News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
Jan. 4, 2018
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

An impetus for a new year

We begin 2018 with a sense of hope and a deeper concern for migrants and refugees, who were highlighted in Pope Francis' message for the World Day of Peace on Jan. 1.

For us Marianists, the great Feast of Mary, the Mother of God, on the same day, should be an impetus, since Mary also knew violence against the young and the terrible plight of being a refugee.


Those who have had a chance to survey the province website will appreciate its new look and new features it contains. Thanks to Carol Dexter and Sandy Barnett for their sustained efforts over many months to accomplish this daunting task. Carol brings creativity and freshness to this and all our communication efforts; Sandy is the tech person who does much of the behind-the-scenes work.

We are grateful to both of them for their invaluable contributions to all of our province communication efforts.


Along with "kerygma" and "koinonia," this Greek word designates an essential component of ecclesial life: service!  

On Jan. 13, Bro. Suman Dungdung of the District of India will be ordained a deacon at the Marianist International Seminary in Rome. His service to Word and Sacrament will prepare him, over the next year, for service as an ordained priest within the Society of Mary. Congratulations and best wishes to Suman as he undertakes this important role of service.

Bro. Suman
Bro. Daniel
At the same ceremony, Bro. Daniel Griffin of the Province of Meribah will also be ordained a deacon. We offer our congratulations to Daniel and the Province of Meribah.

Consultation - last call

Tomorrow is the final date for submission of consultations for Provincial Council appointments. If you have not done so already, please use the links below to make your submissions. Our prayers are with Fr. Oscar Vasquez and Bro. Bernie Ploeger as they discern these important appointments, as well as with the brothers who will be asked to assume these responsibilities.

Rest in God's peace

Let us commend Bro. Don Schaaf, who died yesterday, to the mercy of Our Lord and the embrace of our Blessed Mother.

In addition, a number of province members have experienced deaths in their immediate families during recent weeks. Our condolences and prayers for Norma Schmitz, mother of Bro. Dennis Schmitz; for Betty Ann Perkins, sister of Fr. Bill Behringer; and for Nuas Soreng, father of Bro. George Soreng of the District of India. May they know the peace and joy we still hope for.

Let us continue to pray for all our brothers in healthcare facilities, especially those who are suffering. May our care and prayers sustain them. And may their offering of self in their sufferings sustain us.

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

Christmas: the American view 

Perhaps during the holiday break you visited family or friends and got into conversations about faith, religion, Christmas and the political issues that swirl around these matters.

Did you debate with a friend the merits of "Merry Christmas" vs. "Happy Holidays?" Did your cousin ask you if you are really among the 66 percent of Americans who believe Jesus was born to a virgin? Did you discuss the appropriateness of a Nativity scene on the courthouse lawn?

These Five Facts About Christmas in America offer some statistics about these topics in America today.

The real question for us, however, is what do we as Marianists bring to both the discussions and the phenomena? My prayer for 2018 is that we will continue to educate ourselves so that we can engage in intelligent discussions and be formative in our ministries "to sow, cultivate, and strengthen the Christian spirit and help it flourish in the human race." Rule of Life #74

Abundant blessings for the New Year.
International personnel

International personnel directories are being sent to the communities. If you need additional copies, please contact Pat Stephens.
Via Latina 22
On the calendar
Jan. 7: Epiphany of the Lord
Jan. 8
: Baptism of the Lord  
Jan. 10: Venerable Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon, 1828
Jan. 12-14
: Envisioning the Future II, San Antonio
Jan. 14-16: Provincial Council 
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.