Dear Families,

I wanted to provide you with an update regarding the status of COVID-19 within our school community. It has been a challenging time, but I would like to thank all our families for their support of our safety protocols and testing schedule. As a result, we have been able to continue to offer in-person learning for our student body.

This past Monday, we tested all our students, faculty and staff and we had a significantly reduced number of cases - only 3% of our population had positive test results. This is great news! This reflects our entire community’s effort to mitigate the spread of the virus. We need to continue to be vigilant over the next couple of months to keep these numbers low. 

I would like to thank the MC COVID-19 Task Force for its continued leadership, and I would like to give special thanks to our Director of Health Services, Elizabeth Paquette, who has been at the helm of our nurse’s office working late hours to contact and respond to MC families. It should be noted that Elizabeth recently renewed her National Certification as a Board-Certified Nurse. We are fortunate to have a health care professional on staff with this level of accomplishment. This is a tribute to Mrs. Paquette and her dedication! I would personally like to thank her for working to keep every member of our community safe during this pandemic. I would also like thank Nurse Carol Olive who has partnered with Elizabeth every step of the way in these extraordinary efforts.

Reminder - We will do rapid antigen testing with our students, faculty and staff again on Tuesday, January 18, Monday, January 24 and January 31. All students, faculty and staff are expected to participate in rapid antigen testing regardless of previous COVID-19 positive test results. (If your student has had a positive test result, you do not need to do a PVCR test for 90 days, but you DO NEED to participate in rapid antigen testing.) The testing schedule will be in the Headmaster Update.
Based on the changing COVID-19 landscape, we are continuing to update our policies to reflect the latest information from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Schools (DESE). In response to the current local trends, we have also moved to hosting several MC events virtually and postponing others that involve large group gatherings. Our hope is that the COVID-19 spike in cases will decrease soon, and we will move back to regular programming and reduced testing in February.

Our updated quarantine policy is below.  

Thank you for your support,

John Thornburg

If Your Student Tests Positive for COVID-19 – (Vaccinated or Unvaccinated)
5-Day Quarantine Protocols and Policy: Students with a positive test result will need to have a 5-day home quarantine and may return to school on Day 6 if he/she is asymptomatic. (A 10-day quarantine is required if the student is symptomatic.) Students who test positive should consider the date of the positive test result, if asymptomatic, or the date of the beginning of symptoms as day zero. Then, count 5 days with a planned return to school on Day 6.

The student may return to school and participate in co-curricular activities with the following rules:
  1. Students must be completely asymptomatic from Day 6 – Day 10 of the quarantine.
  2. The full quarantine period (in school) will last from Day 6 to Day 10.
  3. Students must wear a mask properly when in the building or participating in sports or activities.
  4. Students will be asked to eat in a safe space in the gym.
  5. Students are exempt from PCR testing for 90 days since the result will most likely be positive.
  6. However, students may be asked to participate in rapid antigen testing by one of the MC Nurses upon his/her return on Day 6. Rapid Antigen Tests accurately measure the level of antibodies and indicates if an individual is contagious.

Please note, if a student removes his/her mask or it is worn improperly, he/she will be sent home to finish the quarantine until Day 10. If a family does not wish to comply with the policy above, the student may complete a 10-day quarantine at home.  
If Your Student Is Exposed to Someone with COVID-19 or Has Been Identified as a Close Contact
Vaccinated Students: 
Vaccinated students will wear a mask while in school. If the individual tested positive in last 90 days, he/she will not need to take a PCR test. If the student has not tested positive in the past 90 days, he/she will need to have a PCR test on Day 5. If the student does not have symptoms, he/she may attend school. If your student becomes symptomatic: STAY HOME and get a PCR test.
Unvaccinated Students:
If approved by one of the MC Nurses, unvaccinated students may participate in the MC’s Test and Stay Program for the duration of the student’s 10-day quarantine. This program allows students to take a rapid antigen test every morning during the 10-day quarantine and stay at school and participate in sports and co-curricular activities if the results are negative. Students who are approved and are interested in participating in the Test and Stay program need to be at school by 7:30 AM and report to the Nurses’ Office to complete a rapid test before the first class every day of the quarantine.

If a student refuses to participate in the Test and Stay program, he/she will stay home for 10 days from the date of exposure.

Household Member Exposure to COVID-19
If a student is exposed to COVID-19 by a household member, he/she may participate in MC’s Test and Stay program, if approved by one of the MC Nurses. The student will also need to take a PCR Test on Day 5. If the student develops symptoms at any point, STAY HOME and get PCR tested.