News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
Feb. 2, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

"Envisioning the Future" this weekend

Brothers who have professed vows in the Province since 2002 will gather in St. Louis this weekend for a meeting with representatives of the Provincial Council and Provincial Chapter.
The Provincial Chapter requested this "Envisioning the Future" meeting as a way of engaging this group of brothers in discussing a vision for "communities in mission." We will look at a map of Province communities and ministries, discuss guiding principles from Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, and share our hopes and dreams for the future.
Read my 2016 letter announcing this gathering. It includes a list of those involved.

Ordination in Bangalore

On Saturday, Deacon Mariandu Belevendiran will be ordained to priestly service at the scholasticate chapel at Deepahalli, Bangalore.  

During his diaconate, Mariandu has served at Blessed Chaminade parish in Singhpur.

Congratulations and fraternal best wishes to Mariandu as he takes on this service to the District of India and the Church.

Celebrating the founder

During the past two weeks, I have had the honor of celebrating Founder's Day at Colegio San José in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and at Chaminade College Prep in West Hills, California.  

The events were wonderful opportunities to highlight the Society of Mary and the ministry of education that has been a privileged means of our apostolate for 200 years. Both also honored the men and women who have been important collaborators with us in our mission. Thanks to the communities in both places for their hospitality and good energy during these happy occasions.

I am grateful for your prayers as we meet in St. Louis this weekend to "Envision the Future."

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

Lineamenta for 2018 General Chapter

The General Administration has asked all units to be involved in preparing for the General Chapter in July 2018.

I ask you to read the letter I sent yesterday to community directors and area coordinators, and begin planning for how you and your community can "see, judge and act" on proposals for our future.

You may also find the Lineamenta letter on the Marianist Portal. Click first on "General Chapter" to go to the page with the letter.

Results and proposals are due to me by May 15.

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

NCEA to honor Fr. Ralph Siefert

We're pleased to announce that Fr. Ralph Siefert will be honored with the 2017 Lead. Learn. Proclaim. award from the National Catholic Educational Association.

The award recognizes those who are "shining examples of faithfulness and professional excellence."

Fr. Ralph, who is president of Chaminade College Prep in St. Louis, will receive the award at the NCEA's annual conference in St. Louis April 18 - 20.
From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,
Responses on refugees and immigration

Given the recent executive orders, and protests and conversations surrounding refugees and immigration, we wanted to share some timely responses:

From the USCCB:
From University of Dayton President Eric Spina:
From Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good

Pray and act on Feb. 8 to end human trafficking

St. Josephine
Leading Catholic organizations have designated Feb. 8 as an annual day of prayer and awareness against human trafficking.

The date is the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita, who was kidnapped as a child and sold into slavery in Sudan and Italy. With the help of Canossian nuns, she escaped slavery and later became Canossian sister. The USCCB provides an anti-trafficking toolkit to assist you in this observance.

From the Office of Development - Allison Hewitt

Dear Brothers,

As part of the celebration of the Marianist Bicentennial, we are sponsoring two European trips in 2017.

Spain and France with Fr. Tim
From April 22 - May 2, Fr. Tim Kenney will guide Marianist Mission donors on a trip through Spain and France, with stops in Madrid, Zaragoza, San Sebastian, Lourdes, Bordeax and Paris. It will include a special focus on the life and work of Blessed Chaminade. Learn more.

Spain with Fr. Rudy
From May 21 - 31, Fr. Rudy Vela will host a more academically oriented trip to Spain, with a focused study of Fr. Chaminade's time in Zaragoza. Other stops will include Madrid, Siguenza and Barcelona. Learn more.

Questions? Please contact Allison Hewitt.

Profiles in Marianist leadership
Notes from the Provincial Council is featuring Marianists who hold leadership roles in the Province. We encourage you to learn more about these men, be grateful for all they do for us, and hold them in your prayers.

Fr. Thomas Schroer
First profession: 1961
Leadership role: Pastor, Queen of Apostles Community

Fr. Ralph Siefert
First profession: 1964
Leadership role: President, Chaminade College Prep, St. Louis
On the calendar
Feb 2: Presentation of Our Lord
Feb. 3-5: "Envisioning the Future" meeting 
Feb. 10: Area gathering, San Antonio 
Feb. 10 -12: Provincial Council meeting 

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.