News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
March 30, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

New area coordinators

Thanks to all those who participated in the recent consultation for area coordinators.
At our meeting last week, the Provincial Council made the following area coordinator appointments for two-year terms beginning April 1. These brothers have generously agreed to serve according to the new role description
  • Hawai'i: Fr. George Cerniglia                       
  • California: Bro. David Betz                                
  • Texas: Bro. Richard Thompson                
  • St. Louis: Fr. Tim Kenney                                 
  • Ohio: Bro. Dan Klco                                    
  • Northeast: Bro. Jack Ventura                            
These six men will meet with the Provincial Council on Aug. 19 during our planning meetings. We will have a second meeting by mid-2018. Thanks to these brothers for their willingness to serve.
New District Council in India
Following a consultation of the membership, Fr. Sudhir Kujur and Bro. Darwin Joseph have announced the newly appointed members of the District Council in India: 
  • Religious life: Fr. Jinu Muthukattil                        
  • Education: Bro. Sanjay Ekka                              
  • Temporalities: Bro. Lucian Tigga                              
In October, the District Chapter will discuss the possibility of two additional councilors.
This council has received the ratification of the Provincial Council. We congratulate Sudhir and Darwin on their choices for District leadership, and we pledge our fraternal support and prayers for their efforts, especially regarding the new strategic plan.

On a separate note, we are pleased to congratulate Dr. Darwin, who earlier this week successfully defended his doctoral dissertation. Bro. Victor Sahayaraj continues to work on his doctorate in social work, which he expects to complete next year.
Our Lenten journey

Let us pray for each other during the remaining days of Lent. May Jesus be for us Living Water, the Light of our World, and our Resurrection and Life.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

General Chapter delegate elections

This week we received from Fr. Manuel Cortés the seventh Circular of the Superior General

In the circular, Fr. Manuel convokes the XXXV General Chapter, which will be in Rome July 8-29, 2018. You may notice that the number of delegates to this General Chapter has been greatly reduced, to 33 total.

Fr. Marty and I will be two of the delegates from the Province. And, as a Province, we will elect four additional delegates: two brothers and two priests.      

Community directors, as well as expatriates and those living outside of communities, will soon receive information for the election of these delegates.

In the first ballot, you will be asked to nominate four brothers and four priests as delegates. Please begin to think about your nominations.

Marianist Family Council of North America

The Marianist Family Council of North America had its semiannual meeting via conference call on Tuesday. Fr. Marty and I represented the SM, with Sr. Laura Leming for the FMI, and Mike Wasno and Mallory Green for the Lay branch.

After we reviewed the minutes of the last meeting, we received updates from each branch, reviewed Marianist Social Justice Collaborative goals for the year, discussed Marianist Lay Formation developments, and considered a proposal for limiting the use of disposable water bottles in the Marianist world.

Sr. Laura has now completed her term as chair; Lay Marianist Matt Dunn will take over with the November meeting.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Romeward bound

At its most recent meeting, the Provincial Council approved Bros. Michael Chiuri and Brandon Paluch to begin seminary studies in preparation for ordination to the priesthood.  

Mike and Brandon will travel to Rome in June for Italian language immersion studies; they'll begin formal theological studies in the fall.  

We offer these two our congratulations and promise them our continued prayers.

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

Changes at ICMF
Fr. André Fétis, general assistant for religious life, has announced a new model for the International Center for Marianist Formation (ICMF). This new model will be presented to the General Chapter in 2018 for confirmation.
Bro. Jack Ventura
Fr. André made this announcement following discussions with Bro. Jack Ventura, who is ICMF's current director, and members of our Provincial Council. Jack will finish his second term with the organization at the end of June.
The mission of ICMF has evolved as it has worked to create Centers for Marianist Formation within each Zone of the SM, as was envisioned at its inception. ( Read more about the move to Zonal Formation Centers.)
In addition, our Province has decided to reinforce our efforts on Lay Marianist formation with the establishment of the Marianist Center for Lay Formation (MCLF) in Philadelphia, with Jack as its full-time director, assisted by Bro. Stephen Glodek.
We join Fr. André and the GA in thanking Jack for his contributions to ICMF, and we look forward to his enthusiasm and competence with MCLF.

Installation of President Spina at UD

On April 4, the University of Dayton will officially install Eric Spina as its 19th president.

Surrounding his inauguration there will be a series of events including a Mass, a cornhole tournament and a presentation on humanizing technology. In short, something for everyone!

We congratulate President Spina, promise him our prayers and look forward to his leadership at UD.

Reminder: RSVP now for Marianist NCEA gathering

If you will be in St. Louis for the National Catholic Educational Association Conference April 18-20, be sure to attend the Marianist Educators Gathering on the evening of April 19.

We also encourage St. Louis-area brothers to join us.

If you wish to attend, please RSVP by Monday. Learn more and register.

From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers,

Changes at Siena Woods

Bro. Paul Hoffman is facing serious medical issues and is currently in the nursing care unit at Siena Woods.

At this time, Paul is not able to fulfill his role as director of the Siena Woods Community.

The Provincial Council has appointed Fr. Tom Schroer to be acting director of the community from April 1-June 30.

We thank Bro. Bob Wiethorn for his generous assistance during Paul's hospitalization, and Tom for his generosity in taking on this ministry during Paul's absence.

Fr. Ed Jach, another member of the Siena Woods support team, has been incapacitated by health issues as well. We thank the priests who have celebrated Masses for the community during this time.

Please remember in your prayers all members of the Province who need God's healing.

From the Development Office - Allison Hewitt

Dear Brothers,

Understanding the Marianist Mission

In meeting with brothers in various parts of the Province, I've found that not everyone has a complete understanding of the Marianist Mission. At the urging of the Provincial Council, we produced a short video explaining the Mission's ministry.

Each community will soon receive a DVD copy of the video. For now, you may watch it here.

Special thanks to Fr. Pat Tonry for his contributions to the production. 

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

Lenten reflection

Here is the latest Lenten reflection from the Catholic Mobilizing Network to End the Death Penalty.

You're invited: Chicago immersion experience

The Conference of Major Superiors of Men is inviting interested brothers to take part in an urban immersion trip to Chicago June 4-7. The experience is titled, "Urban Immersion: Encountering the Dimensions of Nonviolent Transformation."

Space is limited to 15 people. Learn more.

Homily helps

Here are homily resources that connect the lectionary to topics of social justice. If you are not a homilist, please consider sharing with someone who is.

April 2 - Dianne Bergant, CSA
April 9 - Marie Dennis, co-president of Pax Christi International

The opinions expressed are those of the author and don't necessarily reflect the position of CMSM.

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.