
Notice of March 23

Delta Stewardship Council Meeting

This month’s Council meeting will be held at Belle Vie Vineyard and Events Center on Sherman Island, beginning at 10:00 AM. It will feature a panel of experts who will highlight Sherman Island, as the unique place that it is in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, from a variety of perspectives and uses. The meeting will also include updates on our Delta Adapts climate initiative, Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee activities, the Delta Independent Science Board’s recent and upcoming efforts, and more.

Council meeting

The Council's monthly meetings are the definitive place for the public to learn about and comment on the implementation of the Delta Plan. This month's meeting proceedings will be conducted in person and remotely. See the meeting notice to learn more.

The Delta Plan.

The Delta Plan creates a common vision for taking-on current and predicted challenges. It includes regulations, non-regulatory recommendations, and performance measures to further water supply reliability, ecosystem resiliency, and the unique values of the Delta as a place.

Delta Stewardship Council

715 P Street, 15-300

Sacramento, CA 95814



Business Hours:

8:00 AM-

5:00 PM


(916) 445-5511

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