The San Jacinto River Authority (SJRA) will hold its second public meeting to discuss the Upper San Jacinto River Basin Regional Sedimentation Study (the “Study”).
The Study will provide an evaluation of sedimentation in the Upper San Jacinto River Basin, including identification of which sub-watersheds in the basin produce and store the most sediment, prioritization of individual watersheds/locations for improvements, and development of conceptual sedimentation solutions. Conceptual solutions could include future projects with the goal of reducing sediment inputs and/or enhancing sediment storage, as well as non-construction best management practices, with the ultimate goal of mitigating the loss of floodway conveyance in the basin.
This project is funded by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Flood Infrastructure Fund (FIF) grant program along with local funding partners Harris County Flood Control District, City of Humble, and City of Houston. SJRA is supporting the project by managing the TWDB grant, as well as performing project management and other in-kind services.