Edition 293 | April 8, 2021
Welcome to the Barnstable County Department of Human Services'
E-Newsletter. This bi-weekly newsletter is designed to provide timely information on health and human service topics of interest for
people living and working in Barnstable County.
Notice of Public Meeting, Document Availability and Comment Period - Barnstable County HOME Consoritum Annual Action Plan for Program Year 2021
The Barnstable County HOME Consortium has prepared its Annual Action Plan for Program Year 2021 (PY21). This plan outlines funding priorities and serves as the strategic and planning documents for Barnstable County’s HOME Program which is funded by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The HUD allocation for PY21 is $429,869. A virtual public meeting will be held on Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. The PY21 Annual Action Plan is now available for Public Comment: Annual Action Plan
Youth & Young Adult Homelessness – Take the Survey!
The Barnstable County Dept. of Human Services and its Youth and Young Adult Homelessness partners will be working with the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless and the Massachusetts Commission on Unaccompanied Homeless Youth for the annual Massachusetts Youth Count. The Massachusetts Youth Count mobilizes youth, young adults, youth providers funded by the Executive Office of Health and Human Services, Continua of Care, schools, and other community partners to survey young people under the age of 25 from across the Commonwealth who are experiencing homelessness and housing instability. The insights and data gathered from the survey process are used to influence advocacy and programming to address youth and young adult homelessness. The count will be conducted between April 12th and May 24th.
Information on the survey can be found HERE.
Hyannis VA Clinic is Offering COVID Vaccinations to All Veterans & their Spouses/Caregivers
Saturday April 10, 2021 | 9:00am - 1:00pm
Cape Cod Community College
2240 Iyannough Rd, West Barnstable, MA
Please contact the Barnstable District Department of Veterans Services at 508-778-8740 if you need assistance with any forms for your COVID shot or do not have access to transportation or are a homebound veteran. Please read "Flyer Info" button below prior to your appointment.
New Website for Barnstable District Department of Veterans Services!
Check out our NEW website! Our Mission is to provide information and assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining any and all Federal, State and local benefits which they may be entitled. We will make every effort to assist the veteran and/or to refer them to the appropriate resources to meet their needs.
We service 15 towns on Cape Cod and have 7 office locations to assist Veterans throughout the Cape.
Town of Falmouth Announces FY22 Human Services Funding
The Town of Falmouth, acting through the Human Services Department, seeks proposals from interested public or private, state and federally recognized non-profit organizations, agencies, or partnerships to provide projects, programs and services that address unmet human service needs in the community.
Attention Upper Cape/Falmouth Area Behavioral Health & Human Service Providers
The Town of Falmouth Human Services Department, in partnership with the Human Services Committee, is conducting a brief survey and your input would be appreciated.
Click button below to take the survey, or take a picture of the QR code (on left) with your smart phone to be directed to the survey.
Thank you for your participation! We send our sincere appreciation for all the ways you support the residents of Falmouth - particularly during the challenges of the past year.
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - Please, Have the Conversation for Prevention
As the Children’s Advocacy Center for Cape Cod & the Islands, Children’s Cove provides compassionate, comprehensive, and collaborative response services at no cost to survivors of child abuse through its evidence-based programs, network of community partnerships, educational outreach and awareness efforts. Its multidisciplinary team works together to empower survivors, promote healthy outcomes, and help mitigate the stigma of child abuse.
This month, and every month, let’s work together to create a community where children are free of abuse, have a voice that is heard, and where they enjoy healthy, safe, and empowered lives. We are here to help. If you want to learn more, have questions or need assistance, please visit us at www.ChildrensCove.org
CIVOC Food Pantry Funding Expands Services for the Veteran Community
The Cape and Islands Veterans Outreach Center is proud to announce it has received over $20,000 in funding from the Greater Boston Food Bank and the Cape and Islands United Way to expand our Food Pantry. These funds will be invested in the purchase of refrigerated transportation to expand service capacity and delivery to veterans living in underserved communities and communities of color.
These funds require matching support and we are seeking business and community partners to invest in our Food Pantry, as well as our Housing and Homelessness Prevention programs and services.
Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands has Certified Health Connector Navigators Available to Assist with New Financial Help for Health Insurance Premiums through the Massachusetts Health Connector; American Rescue Plan
Extended enrollment to run through July 23 to maximize opportunity for residents to gain access to new premium support.
April 2021 Education &Support Opportunities
This free, monthly Cape and Islands-wide listing of workshops, meetings, groups and related programs for parents, grandparents, guardians, and primary caregivers of children has been compiled and distributed for over twelve years.
Forum #2 "Housing and Homelessness Across Cape Cod"
Thursday, April 15 from 9:30-10:30am
Register to attend the virtual forum live or to receive a link to a recording after the event. We'll announce the presenters soon.
Virtual Series - Workplace Accommodation with a Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease
Tuesday, April 20, 2021,1:00pm-2:00pm
This program will be presented by Alexandra (Alex) Deal, JD, partner at Paik, Brewington & Deal, LLP, a Boston-based law firm specializing in employment counseling and litigation; & Anne Muskopf, OTR/L, Director of the Charlotte & Richard Okonow Parkinson’s Family Support Program. Alex and Anne will discuss how individuals with Parkinson’s can continue to work with the aid of workplace accommodations.
Virtual Health Forum - Suicide Prevention: Understanding the Mental Health Needs of Older Adults and People of Color - Thursday, April 29th 7:00pm-8:30pm
This forum will help family and friends, community members and health professionals recognize the mental health needs of older adults and people of color whose issues may present differently from other populations.
Topics covered include:
- Recognizing the needs of older adults and program services for suicide prevention.
- Understanding the impact of bias and internalized racism on mental health and discussion of wellness for people of color.
- An overview of the new National Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Designation Act forecasting the creation of a new 988 lifeline number.
Project Management Essentials
This course will examine project management roles, the project lifecycle, and various techniques of work planning, control, and evaluation to achieve project management objectives using system tools and project management philosophies.
You Don't Need to Travel Far to Receive High-Quality Education/Training That Will Position You for Success in the Technical Trades or a Career in an Allied Health Field
Several programs prepare the student for licensure in various industries. In order to meet the needs of students, we also offer several courses online. Here at UCT you will find over 500 exciting career and enrichment courses ranging from health careers, computers, technical trades, business, legal, culinary, wellness and fun courses!
“Stay Strong” Women’s Cancer Support Group
The “Stay Strong” Women’s Cancer Support Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month at Grace Chapel in South Wellfleet.
This support group is a meeting for women diagnosed with cancer and survivors of cancer. Even though many people receive support from friends and family, the number one reason people join a support group is to be with others who have similar cancer experiences. Research shows that joining a support group improves both quality of life and survival.
Free LGBTQ Grief Support Group
LGBTQ Grief Group, co-sponsored by Helping Our Women and Sharing Kindness begins on Wednesday, April 7th and will meet online for an hour and a half, from 12:30PM to 2:00PM, over the course of 8-weeks. A trained bereavement facilitator will lead this free online group. “Unfortunately it’s common for grievers to feel disconnected from the world around them and for LGBTQ grief and loss, limited resources can result in increased isolation,” shares Gwynne Guzzeau, Executive Director of Helping Our Women (HOW).
Thrive! CIGSYA - LGBTQ and Ally Center of Cape Cod Continue Digital Meetings
The LGBTQ+ group Thrive is for folks ages 13 to 22. We have been meeting virtually every Wednesday at 4 pm for fun, support, and more! This group creates space to discuss gender, sexuality, race, and our day to day among other things. If you are interested in joining one of our events, please email kgarcia@wethrive.us or check out our Facebook, Instagram:@cigsya and Twitter: @thriveatcigsya
Available Food Resources
The Barnstable County Cooperative Extension and Department of Human Services has compiled information on programs and sites in Barnstable County where prepared meals and pre-bagged groceries and supplies are available for pick-up.
Coping During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Cape Cod COVID-19 Response Task Force has collected helpful wellness resources for you during COVID-19. Please check back regularly as we add to these resources.
Each month we will highlight tools to help manage this crisis and identify for you web videos, articles, discussions, and resources we have found helpful. These tools apply to those of all ages, children, adolescents, young adults, adults, and elders.
Barnstable County COVID-19 Recovery Resources
COVID-19 can be difficult for all of us but especially for those in recovery. This might be exacerbated by people unable to attend their normal support group meetings or other recovery supports. Please click on button below to find local and nationwide resources related to substance use disorder and mental health. You can also call the MA Substance Use Helpline anytime at 800-327-5050.
COVID 19 Survival Kit Series - Sponsored by Nami Cape Cod & The Islands
In early 2020, when COVID 19 hit hard, NAMI Cape Cod & the Islands developed an 8-part Survival Tool Kit Series, based on the research of Bruce Perry, renowned child psychiatrist and neuroscientist. The kit was developed as a guide to review, over the fall and winter months, some essential tools to help us deal with stress of the COVID 19 pandemic. These tools apply to those of all ages--children, adolescents, young adults, adults and elders. Each month highlights a new topic and provides tools to help manage this crisis and identify resources such as web videos, articles, discussions and more we have found helpful. In the month of February we are highlighting part 4 of the series which focuses on “Screen Time”. To access the tool kit click website button below. We want everyone to be safe and healthy during this pandemic.
- Submissions will only be accepted using our online submission form.
- Submission buttons are located at the bottom of every newsletter and on the homepage of our website.
- Content Policy - Attachments must be in .PDF FORMAT ONLY please.
- We are prioritizing timely information on the ever-changing landscape of health and human services events and opportunities.
- Due to the increasing number of submissions to the newsletter, the Department reserves the right to limit the number of times a submission is published.
- Posting of articles submitted for publication in the Barnstable County Department of Human Services E-Newsletter is at the discretion of the Department. To request this newsletter in alternate formats, please call 508-375-6628.