News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
May 4, 2017
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Five profess first vows in India

We welcomed new brothers on April 30, as five young men professed first vows in India.

A crowd of about 500 friends, family members and religious sisters, brothers and priests attended the colorful ceremony at the Nirmal Deep novitiate in Ranchi.

Fr. Sudhir Kujur, assistant district superior, presided at the Eucharist; Bro. Augustus Surin, district superior, received the vows.  

Front: Newly professed Bros. Roshan Soreng, Prakash Jonnada, Amit Surin, Ajay Soreng and Peter Tirkey. Back: Bro. Marianus Bilung, assistant novice director; and Bro. Augustus Surin, district superior; Fr. Sudhir Kujur, assistant district superior; and Fr. Varghese Manooparampil, assistant for religious life.

Mahalo, Bro. Bernie!
On April 27, the Chaminade University ohana celebrated the presidency of Bro. Bernie Ploeger.  
A crowd of around 300 -- including faculty, staff, students and members of the board of regents and the board of governors -- gathered for a tremendous show of appreciation for the service Bernie has given as president of Chaminade University since 2009.
When asked how he wanted to celebrate his tenure as president, Bernie said he wanted as many campus constituencies as possible to be involved. And that is exactly what happened.  
Those gathered were treated to superb performances by the Hawaiian Club, the Samoan Club and the Filipino Club. Vaughn Vasconcellos from the board of regents, Michael Kerr from the board of governors, and President-designate Lynn Babington all offered words of appreciation. See a video of Hawaiian and Samoan dancers who were part of the tribute! 
On behalf of the Province, I thanked Bernie for his generous and competent leadership at Chaminade University for the last 20-plus years, and presented him with an icon of Christ the Teacher on behalf of the Province. Many thanks, Bernie, for your leadership!
Farewell to a Marianist giant
It is with a sense of both sadness and deep gratitude that we bid our fraternal farewell to Bro. John Totten, the oldest member of the Province and the second oldest member of the Society of Mary.  
Bro. John's wisdom, deep faith, humility and love for the Society of Mary helped shape many generations of Marianists here and internationally. We thank God for him and commend him now to the Risen Lord and our Blessed Mother, whom he loved so deeply. 

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

Thanks to community directors

In last week's Notes, I missed thanking some brothers who will be finishing their servant leadership as community directors this summer.   

The Provincial Council thanks Fr. Tim Kenney for his nine years of service at the Vianney Community in St. Louis, and Bros. Joe Markel, Tom Spring and Tom Trager for two years of service each at the Marycliff (Eureka, Missouri), Pohaku (Honolulu) and Rosedale/McCormick Avenue (Baltimore) communities respectively.  

As mentioned in previous Notes, these communities will be closing at the end of this community year.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Pastoral leadership seminar Aug. 14 -18 at CTU

Catholic Theological Union is presenting a five-day seminar called Critical Skills for Leadership: Enhancing Management Through Practical Wisdom August 14-18.  

Topics will include the Theology of Leadership and Management; Mission Integration and Organizational Skills; Planning and Visioning; Finances, and more.  

Space is limited; CTU recommends you register by July 15. Learn more. Register.

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

"What am I doing when I do what I do?"

Thanks to Bro. Andrew Kosmowski for his contribution to this series.

"As a librarian, I strive to share information with people. At the Marian Library, we strive to assist people throughout the world in developing an appropriate devotion to Mary. So, a major aim for the work I do is to ensure that Mary is known, loved, and served. In other words, this is evangelization.

"Through the University of Dayton, we send many of our materials out through interlibrary loan. Some of our items go to Catholic institutions such as Notre Dame and Boston College, and to non-Catholic institutions such as Ivy League schools and state universities. We also send materials abroad, such as to South Korea and the Czech Republic. This shows how wide our materials are used by scholars throughout the world for their research. However, we have this collection for more than research.

"A hope is that, in using our materials, the patrons will gain a better understanding of the role Mary has in the Trinity's plan of salvation."

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

Save the date - Marianist PULSE

Members of the inaugural Marianist PULSE community complete their service year at the end of June. If you are able, please plan to celebrate with us as we send forth these volunteers to enliven the charism.

PULSE Sending-forth Mass
June 28 at 7 p.m.
Queen of Apostles Chapel, Mount Saint John, Dayton

A reception will follow.

Investors improve workers' rights

Four years have passed since the collapse of the Rana Plaza in Bangladesh, which killed more than 1,000 garment workers and injured 2,600.

This tragedy drew attention to the systemic human rights abuses in the garment sector. With pressure from institutional investors and the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (of which the Marianists are members), significant progress has been made. Read more about this progress as well as the statement to which the Marianists are signatories.

Homily helps

Below are homily resources that connect the lectionary to topics of social justice. If you are not a homilist, please consider sharing with someone who is.

May 7 by Don Timmerman, Catholic Worker
May 14 by Dianne Bergant, CSA

The opinions expressed are those of the author and don't necessarily reflect the position of CMSM.
On the calendar
May 6: Jubilees in Honolulu, San Antonio

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.