image for the Society of Mary as a source of foundation and inspiration.

Dr. Spina and his wife, Karen Spina, were deeply touched and very grateful.

Final days of Lent

As we enter the final days of Lent, let us pray for each other and ask the Lord for a deeper conformity to his life and self-gift.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

Personnel moves

Fr. John Klobuka will move from the Hollywood Marianist Community to the Alumni Hall Marianist Community after Easter. He will minister at Holy Angels and St. Anthony's parishes in Dayton.

Fr. Robert Bouffier will move from the Chaminade Pohaku Marianist Community in Honolulu in June, and has been assigned to the Hollywood Marianist Community in Florida. Bob will minister in the Archdiocese of Miami, including at Chaminade-Madonna.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Renewal of Temporary Vows

Please join me in congratulating Bros. Sylvester Burkemper, Jean Dossous, José Julián Matos-Auffant, Mark Motz, Allen Pacquing and Justin Quiroz, who have been reaffirmed for the renewal of their temporary profession in the Society of Mary.

Let us continue to accompany them with our prayers and fraternal support.
New volume of Mass Supplement Lectionary

Since the publication of the current English-language Lectionary for Mass (a process completed in 2002), a variety of liturgical changes have expanded the possibilities for proclamation on various occasions.

For example:
  • An expanded Vigil Mass for Pentecost
  • Celebrations of new saints, such as Junipero Serra, Juan Diego, John XXIII, and John Paul II
  • New votive Masses, such as those for the Mercy of God, and Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children
National events on the calendar

Religious Brothers Conference, Sierra Madre, California, July 17-20.

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

"What am I doing when I do what I do?"

Thanks to Fr. Mike Reaume, of our community in Dublin, for his contribution to this series.

"What do I do? I never expected to be a 'living dinosaur.' 

Although I retired as school chaplain and the IT department at St. Laurence College in 2004, I am still around for a few hours most days. I help Mary, our chaplain, provide a "listening ear," especially to staff, and I help in whatever ways seem useful.

Recently I was asked to come into a history class and be interviewed by the students about whatever they wanted. They were born in 2005. Many of the questions related to my memories of the sixties in the United States, some to that of Ireland and of the school. My motivation has been to share about Marianist life in Ireland and other places and add some perspective to their lives.

What else do I do? These days I also help in the local parishes. Again, my motivation is to share pastoral experience from my experience in other places to a church struggling to find a way forward amid tremendous changes in faith and practice.

Recently I have been trying to help people to see the value of our biblical images and stories in the "big-bang" universe, when much of the culture here is quite anti-religious. For many years I have been sharing information and literature about near-death experiences, sometimes empowering others to share their own.

Because I also mind our small community garden, that experience offers a talking point about the environment, recycling and climate issues. It sometimes gives me an opportunity to promote Pope Francis' encyclical."

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

Lenten commitment to creation

In these final days of Lent, the JPIC Advisory Committee and MEEC remind Province members about CMSM's Cherish All of Creation resolution, which the Province signed in 2015.

Here are three resolution principles with recommended actions:

1. We resolve to remember our interconnectedness and to recommit ourselves to the principle of subsidiarity. We keep the vulnerable - children, immigrants, the incarcerated - on our minds and, to the extent possible, at the table as we make decisions that may have an effect on their lives.

Recommended action: During Holy Week, reflect on how you can welcome and include "the other," and consider buying fair trade goods.

2. We resolve to work toward a more just and equitable system where mitigating climate change is part of every ministry.

Recommended action: Contact your congressional representative to make your voice heard on climate change. Support the Bipartisan House Climate Solutions Caucus.

3. We resolve that as we decrease our use of fossil fuels, in the transitional moments, we at least offset such use, particularly from flights, by purchasing carbon offsets.

Recommended action: Reduce fuel use by eliminating or combining a car trip this week. Support tree-planting efforts.

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.