Director's Corner:
Have you ever wanted to:
- Feed a Giraffe?
- Ride along with Littleton Police Officer (by choice)?
- Visit a Hells Angel Clubhouse?
- Take a ride in a Semi and have lunch at a truck stop?
These are just a few of the unique items our board members have donated that you will have the opportunity to bid on when you attend our Holiday Giving Gala, Friday December 8th, 6-9 pm.
We hope you will bring your friends and join us for a fun evening with live music, community awards, a live and silent auction with proceeds going to a community partner. More to come very soon on the donation partner and awards. The cost is $50 per person and includes live music, "Santa Clausmopolitans," beer, wine, and appetizers. Purchase your tickets online or send me a check and we will save you a spot. Tickets are limited!
It is hard to believe Thanksgiving is 3 weeks from today! A downtown Littleton tradition is the Candlelight Walk & Parade the day after Thanksgiving. The Chamber will have a float this year and we invite you and your families to participate - costumes may be required.
Another tradition is the Arapahoe Santa Claus Shop that began in 1959. They collect new toys to help families with children infant to 10 years of age, in Littleton, Englewood, and Sheridan. I will have a donation box at the Chamber Office or please bring items to our Business After Hours next Wednesday at the Colorado Pin Ball Pub. If you are interested in collecting toys, please email
We have made several updates to the LBC website including more categories in our directory, a member event calendar, and several new membership categories including a non-profit organization rate of $150.00. Please check your business listing in the directory and please let me know if you would like to move to a different category or information needs to be corrected.
I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and I truly am thankful for all of you and your support the Littleton Business Chamber.