News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
Jan. 19, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

District of India appointment

With the second term of Bro. Augustus Surin as district superior ending in June, I began last month a consultation for his successor.

The response was robust, with about 98 percent of perpetually professed brothers responding. The clear recommendation was for Fr. Sudhir Kujur, currently assistant district superior, to become district superior.
Fr. Sudhir
At our recent meeting, the Provincial Council appointed Fr. Sudhir to a first term of three years, beginning on June 13. Fr. Sudhir has accepted this appointment, and we've informed the members of the District of India and the superior general.
We thank Fr. Sudhir for his willingness to serve and Bro. Augustus and the present council for their generosity and service during the last three years.

We've begun consultation for assistant district superior. After this appointment, Fr. Sudhir and his assistant will begin a consultation to create the new District Council.

Let us continue to pray for our brothers in India and their mission.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

Chapter representative results

We've completed the Province-wide voting for new Provincial Chapter representatives. Thanks to all those who participated in the process.

Bro. Mike O'Grady will be the new Texas representative, and Fr. Sean Downing will be the new "50 and younger" group representative. See the results here.

We thank these brothers for their willingness to serve and welcome them to the Provincial Chapter.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Formation appointment

At our most recent meeting, the Provincial Council appointed Bro. Dan Klco as assistant director of novices beginning July 1.

While assisting Fr. Chris Wittmann in formation, Dan will join the Dayton-area vocation ministry team and continue to mentor international Marianists in their studies at the University of Dayton.

Bro. Charles Johnson has been appointed to the vocation ministry team, with specific responsibility for the San Antonio area.

Bro. Dan Klco

Bro. Mark Motz

New national vocation director 

The Provincial Council also appointed Bro. Mark Motz as the Province's director of vocations for an initial five years beginning July 1. Mark will be assisted by the continued service of Sr. Nicole Trahan in the Dayton area.

In late spring, the national vocation office will move to San Antonio.

The Province is grateful to Bro. Tom Wendorf for seven generous years of service to vocation ministry. Tom will return to teaching at the University of Dayton. His vocation ministry experience will be valuable at UD.


Prayers and best wishes to novice Sung Hyuck Choi (Joo) who will profess first vows on Jan. 22 in Seoul. Fr. Chris Wittmann is representing our Province and the Novitiate Community at the profession celebration. Blessings, Bro. Joo!

Wanjin Choi (Marco) has decided to leave the formation program. Marco returned to South Korea last week. We wish him well and promise to pray for him as he begins a new chapter in his life.

We extend a warm welcome to Bro. Juan Pablo Espinoza Chávez and pre-novice Juan de la Cruz Perez as they join the Novitiate Community in Dayton. The two begin English language studies at the University of Dayton this week.

Necrology updates

The 2016 inserts for the Necrology have been sent to communities. Please let Bro. Bob Resing know if you have questions or need an additional copy.

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

Religion and education: globally and nationally

Did you know that globally, Jews have the highest average number of years of schooling (13.4 years) followed by Christians (9.3), then the unaffiliated, Buddhists, Muslims and Hindus?
In the United States, however, Hindus have the most years of schooling (15.7 years) followed by Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, unaffiliated and then Christians (12.7 years).

Why the difference?

The Office of Education seeks to create awareness of contemporary trends related to our mission. If you are interested in finding out the answer to the above question and related issues, recent reports from the Pew Research Center are a great place to start:
Enjoy the journey!

From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers,

Director change at Siena Woods

Bro. Paul Hoffman became the director of the Siena Woods Community on Jan. 1. His new cell phone number is 937.520.3162. Paul has been at the center for a number of months learning from Bro. Bob Wiethorn and the care center team.

We thank Bob for his many years of ministry with our brothers at Mercy Siena and now Siena Woods. Bob accomplished a transition with the new owners of Siena Woods, making sure they understood the charism of the Marianists and our need for community life.

New director of facilities at Mount Saint John

Bro. Jack Somerville, formerly facilities director at Mount Saint John, is moving to Cupertino to become director of the Marianist Community.
We thank Jack for his years of service keeping the MSJ campus in top shape, and overseeing the recent construction projects there.

The Province has hired Jeff Bohrer as facilities manager for Mount Saint John, effective Jan. 30. Jeff will also be available to consult with communities in the Dayton area on maintenance at Marianist-owned facilities.

Jeff is a graduate of the University of Dayton; he and his family are members of the Queen of Apostles Community.

We are grateful to have Jeff on staff.

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

NGO update
Our work with Marianists International NGO at the United Nations continues, with efforts toward the eradication of poverty, combating human trafficking and preserving the integrity of creation (with a specific focus on the human right to water). These efforts are aligned with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.
We continue to advocate for systemic change, collaborate with partnering NGOs on several projects and develop NGO resources to be shared with our Marianist communities and educational institutions. 
Our Religious at the UN (RUN) group is surveying individuals in member countries to determine ways to increase engagement with the UN and local communities. We also recently sent the new UN Secretary General António Guterres, a  welcome letter from RUN
To learn more about RUN and the positive change we make at the UN and in communities across the world, check out the recently published book
"9 Days for Life"
In recognition of the upcoming anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the USCCB is sponsoring "9 Days for Life" from Jan. 21-29. It's an opportunity for Catholics to gather, pray and act for the dignity of all people, born and unborn. Learn more.

Homily helps

The Conference of Major Superiors of Men offers these resources connecting the lectionary and social justice. The opinions expressed are those of the author of the resource.

Jan. 22 by Dianne Bergant, CSA
Jan. 22 by Mark Peters, JPIC, Priests of Sacred Heart
Jan. 29 by John Donahue, SJ
Feb. 5  by Fr. Joe Serano, O. Praem.

Profiles in Marianist leadership
Notes from the Provincial Council is featuring Marianists who hold leadership roles in the Province. We encourage you to learn more about these men, be grateful for all they do for us, and hold them in your prayers.

Bro. Thomas Pieper
First profession: 1964
Leadership role: Director of Stonemill-Kiefaber Community

Bro. Bernard Ploeger
First profession: 1967
Leadership role: Member, Provincial Chapter; President of Chaminade University
On the calendar
Jan. 18 - 25: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Jan. 22:
Death of Blessed Chaminade, 1850

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