News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
June 21, 2018
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

First Profession as Marianists

On Sunday, the Province of Meribah will celebrate the first religious profession of Bros. Patrick Cahill, Andrew Santoriello and Peter Sennert. We extend our fraternal congratulations and best wishes to these young Marianists and to the Province of Meribah. May their consecrated lives be faithful, fruitful and filled with zeal. I am pleased to represent the province at this happy event.

Bros. Peter Sennert_ Patrick Cahill and  Andrew Santoriello
Bros. Peter Sennert, Patrick Cahill, and Andrew Santoriello

Assembly 2018

The Province Assembly begins one week from today. The organizing committee has been busy with many last minute details. Very special thanks to Pat Stephens, Donna Tucker and Ann Mueller from the West Pine office who have been involved with many of the logistics. This special province event will be a grace for all of us as we plan for the future and celebrate new leadership. Please pray for the Assembly during these days of anticipation.

India Meetings

Just after the Assembly, Fr. Oscar Vasquez and Bro. Bernie Ploeger will meet with the leadership of the District of India, along with Bro. Dennis Schmitz and me. The focus of our meeting will be the formation program in the District of India and the implementation of their new Guide for Formation. Sadly, Fr. Jinu Muthukattil, Assistant for Religious Life, was unable to secure a visitor's visa and is unable to be present for the Assembly and these meetings. All of these Indian Brothers will return to the District of India on July 5.

General Chapter XXXV

As you know, the General Chapter will begin on July 8. While Joe Kamis and I are gone, Fr. Bill Meyer will be the point person for province business in St. Louis. Please continue to pray for the upcoming Chapter and the work it will do. 

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Body + Mind + Spirit

Almost 100 brothers took part in the three regional workshops on the topic of the wellness of Body, Mind and Spirit. These workshops were an effort to begin to systematically address the needs of on-going formation which are called for by the International Guide to Marianist Formation. The Guide is specific in directing that this life-long learning should be holistic in its attentiveness to on-going human development, intellectual development and spiritual development; it should be practical and meet the needs of the young, mid-aged and senior members. The Commission for Zeal and Mission has requested your feedback on the helpfulness of this first workshop. Take the brief questionnaire. Please complete this by Thursday, July 5.

Next Year, the focus will be on intellectual/theological development. Dr. Greg Zuschlag of Oblate School of Theology will speak on The Jesus of the Four Gospels. SAVE the DATE: February 1-3 at Vallombrosa Retreat Center in Menlo Park, CA. More information will be forthcoming.

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

Help Stop Family Separation

The ongoing practice of separating children from their parents has already left nearly 2,000 children separated from their parents. As Bishop Joe S. Vásquez, Chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Migration, and Sister Donna Markham, OP PhD, President and CEO of Catholic Charities, remind us - as a nation and people of faith - we can and must do better. 

Join USCCB's Migration and Refugee Services and Catholic Charities USA today to help make a difference. Here are Four Ways To Help Stop Family Separation:

1. Pray: You can find a prayer for migrant children here.


2. Speak Up: Sign our Action Alert and share with your networks. Also consider contacting your senators and representative directly by phone to voice your concern. You can find the number for your representative here and your senators here.

3. Take Action: Contact your local Catholic Charities affiliate to learn about their material/volunteer needs, consider fostering an unaccompanied child, or join the Share the Journey global solidarity campaign with migrants and refugees.

4. Learn More: To learn more about Family Separation, visit the Justice For Immigrants Family Separation Webpage to review backgrounders, educational material and a webinar.

PULSE Gathering 

The Marianist PULSE community will complete their service year in Dayton, Ohio at the end of June. Celebrate with us as we send the volunteers forth to enliven the charism. Please join us for the Sending Forth Mass on  Wednesday, June 27th at 7:00 p.m. at Queen of Apostles Chapel. A reception will follow.

On the calendar
June 28 - July 1 : Assembly, St Louis, MO
June 29: St. Peter and St. Paul

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.