Notice of Special Permission
for Ministry
December 6, 2021

To All God’s Beloved in Minnesota,

Grace to you and peace from God our Creator and from God’s son Jesus, the light who is coming into the world.

I am writing today to share the news that I have granted permission to Bishop St. Nicholas, Second Bishop of Myra, to travel and minister in our diocese between Sunday, December 5, and the Feast of the Nativity on December 25. By ancient custom, no bishop is permitted to function in another diocese without the permission of the incumbent ordinary. I am positively jolly to grant his request to minister in Minnesota.

St. Nicholas knows Minnesota’s natural beauty—with its prairies, rivers, lakes, and woods— is unparalleled in all the world. He has also heard of the beautiful diversity of its many peoples, and is eager to experience again the great north in all its wonder. He has even heard there is a south metro congregation named in his honor, and he is eager to verify whether such a dignity has in fact been bestowed upon his venerable legacy. 

His primary activities will be bringing joy and cheer to Minnesota’s children, as well as extending boundless generosity and compassion to those who are poor, on the margins, or in any other way pushed aside by the powers of the world, as a way of reminding us that we follow a Lord who came not to be served but to serve, and whose loving kindness knows no bounds. He is also fond of praying for sailors, and since the ice is even now beginning to form across our noble waters, he may settle for blessing a canoe, a kayak, or a fishing boat already stored for the winter. I have asked Bishop Nicholas for proof of vaccination against COVID-19, which he has provided, and he has furthermore assured me he will wear a mask at all times when indoors. 

You may see him making a list, or even checking it twice. Be assured he endeavors only to fully discern who is naughty and who is nice. Unfortunately, his determinations are final and cannot be appealed. Should you find yourself in the naughty column, my solemn pastoral advice is to strive to be nice the whole year, because I’m told he sees you when you’re sleeping, and knows when you’re awake. As I often try to admonish you and myself, be good for goodness’ sake. 

I hope you will join me in welcoming Bishop St. Nicholas into our midst, and accept my prayers and best wishes for a holy Advent and a joyful Christmas.

Given under my hand and seal, on the Feast of St. Nicholas, 2021, and in the second year of my consecration.
Grace and Peace,

The Rt. Rev. Craig Loya
X Bishop
Episcopal Church in Minnesota