News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
Aug. 3, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

FMI General Chapter

The General Chapter of the Marianist Sisters concluded its meeting in Rome last week.

Please join me in prayers and congratulations for the new FMI General Council: Sr. Franca Zonta (second term), superior general; Sr. Ana Lucia De Goes, assistant for religious life; Sr. Clotilde Fernández del Pozo, assistant for education; and Sr. Michaela Lee Pok-Sun, assistant for temporalities. Read the final newsletters from the meeting.

The new FMI General Chapter: Srs. Clotilde, Michaela, Franca and Ana Lucia.

Pre-novices in Mexico

The Provincial Council has accepted two pre-novices (aspirants) in Mexico: Johnny Victor Marquez Cruz and Emilio Paredes González. These men will be under the direction of Bro. Juan Manuel Azamar.

In addition to our own local formation program, Johnny and Emilio will take part in classes for young men and women in religious formation in Querétaro. They will also work with our Mexican brothers in various ministry engagements.

We welcome Johnny and Emilio, and promise them our prayers and support.

Immersion, service and education for Indian brothers

Two Indian Marianists will be serving at Chaminade College Prep at West Hills, California, this school year.

Bro. Kumaraswamy, who just completed a master's degree in educational leadership at the University of Dayton, has been approved for optional practical training and will arrive in Los Angeles on Aug. 4.

Fr. Josephraj is still in the process of securing his R1 (religious worker) visa and will be delayed slightly. Both will be part of the West Hills Marianist Community.

This immersion and service opportunity will provide a fresh witness to Chaminade students and will provide these brothers with educational experience. We hope this pilot immersion experience will help our brothers in building capacity and experience.

And in San Antonio, two Indian Marianists will be pursuing MBA degrees at St. Mary's University. Bro. Balaswamy has received his student visa. We are still working on securing one for Bro. George Hans and hope for good news soon.

Conference of Major Superiors of Men

I am attending the CMSM meeting this week in Scottsdale, Arizona. Two other Marianists have prominent roles at this year's conference:  
  • Fr. Jim Heft will give one of the keynote addresses, titled "The Common Brotherhood of Religious Life." 
  • Bro. Steve Glodek will offer daily scripture reflections to orient the members during the conference.
I should also mention that Bro. Robert Metzger will make his annual appearance at this conference as part of the National Religious Retirement Office team. We are proud to have three province members serve CMSM with their wisdom and talent.

Congratulations and best wishes

On Saturday, 12 brothers will gather with family and friends in Douglaston, New York, to celebrate jubilees. Congratulations to these men and fraternal best wishes for many more years of life, love and service.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

Personnel move

Bro. Ken Thompson is moving from the Mercy Siena Community after many years of assisting our brothers in need.

Ken has been assigned to the Meyer Hall Community at Mount Saint John and will begin volunteer ministry on campus there at the end of this month.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Welcome, Leno and Jordan!

A warm welcome to our new aspirants Leno Ceballos and Jordan Stewart, who move into the Casa Maria Community in San Antonio this week. Be assured of our prayers! 

Thank you, Fr. Frank and brothers

The feedback we've received from across the province is that Fr. Frank Santucci, OMI, as well as Marianist presenters Bro. Ray Fitz (Bergamo), Fr. Dave Fleming (Oblate Retreat) and Bro. Steve Glodek (Eureka) were enthusiastically received in their preaching at our annual retreats.

Many thanks to Frank, Ray, Dave and Steve!

Midsummer reflection

It is hard to believe that summer is half over. Communities are beginning to regroup and ministries are beginning to gear-up for the new "ministerial year" and fall activities.

Don't miss out on these remaining days for personal rest and renewal. Please read my Midsummer Reflection.

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

Meeting of SM assistants for education

I was delighted to be in Rome last month with 18 other assistants for education and our General Administration, along with two invited guests and translators.

The gelato was as good as ever, but even better was the discussion about the important role of the Office of Education in promoting and maintaining a sound Marianist identity in our educational ministries.

I learned, and was encouraged and edified, by discussion of our successes and challenges in formation of lay collaborators, non-formal education, campus ministry and inter-unit collaboration.

It was sobering to hear of the impact, both positive and negative, of government on education as a major factor in many countries.

Each member of the General Administration gave a presentation, which was followed by lively discussion.

Here are a few of their ideas that struck me:
  • Fr. Manuel Cortés: "The Three Offices are an example of and a means for shared governance. The assistants are not merely counselors, they are executives. They act collegially under the coordination of the superior."
  • Fr. André Fétis: "It is clear that one can have a Marianist mission with no religious because from 1801-1816 the sodality had such a mission. So, while Fr. Chaminade wanted vowed religious life, he believed that laity could be Marianist missionaries."
  • Bro. Michael McAward: "Non-formal education is where the 'preferential option for the poor' meets education as our 'privileged means.'" 
  • Bro. Maximin Magnan: "International collaboration is a key to our vital future."  Please read the group's conclusions on this point.
Assistants for education and members of General Administration at the meeting in Rome.

Read the latest

On the calendar
Aug. 5: New York jubilee
Aug. 12: Dayton jubilee

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