
Notice of December 6

Delta Independent Science Board Meeting

On December 6, 2023, at 9:00 AM, the Delta ISB will meet virtually to discuss its reviews and activities, including its reviews on subsidence, food webs, and decision-making under deep uncertainty. Additionally, Interagency Ecological Program Lead Scientist Steve Culberson and California Sea Grant State Fellow Sam Pyros will present a comprehensive review of green and white sturgeon population characteristics in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.


The Delta ISB meets monthly. Members of the public may observe the meeting in person or through Cal-Span or Zoom. More information is available in the notice linked above.

Delta ISB members on a field trip.

The Delta ISB advises the Council and provides oversight of the scientific research, monitoring, and assessment programs in the Delta through

periodic reviews.

Delta Independent Science Board

715 P Street, 15-300

Sacramento, CA 95814



Business Hours:

8:00 AM-

5:00 PM


(916) 445-5511

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