News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
May 25, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Pilgrimage to Israel

From May 26 - June 4, I will join Bros. Dennis Schmitz, Tom Oldenski, Roger Bau and Dave Murphy on a visit to the Holy Land. For most of us, this is a way to celebrate our jubilees this year.
Fr. Paul Fitzpatrick will be our tour guide, and we will be joined by about 15 others, mostly from Hawai'i. While I am gone, Bro. Joe Kamis will be the point person for any Province business.
And then on to India
On June 5, Bro. Dennis Schmitz and I will travel on to India to take part in the District Assembly, June 9-11. The new District leadership will be installed during the assembly, and Dennis and I will have an opportunity to meet with both old and new leadership teams.
We offer our fraternal best wishes and congratulations to Fr. Sudhir Kujur as the new district superior, and to Bro. Darwin Joseph as his assistant. The council is completed by Fr. Jinu Muthukattil (religious life), Bro. Sanjay Ekka (education) and Bro. Lucian Tigga (temporalities).
In October, the District Council will consider adding two councilors-at-large. Just before the assembly, a special, second session of the District Chapter will meet to review the new District strategic plan, which will then be shared with the entire membership during the assembly. Please pray for our brothers in India, for the new leadership, and for God's blessings upon the District Assembly.
Shared joy with the Marianist Sisters
We join the Marianist Sisters in celebration of the first profession of vows of Gabrielle Bibeau and Caitlin Cipolla-McCulloch on Saturday.
This hopeful sign of vitality brings joy to all of us. We wish Sr. Gabrielle and Sr. Caitlin a rich and fruitful Marianist religious life, filled with zeal and the love of our Blessed Mother. Let us continue to pray for good and strong vocations to the religious branches of the Marianist Family.

Novices Gabrielle Bibeau (left) and Caitlin Cipollah-McCulloch with Sr. Nicole Trahan.

While in the Holy Land, I will pray for each of you. I am grateful for your prayers for me as well.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

Province Directory moves forward

At its meeting in Rome a few weeks ago, the General Council ratified our Province Directory. See Fr. Cortés' letter

The General Council made three suggestions for clarification; these will be incorporated into the Directory, and the document will be sent to Chapter members for ratification of the changes. 

After that, we will send a hard copy to each Province community, and we'll post it on the portal.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Blessed Mother Adele!

Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints; Sr. Franca Zonta, superior general of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate; and Fr. Antonio Gascón, postulator general for the Society of Mary, have announced the beatification of FMI founder Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon.

The ceremony will be in Agen, France on June 10, 2018.

New aspirants!

At our meeting last week, the Provincial Council approved two men to begin Marianist aspirancy. Magdaleno (Leno) Ceballos, 28, from Vista, California, and Jordan Stewart, 26, from Cambridge, Ohio, will join the Casa Maria Community in San Antonio in early August.

Welcome Leno and Jordan!

Leno Ceballos
Jordan Stewart
IMRI seminar in Marianist charism

Fr. Dave Fleming plans to teach a seminar on the "Mission of Mary" at the International Marianist Research Institute at the University of Dayton July 10-14. 

The focus will be on the none-too common approach that guided the Marianist founders. Read a seminar outline
From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

Welcome, St. Vincent-St. Mary High School!

During the Provincial Council meetings last week, we accepted the recommendations of the Office of Sponsorship and the Sponsorship Commission for St. Vincent-St. Mary High School in Akron, Ohio, to become a Marianist-sponsored institution.

Fr. Marty Solma wrote:

"We're delighted to welcome St. Vincent-St. Mary High School to our network of educational ministries. The spirit and orientation of the school is well-matched to Marianist pedagogy. Blessed Chaminade wanted us to multiply our efforts, and we see this initiative as a potentially fruitful avenue for doing just that."

The leadership of STVM will soon enter into the Sponsorship & Services Agreement with the Province and will formally become part of our educational family.

The process of integration and formation will continue over the coming year, and there will be a Marianist representative on their board of trustees.

I have visited the school and met with students, faculty, staff, administration and board members. I am fully confident in their openness to the Marianist educational charism and that they will make a contribution to our mission.

If you wish, you can review the discernment process that led to this decision.

We have no immediate plans for similar initiatives, but we are open to this type of endeavor in the future.

Savio Franco joins Office of Sponsorship

Savio Franco
We are pleased to announce that Savio Franco has joined the staff of the Office of Sponsorship as director of educational leadership development, research and partnerships. He will serve in a role similar to that formerly held by George Lisjak. (George is now at NACMS.) Savio's office will be in Dayton.

Together with his wife Hazel Franco, Savio is a Lay Marianist from India. He recently completed doctoral studies at the University of Dayton. His dissertation was titled: "The Interior Lives of Exemplary Leaders: A Phenomenological Study of Lay Leadership Commitment to Mission and Identity at a Catholic, Marianist University."

Many in the Province know Savio, as he and I conducted the Kairos leadership program for our brothers in India a few years back. I am delighted that he will bring his deep Marianist commitment and broad leadership formation expertise to our ministries. 

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

Marianist Call to Advance Justice

All 38 Province communities have now participated in the MCAJ program. Thanks to all of you for welcoming me into your communities over the past few years. I will be compiling a final report as we prioritize next steps and provide support for those actively engaged in the pursuit of justice, peace and integrity of creation.

The Cincinnati brothers who took part in the final MCAJ workshop.

A call to action for the climate

During their meeting earlier this week, Pope Francis asked President Trump to commit to having the United States remain part of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

The Trump administration is expected to make that critical decision at any time. Please take a moment to echo Pope Francis' call to environmental justice by voicing your support of remaining in the agreement. Take action now.

Vatican Synod on Youth - Brian Reavey
Reminder: Respond now to Pope's call for input

As you know, we've been asked to collect information on youth and young adults ages 16-29 for the 2018 Synod of Bishops.

And so, we seek input from those who minister with these age groups -- such as teachers, campus ministers, vocation directors and parish youth ministers.

You do not need to fill out the entire questionnaire; just answer the questions that apply to you and your ministry.

Please complete this questionnaire by June 7.

On the calendar
May 28 - June 3: Province retreat, Tecaboca 
May 29: Labor Day, Provincial Office closed 
May 31: Visitation of Blessed Virgin Mary

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