News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
Jan. 18, 2018
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Envisioning the Future II

This past weekend, brothers in the "middle cohort" (professed 1980-1996) gathered in San Antonio. The sharing and discussions were substantive and the atmosphere was positive and encouraging.

For me, a clear takeaway was the evident value and appreciation that the Marianist vocation has for these members of the province. This is very encouraging for our future. A formal report will be made to the Provincial Chapter when it meets in March; our able recorder, Bro. Dennis Bautista, is preparing minutes of the proceedings for distribution.

Special thanks to aspirants Leno Ceballos and Jordan Stewart, and Bros. Esteban Reyes DurĂ¡n and Mark Motz, for the excellent dinner on Saturday evening at the Holy Rosary Marianist Community.

Chaminade University's 10th President

On Saturday, Dr. Lynn Babington will be installed as the 10th president of Chaminade University of Honolulu. As the representative of the Society of Mary, I will join Vaughn Vasconcellos, Chaminade's chairman of the board, in presiding at the installation.

Presidents Thomas Mengler and Eric Spina, from St. Mary's University and the University of Dayton respectively, will attend, as will Chaminade's immediate past president, Bro. Bernie Ploeger.

This should prove to be a very happy occasion for Lynn and her family, for the Chaminade 'ohana, and for our province. Congratulations, Dr. Babington!

Advancing Marianist education

Congratulations to Bros. Darwin Joseph and Prakash Kujur on their graduations from Assumption University of Thailand last Saturday in Bangkok. Darwin was awarded a doctorate in philosophy; Prakash earned a master's in educational administration. Both men are well equipped to promote Marianist education in the District of India.

New graduates Bros. Prakash Kujur (left), and Darwin Joseph with Bro. Bancha Saenghiran, fsg, president of Assumption University.

BCTS responds to White House comments

I want to share with you a statement from the Black Catholic Theological Symposium. The statement was published on the day we commemorated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and is in response to reported comments about immigration from the White House.

Perhaps these words will resonate with members of the province as we recommit ourselves to the CMSM Resolution on Nonviolence and to our own Marianist respect for the least and the marginalized. Read the BCTS statement

Bicentennial finale

The final celebration of the bicentennial period will be on Sunday and Monday in Singhpur, India.

The entire General Council of the Society of Mary will be there, along with representatives from the respective branches of the Marianist Family. Bro. Tom Giardino will represent the province. Tom will conclude his visit with a workshop for ministry leaders in Marianist schools.

A great and heartfelt "thank you" to Bro. Charlie Johnson and other members of the bicentennial committee for all of the time and effort given to the celebration over the past 20 months. May this anniversary period bear fruit in the vibrancy of our Marianist life and mission.

Flu woes

Many province members have been suffering from the flu this season. Let's pray for them. Let's also hold Fr. Richard Loehrlein in our prayers as he confronts the effects of a very bad fall last week.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Body, Mind and Spirit workshops

At the community directors meeting last fall, the Commission for Zeal & Mission presented a three-year plan for province workshops titled "Body, Mind and Spirit."
The three 2018 regional workshops -- in Honolulu, San Antonio and Dayton -- will focus on issues of health and well-being.
In 2019, we will focus on education in an area pertinent to our lives as religious. The final year will offer workshops of a spiritual nature.
Housing for these weekend workshops will be in the local communities. You may submit any transportation costs to the province for reimbursement. Please attend the program closest to your home community.
Here are the dates:  
Feb. 16-17 Honolulu
March 16-17 San Antonio
April 6-7  Dayton
Registration for the Honolulu program is now open! See the tentative schedule.
Please contact Fr. George Cerniglia to register.
A limited number of rooms in Honolulu will be available. Any arrangements beyond the weekend will be based on availability. Make requests to Fr. George.

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

Marianists serving at our ministries

Periodically, we gather and publish a list of province members who are serving at our retreat centers, high schools and universities. These brothers may be faculty, staff, administrators, board members or volunteers.  

Because this list changes frequently, sometimes by the month, please review this draft and send me any needed modifications.

Thank you for your collaboration.

National Archives in San Antonio paper

You may enjoy reading this upbeat article about our National Archives that appeared in a recent issue of the San Antonio Express-News.

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

Pro-life resources

The annual March For Life takes place in Washington, D.C., tomorrow. This educational resource is useful for individuals or groups, regardless of whether they'll be on site in the nation's capital.

You may access this and many other resources at no cost by using our organizational membership:

Username: jvogt
Password: justice

Renouncing the sin of racism

In response to President Donald Trump's reported comments about Haiti, El Salvador and African countries, the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative has released a statement renewing the call for members of the Marianist Family to renounce the sin of racism.

Read the MSJC statement.

Help end the death penalty

The Catholic Mobilizing Network offers two ways you can take action now to end the death penalty.

First, sign the National Catholic Pledge to End the Death Penalty and encourage others to sign. Join thousands of advocates -- including Sr. Helen Prejean, Fr. James Martin, SJ, and Cardinal Daniel DiNardo -- who've already taken the pledge! Learn more.

Secondly, be aware that more than 20 executions are already scheduled for 2018. Raise your voice with CMN's easy one-click letters and insist the dignity of all life be respected. Take action.

Homily helps

The Conference of Major Superiors of Men offers these "homily helps" linking the lectionary to peace and justice. If you are not a homilist, please share these links with someone who is.

Jan. 21 by John Bostwick, O. Praem.
Jan. 28 by Rhett Engelking, OFS
Feb. 4 by Bro. Steve Herro, O. Praem.
On the calendar
Jan. 21-22: Final Marianist Bicentennial celebration, Singhpur, India  
Jan. 22: Blessed William Joseph Chaminade Day

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.