Compiled by the Latin American, Caribbean & Iberian Studies Program at UW-Madison
Dear LACIS students, colleagues and friends
As the new director of LACIS it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2016/17 academic year. This year LACIS will continue to flourish thanks to you and the dedication of our incredible team: Alberto Vargas, Sarah Ripp, Darcy Little, Jesus del Toro and Isabel Suarez.
As usual we will have vibrant activities during the year and we hope you will join us in fostering an intellectual community that cares about our region and the multiple challenges we face. Thanks to the continued support of the Tinker Foundation, in the fall, the Department of Sociology is hosting Bastian Reydon (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil), who specializes in land tenure issues in Brazil. He'll be teaching a seminar on "Sociology of economic Change."
We hope this fall you have a chance to attend one of our lunchtime lectures or check out the myriad activities LACIS sponsored or co-sponsored throughout the semester. We are very grateful for your support and always welcome suggestions, inquiries, etc.!
I look forward to working with you this year and helping you achieve your goals!
Hernando Rojas
LACIS Director
The LACIS Staff: Hernando, Alberto, Darcy, Sarah, Isabel, and Jesus
P.S. If you wish to submit an event or announcement for inclusion in the "Noticias de la Semana," please click HERE and complete our online submission form. Thank you!
- September 13th: Orestes Larios Zaak, Cuban Artist from Camaguey
- September 20th: Ian Carillo
Tuesday, September 6th
September 6th (6:30pm-9pm) Red Gym
Join us in welcoming everyone back to campus! Be a part of the largest multicultural organization festival. Free food, entertainment, and most importantly- organizations! Way up is a great opportunity to introduce new students of color to multicultural student organizations available in the campus community.
Friday, September 9th
Friday, September 9th
MCOR is the largest Wisconsin Welcome activity for the UW-Madison multicultural community. This reception welcomes new and returning students of color to campus and seeks to initiate the process of community building, support, and solidarity among and across these many communities.
There will be many great performances from multicultural student organizations and giveaways. You don't want to miss out!
Upcoming Events...
Tuesday, September 13th
The 8th Annual SuperMercado Latinx
September 13th, 2016
The Brothers of Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity Inc. present the 8th annual SuperMercado Latinx!
Please join the men of Lambda Theta Phi and the Office of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement in one of the largest gatherings of Latinx/multicultural students and faculty at UW Madison. SuperMercado Latinx is an evening of fun with music and a great way to meet new friends and explore new opportunities. This will allow incoming Latinx freshmen to seek resources that will enhance their academic careers.Various student and community organizations will be in attendance tabling along with other activities including:
- Free food!
- Live Perfomances: Ballet Folklorico Mexico de Carlos y Sonia Avila
- Key Note Speaker: Sergio Hernandez, City Year, Hispanic Scholarship Fund
- Loteria with prizes
- Other give aways and raffles
Come and enjoy yourself!
Tuesday, September 13th
Orestes Larios Zaak, one of contemporary Cuba's noted painters, will visit Madison September 1-25, 2016. Larios, who visited Madison with a sculptor colleague in 2009, will be exhibiting his paintings at the Goodman Center on the east side. His paintings are especially known for their thematic use of the environment, stressing its fragility and its natural beauty, and will be for sale at the exhibition. The visit and exhibition are sponsored by the Madison Camaguey Sister City Association.
Larios is a well-known teacher as well as the director of an artists' workshop and exhibition space in central Camaguey, the city that has been one of Madison's sister cities since 1994. In the early 2000s, he helped coordinate a sister city relationship between Madison's Beth Israel Center and the the tiny Jewish community of Camaguey. Galeria Larios displays the work of young artists from Cuba and other countries throughout the world. Many Madisonians have visited his gallery and he has hosted visitors from Madison.
A public reception in honor of Larios and his wife Maria Ofelia Granela Suarez will be held on September 11 from 2:00-5:00 p.m. at the Goodman Center, 149 Waubesa Street. The public is invited to attend and meet our special Cuban friends.
Robert Skloot, Professor Emeritus
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tuesday, September 13th
UNA Dane September 13, 2013 Program, Downtown Library 7:00 p.m.
Presentation Title: Fair Trade: A Consumer Driven Strategy to Reduce Poverty
Topic: Fair Trade was started 70 years ago in the U.S. as a strategy to help low income people in developing countries escape poverty and build economically sustainable lives. It has grown into a global movement committed to promoting consumer driven economic change that will promote increased social justice, better working conditions and less disparity of income.
Bob will explore the history of the fair trade movement, its ten core principles, and its goals and objectives. He will delve into its impact on the lives of low income artisans and workers in developing countries, with particularly emphasis on ways the movement provides an alternative to sweat shop produced products, particularly clothing. He will also discuss the role Madison has played in this growing movement.
Bob will be joined by "stars" from Madison's own roller derby team, Mad Rollin' Dolls who will model current fair trade fashions offered by Serrv and other fair trade organizations.
Bob Chase has been CEO of SERRV International, a 65 year old nonprofit fair trade and development organization, for the last 27 years. Previous he and his wife owned and operated in fair trade store. He is a member of the board of directors of the World Fair Trade Organization, past member of the board of directors of the Fair Trade Federation and is UNA Dane County Treasurer.
Wednesday, September 14th
Study Abroad Fair
Varsity Hall, 1:30pm-6pm
The Study Abroad Fair gives students a one-stop-shopping experience for exploring hundreds to study abroad opportunities for every major. More than 90 exhibits will showcase info about UW sponsored programs, including IAP's 200+ programs and offerings from other study abroad offices on campus. You'll find programs on 6 continents ranging from classroom experience to internships, research, field work, service learning & more.
Wednesday, September 14th
Internships in Latin America and Spain Info Session
336 Ingraham Hall, 4pm
Come hear about spring and summer internship opportunities in Latin America and Spain. Get your questions answered about available opportunities, how to do your own search, course credit, scholarships, visas, insurance, etc. Session will be run by the International Internship Program (IIP) and Latin America, Caribbean and Iberian Studies (LACIS).
Couldn't make it to a Lunchtime Lecture? Check out our YouTube channel for videos of all the lectures and more!
Education, Volunt
eer and Job Opportunities...
Wisconsin Singers!
Wisconsin Singers (sponsored by the Division of Student Life) has immediate openings for 1- PR/Marketing and 2- Graphic Arts interns. UW class credit and scholarship dollars are available for these full academic year internships.
Students will develop a portfolio of projects that reflect professional work with a non-profit entertainment company right here on campus.
Please share with your students- we need to fill these positions immediately to kick off our fall performing season as UW's Official Ambassadors of Goodwill since 1967.
Many thanks for your help during this busy time!
Robin Whitty Novotny
Latino Academy of Workforce Development
Internship Opportunities at the Latino Academy of Workforce Development
Practice and Use your Spanish while making a difference in your community! (We are on a bus line!)
The Latino Academy of Workforce Development, has been empowering the Latino community in Dane County for 5 years. We train and educate students to successfully integrate into the economic and educational systems in Dane County. We are seeking interns for the fall semester who can help grow the Latino Academy and better serve our students. This is a great opportunity to practice Spanish and work directly with members of the community. If you are interested in learning more about what we do, please visit our Facebook page or website at
The Latino Academy is seeking two-three interns who will specialize in either employment or education. Interns are asked to work at least 8-10 hours a week.
Communications Intern
: Duties will include the bi-weekly newsletter (in English), assisting with Facebook communications (in Spanish), assisting with marketing efforts such as flyer creation and daily student calls for classes and special news.
Education Intern
: Assist in creating GED intervention material for students, assist with creating and presenting resume and soft skills workshops, assist with grading and academic planning with students.
Social Services Intern
: Work one-on-one with Latino Academy students (speak in Spanish) and help apply for employment, tutor GED social studies students (Tues/Thurs), call students for class reminders etc. * All categories include clerical and administrative assistance.
We are also seeking volunteers to help out with various events and programs. This is another great opportunity to connect with members of the community and practice speaking Spanish.
We are currently accepting applications for
Consular Fellows - Spanish positions.
New hires who commit to a four-year service agreement will be eligible to receive a recruitment incentive of up to 10% of their basic salary. This incentive would be paid in two installments: one upon completion of the first two-year assignment, and the second at the end of the second two-year assignment (48 months service). Consular Fellows may be eligible to participate in the Department's Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP) at any post in which they serve when they sign an initial three-year service agreement. For more information on the program, click
Applicants must be U.S. citizens, at least 20 years old to apply and at least 21 years of age to be appointed. By law, all candidates must be appointed to the Foreign Service prior to the month in which they reach age 60, except for preference eligible veterans. Applicants must also be available for worldwide service, and be able to obtain all required security, medical and suitability clearances.
If you have any questions or would like to search for topics of interest, please visit our
forums or
FAQs at
We appreciate your interest in the U.S. Department of State.
Futura Teaching Internship
Guest Bloggers Sought for LACIS Blog!
Did you study abroad or intern in a LACIS country? Are you following a particular current event? Did you attend a LACIS event? We want to hear what you think! Write a brief post, include pictures or videos, and we will share it on the LACIS blog! (Please note that your blog posting may be edited down for size or content, if needed.)
Contact the LACIS social media intern, Jesus Del Toro (, with any questions or with your finished product!
Get Involved with Colombia Support Network!
Want to get more involved with international advocacy on the UW-Madison campus?
Colombia Support Network-UW Badgers serves to bring awareness on the UW campus about the human rights atrocities occurring in Colombia, encouraging UW students to become educated and engaged in the CSN solidarity mission through volunteering, spreading our peaceful mission, and sending student delegations to peace communities in Colombia.
The Colombia Support Network wascreated in 1989 to provide support to Colombian communities and organizations in areas of conflict which seek to construct a just social and economic order using non-violence means. There are more than 6 million displaced persons in Colombia, and more than 31,000 persons have "disappeared" since 1990s. Peaceful civilians have faced attacks from rebel groups such as the FARC, as well as paramilitary forces which are indirectly - and sometimes directly - aided by a government which serves to protect solely the interests of the wealthy. This March, important peace talks between the Colombian government and FARC forces are likely to reach a deal, making the current issues in Colombia especially relevant.
Engagement with CSN-UW Badgers can be as simple as liking our facebook page [Colombia Support Network -UWBadgers, and considering attending future CSN events, such as movie series or speakers! We're also looking for new leaders who are passionate about human rights and might one day go on a delegation to Colombia with CSN.
For more information on the Colombian peace process, you should find this website very helpful:
Four hundred years after their death, William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes continue to stir passions and attract creative responses. On October 11th and 25th from 4pm to 6pm, the Department of Comparative Literature and Folklore Studies will hold commemorations of these figures. You are invited to contribute to these informal conversations on Shakespeare or Cervantes.
These talks will focus around three personal questions:
1. What do you like about William Shakespeare or Miguel de Cervantes?
What is your favorite work and why?
Are Cervantes and Shakespeare relevant to us today? Why? Or why not?
The talks are intended to generate enthusiasm among students and colleagues for the works of these masters. UW- Madison members from any department with an interest in these authors can send me a brief email before September 10, to schedule a time on October 11th or 25th that works for you:
Apply for a grant!
International Division, IRIS award seed grants for interdisciplinary research
Six interdisciplinary research projects that blend place-based scientific inquiry with international expertise have been awarded incubator grants by the International Division and the Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
These projects focus on Africa, South Asia, Eurasia, and Latin America, in fields as diverse as public health, child development, civil engineering, climate science, archaeology, genetics, virology, and environmental studies.
Offered this year for the first time, the grants are aimed at bringing together faculty in STEM fields who are conducting place-based research abroad with experts from regional and area studies centers within IRIS.
Funding for these awards, of up to $50,000 each, comes from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and other International Division funds.
nternational Reach is a unique volunteer program that places international speakers in schools, campus venues and community organizations for short presentations. It provides interesting opportunities for individuals to share perspectives on their home countries with teachers, students and area residents for the purposes of furthering global education and intercultural dialogue. International Student Services (ISS) coordinates the International Reach Program.
BRIDGE International Friendship Program
BRIDGE (Building Relationships in Diverse Global Environments) pairs new international students with American students for a whole semester based on similar interests, personalities and needs. BRIDGE provides new international students with a friend, ally, resource person, and cultural navigator. The program offer numerous cross-cultural activities, learning experiences and fun. To learn more, visit
Millennium Development Goals Awareness Project
MDGAP educates the campus about eight United Nations development goals on poverty, hunger, education, gender eqaulity, global health and the environment. The project also links students with hands-on , goal-related research, internships and volunteer opportunities in order to further job skills, foster global competency, and advance the goals. For details, visit
If you wish to submit an event or announcement for inclusion in the "Noticias de la Semana," please complete our
online submission form. Thank you!