Issue #65 | November 2017

Credit: Suaahara Project

Nourishing the Future: Good Nutrition Key to Growth

Good nutrition builds the foundation for a healthy future, and progress starts with both a nutritious diet and a healthy environment. Investing in nutrition is one of the most powerful commitments we can make—studies show that it has a return of up to $35 for every $1 invested.

And although we’re making progress against malnutrition, 155 million children under the age of 5 still suffer from stunting worldwide.

Inadequate nutrition remains a critical challenge for many countries, and it has profound effects on families and communities. It takes a toll on entire economies as they struggle with lost productivity, chronic illnesses and rising health costs. Together with our partners, Feed the Future works to tackle the root causes of malnutrition and help children and families everywhere get the nutrition they need to thrive.

To deliver the biggest impact, Feed the Future helps families grow and store nutrient-rich food and uses the latest science to develop heartier crop and livestock varieties that can hold up to changing weather conditions. But nutrition is about more than that. It also requires safe drinking water, good nutrition habits and proper hygiene such as the use of latrines and handwashing practices. This holistic approach is vital to progress.

In collaboration with the private sector, civil society, committed governments and other partners, we can continue making strides against malnutrition.

To learn more about the state of nutrition across the world, check out the 2017 Global Nutrition Report, and read on to learn more about how Feed the Future invests in nutrition to support resilient families and communities.


A Growing Venture Helps Cambodians Get Healthy

Finding work in Cambodia isn’t easy, and sometimes, you have to make your own luck. Entrepreneur Kim Nol is doing just that by growing his small latrine business to provide his community with affordable and effective sanitation options.

Credit: Mark Manary

Research on Cowpeas Aims to Stump Stunting in Malawi

Like many kids in Malawi, one-year-old Chisomo was at risk of stunting. But thanks to the results of a new study, cowpea, a nutrient-rich food, is helping kids like Chisomo get the nutrients they need to grow up healthy and strong.

Credit: World Vegetable Center

Doing Things Differently in Djale

After seeing a food security project in a nearby village, the women of Djale went to work to improve their own community’s food security and nutrition. Now, their determination is paying off and making Djale a healthier, happier, and more prosperous place to live.

Credit: Robyn Fernando

Teach a Man to Grow Sweet Potatoes is the Mantra in Malawi

It’s no secret that sweet potatoes are a nutrient-rich food. Thanks to Robyn, a Peace Corps Volunteer, they’ve also become a solution for one community as farmers and their families get healthier with each successful harvest.

Credit: Amy Watts, Save the Children International

Green Means Go for Healthy Habits in Guatemalan Schools

Although Kimberly is only in the third grade, she’s become a school champion for handwashing in her Guatemalan community. Now, students are building healthy habits and getting the most out of their nutritious school meals.

Credit: Cultivating New Frontiners in Agriculture

Farmers Teach the Next Generation in Mozambique

Through the Farmer-to-Farmer program, agriculture volunteers in Mozambique are teaching students the benefits of farming and nutrition. Students are taking their knowledge beyond the classroom, empowering others in their community with better nutrition skills.

Credit: Tajikistan Health and Nutrition Activity

Taking Care of Business in Tajikistan

A 19-year old in Tajikistan is proving that you can start small and make a big impact. Through his family business, Usmonali is teaching others the benefits of good sanitation practices, and boosting both his business and his community’s health.


A Positive Force for Change in Cambodia

What’s more impressive than one successful entrepreneur? One who mentors other business leaders. Nanda Pok believes that when women are economically-empowered, money flows back into businesses and towards the health, education and well-being of their families. As a successful coffee business owner supported by a USAID coffee production training program for female business leaders, Nando helps other women entrepreneurs thrive.


December 3 - 6, 2017

Cape Town, South Africa

Global Food Security Conference

February 5 - 9, 2018

Pretoria, South Africa

Digital Agriculture Training


Global Nutrition Summit and Global Nutrition Report Launch Set to Catalyze Progress on Malnutrition

Charting a New Path for Water’s Future

Peace Corps Volunteers Help Feed the Future

New Map of Worldwide Croplands Supports Food and
Water Security

To Ensure Better Nutrition for Children and Their Mothers, We Need the Right Data

The Value of Student Exchanges to Developing Countries— and the U.S.

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Feed the Future is the U.S. Government’s global hunger and food security initiative.
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