News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
Aug. 24, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Area coordinators

Last weekend, the six area coordinators met with the members of the Provincial Council. The meeting was substantive and encouraging.

We shared a number of initiatives that will strengthen this structure within the province, including regular meetings with the community directors in each area, a Provincial Council liaison for each area coordinator, and another gathering at the end of the year for review and evaluation.

We'll be able to share more about these initiatives with community directors during our annual meeting in early October.

Other topics included community response to the upcoming lineamenta in preparation for the 2018 General Chapter, and the festivities surrounding the bicentennial, especially on Oct. 2 and Jan. 22, 2018. The area coordinators will provide more news about these events.

Community visitations

Another topic of discussion during our meeting was how best to provide community visitations this year.

Because the theme for the upcoming directors meeting is "Body, Mind and Spirit: a holistic approach to lifelong living," we thought "healthy living" would be a good focus for the visits.

Together, we'll consider how each brother attends to physical health, including diet and exercise; intellectual and professional development with a life-long engagement in the mission of the province; and the deepening of his religious and spiritual life, including spiritual direction, daily prayer, retreats and reading. Our hope is to strengthen an ongoing sense of mission and zeal.

The Commission for Zeal and Mission is also planning three province-wide workshops on the same theme this year. Watch for more information from your community visitor and from the Commission for Zeal and Mission.

Because this is the last year of the current administration, we tried to keep the same community visitors as last year, with a few exceptions because of personnel changes. See the list of community visitors.

The Provincial Council members will contact community directors about the timing of visitations.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,


Bro. Will Halloway (DeSales Crossings) has been assigned to the Marianist Community at Cape May Point, with ministry at the Marianist Family Retreat Center. We send our prayers for Will as he takes on this new ministry.

Province directory

The revised province directory, which has been approved by our recent Provincial Chapter and ratified by the General Council, is now on the Marianist portal along with the appendices. A hard copy of the directory will be given to community directors at the meeting in October.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

New pre-novice in Mexico

On Aug. 18, Johnny Victor Marquez Cruz made promises as a pre-novice (aspirant) in the Society of Mary in Querétaro, Mexico.

Johnny will be under the direction of Bro. Juan Manuel Azamar, assisted by other members of the local community. He will also take English classes and attend the interformation program for religious candidates in the area of Querétaro. He will be assisting the brothers at the local chapels.

Johnny Victor Marquez Cruz, center, with Fr. Quentin Hakenewerth and Bro. Juan Manuel Azamar at last Friday's ceremony.

We welcome Johnny as he begins his formation!
From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

New roles for brothers at MUSP, CUH

Bro. John Habjan has graciously agreed to serve as the coordinator of the Marianist Urban Students Program.

John will be able to attend more closely to the directors of this significant program, responding to their monthly reports with advice and encouragement. He will also bring them together via a conference call at least once a semester. Thank you, John.

Bro. John
Bro. Allen
With the approval of the Provincial Council, Bro. Allen Pacquing applied and has been selected to be the director of campus ministry at Chaminade University of Honolulu.

Congratulations, Allen, and be assured of our prayers as you assume leadership of this vital ministry.

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

Catholic Coalition response to Charlottesville

CMSM is part of the "Catholic Coalition," a group of organizations engaged in federal advocacy efforts. Please take a moment to read the coalition's response to the recent violence in Charlottesville.

Season of Creation: prayer resources for September

The Season of Creation begins on Sept. 1 with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, which Pope Francis instituted in 2015. The season concludes Oct. 4 with the Feast of St. Francis. You may wish to check out this prayer service series from Catholic Climate Covenant to help you and your parish, school or community pray and act.

Advocacy opportunities

From CMSM: Authorization for military force in Afghanistan

Earlier this week, President Trump announced his strategy for U.S. military operations in Afghanistan. Read more from the Conference of Major Superiors of Men and consider whether you wish to take action.

From MomsRising: Urge Congress to protect DREAMers

Young immigrants who were brought to the United States as children and were raised here received certain protections under the DREAM Act. On Sept. 5, 800,000 DREAMers will be at risk of losing their legal status. Join the voices urging Congress to protect these young people.

Linking justice and peace in the lectionary

Members of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men and other people of wisdom in our community graciously share homily resources:

Aug. 27 by Fr. Joseph Serano, O. Praem.
Sept. 3  by Don Timmerman, Catholic Worker
Sept. 10 by Diane Bergant, CSA

If you are not a homilist, please consider sharing these resources with your local priest.
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.