To the membership of AAUW of New Jersey:

The Annual Meeting of the membership of American Association of University Women of New Jersey will be held on Saturday, April 17, at 10:00 A.M. via Zoom video conference. All members of AAUW branches in New Jersey are encouraged to attend.
April 17, 2021
9:45 AM - Assembly

10:00 AM Welcome

Registration and Attendance Report

Call to Order

Reports from The Board of Directors

Report from Bylaws Committee*

Recognition of Branch Achievements

Election of Directors for 2021-2023**

Looking to the Future

Adjourn Business Meeting

11:15 AM Wrap Up Questions and Comments

The board of directors of AAUW NJ recommended the adoption of revised bylaws, available here: v-03-03-21 AAUW NJ Bylaws, at their March 3, 2021 meeting.

For reference, the existing bylaws are here: NJ-AB New Jersey-20171302326_NJBylawsrev2017.

The rationale for the revisions is presented in the Summary of Proposed Bylaws Revision for Distribution. The Strategic Plan adopted by the AAUW NJ Board of Directors on January 6, 2021 that was a major motivation for revising the bylaws is presented here: SAP FINAL 12 15 2020.

Comments on the proposed bylaws should be sent to Marilyn Gonyo, bylaws chair, [email protected], no later than April 3, 2021.

NOTE: The titles, terms of office, and elected versus appointed nature of some board positions described below assumes that the proposed, amended bylaws v-03-03-21 AAUW NJ Bylaws have been adopted by the membership.

The following are the candidates for the AAUW NJ Board of Directors elected positions for terms July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023:
  • Treasurer - Rebecca (Becky) Hughes
  • Secretary - Linda Harmon
  • District Coordinator (Northern District) - Diane Crawford

Nominations from the floor are sought:
Candidate's prior consent must be submitted in writing to the Secretary, Linda Harmon and Parliamentarian, Marilyn Gonyo no later than April 15, 2021.

For two-year term July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2023:
  • Membership Vice President
  • District Coordinator (Southern District)

For one-year term July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022:
  • Nominating Committee Representative (1 each District)
  • Nominating Committee Alternate (1 each District)

Directors continuing in terms ending June 30, 2022:
  • President - Karen Brown
  • Program Vice President - Jacqueline McGuiness
  • Communications Vice President - Mariel Kolker
  • District Coordinator (Central) - Patricia (Pat) Baroska

Thank you to the following people who have agreed to accept appointments concurrent with the term of the President:
  • Public Policy Director - Keturah Harris
  • AAUW Funds Director - Nina Del Collo
  • Diversity and Inclusion Director - Edwina Sessons 
  • Parliamentarian - Marilyn Gonyo

Recommendations for appointees to the following positions should be sent to the President, Karen Brown, [email protected]:
  • College/University Relations Director
  • STEM Director
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