Oneonta District 
 of the Upper New York Conference of the United Methodist Church
November 12th, 2020 Oneonta District News for you
* Please share this newsletter with your friends and congregation members.
Note: The District Office is open by appointment only.
Nancy’s Notes - #11
“So speak encouraging words to one another. Build up hope so you’ll all be together in this, no one left out, no one left behind. I know you’re already doing this; just keep on doing it.”
Dear Friends,

     The passage above is I Thessalonians 5:11 from Eugene Peterson’s paraphrase, “The Message.” I was reading this in my devotions this morning, and I realize it’s also included in the lectionary readings for this week.  
     I offer these words as we need to encourage one another and to be encouraged ourselves. I do believe that God created us to need each other.   Friends - especially Christian friends – are one of God’s best ideas, don’t you think? Thank you, God! I have been so blessed by my friends, and I trust you have, too.      
     How can we encourage those around us? Send a note, make a call, share a scripture, appreciate the grocery clerk, etc. I was recently encouraged by someone who wrote to say how much these newsletter articles have encouraged him. Whatever you can do to encourage someone – do it – today.
     In these days when tearing down those who disagree with us is so prevalent, may we as Christians witness to a better way. Instead of tearing down, let’s be agents of grace who build each other up. May it be so.

                  With you in the journey,

The past month, Upper New York (UNY) Area Resident Bishop, Mark J. Webb, has hosted rejuvenating District gatherings with UNY clergy. In December, Bishop Webb is inviting all laity to join him for regional gatherings on Zoom. These gatherings will be a time of prayer and conversation around our ongoing commitment to the mission of the Church in these unprecedented days.
The Zoom meetings for each our region will be as follows, from 6:30 p.m-8:30 p.m.
December 8 – Southern Tier Region (Oneonta, Binghamton, Mountain View, and Cornerstone Districts)
Click here on December 8 to join Zoom meeting or call 646-558-8656.
The meeting ID is 962 8916 4197 and the passcode is 778210.
2020 Regional Annual Charge Conference Schedule
Sun. Nov. 15th, 3-6 PM -Cooperstown Regional Charge Conference– Via Zoom
Presiding Elder: Rev. Paul Winkelman
Regional Coordinator: Pastor Sharon Rankins-Burd
Includes the Following Churches:
Fly Creek/Schuyler Lake,
Worcester/East Worcester
West Exeter
Sun. Nov 22nd, 1-4 pm -Oneonta Regional Charge Conference– Via Zoom
Presiding Elder: Rev. Paul Winkelman
Regional Coordinator: Pastor Donna Martin
Includes the Following Churches:
Elm Park Oneonta
Emmons/Cooperstown Junction
First Oneonta,
Schenevus /West Davenport     
 Note* Your Charge conference may not take the full 3 hours that are scheduled, this will depend on how your presiding Elder decides to run the meetings
Important: Get Ready for Charge Conference!

In preparation for the upcoming Charge Conferences, the following information is now available:
Charge Conference forms are all located on the following page: 2020-2021 Charge Conference forms. There is a downloadable/printable forms check list to help ensure that each church is on track to completing the forms necessary for their Charge Conference on time. If you get an error message while trying to access the Charge Conference forms, click here for help.

* Note* All Charge Conference Forms are due in the District Office 10 days prior to your Regional Annual Charge Conference. This is critical so as to give time for us to review them and transfer them to the Elders presiding over charge conferences.

Preferred method is Scan and email your forms to [email protected] or Fax them to (607) 353-1034 .
If you decide to snail mail your paperwork please consider that it will take longer to arrive as USPS is not delivering in 2-3 day time frame as we once were used to.

The 2021 Clergy Compensation Package information has been emailed to the Staff Parish Pastor Relations Committee (SPPRC) chairs for those churches which have provided contact information. Pastors have been emailed the materials and local church treasurers have been advised where to obtain the basic information contained in the packet. Information and forms, including the Salary Report Form and benefit cost information for 2021 can be found on the following page: 2021 Pastor's Compensation.

Thank you for your attention to these important administrative ministries of your local church!
Open to All
Updated- Adirondack District Lay Servant Classes
To view the brochure, click here.
The following courses are the 2021 cycle for certification as Lay Servant or Lay Speaker. The courses are open to all Districts.
To register or for more information on the following please contact the Arlene at [email protected]
If you are interested in Certified Lay Ministry, the prerequisites are the Basic Course, and Spiritual Gifts. However, it is highly recommended that the five additional required Lay Speaker courses be taken.
Basic Course: Basic Lay Servant (daytime course) 
See May for other dates.
Tuesday, Jan. 19 and Thursday, Jan. 21: 9 am-noon
Monday, Jan. 25 and Wednesday, Jan. 27: 9 am-noon
ZOOM: Course Fee: $15
Advanced Course: United Methodist Heritage
Thursdays: Jan. 7, 14, 28: 6-9 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 23: 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
ZOOM: Course Fee: $15  
Advanced Course: Preaching: From Your Hearts to Theirs
Course 1: Mondays: Feb. 22, March 1 and 8, 6-9 p.m. and Saturday March 13: 9 am-1 p.m.
Course 2: Thursdays, Feb. 25, March 4 & 11: 6-9 p.m. and Saturday, March 20: 9 am-1 p.m.
ZOOM: Course Fee $15   
Each course is limited to 6 participants. 
Deadline for registration form and fee is Feb. 8
Advanced Course: Leading Prayer
Wednesdays: April 14, 21, May 5: 6-9 p.m.
Saturday, May 1: 9 am-1 p.m.
ZOOM: Course Fee: $15  
Basic Course: Basic Lay Servant 
Thursdays, May 13 and 27: 6-9 p.m. 
Saturday, May 29: 9 am-1 p.m.
Monday, June 7:  6-9 p.m.
ZOOM: Course Fee: $15
Advanced Course: Spiritual Gifts
Mondays June 14 and 21:  6-9 pm
Saturday, June 26: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Thursday, July 1: 6-9 pm
ZOOM: Course Fee: $15  
Advanced Course: Leading Worship
Wednesdays: July 14, 21, 28: 6-9 p.m.
Saturday: August 7: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
ZOOM: Course Fee: $15  
Advanced Course: Polity
Tuesdays August 17, 24, 31: 6-9 pm
Saturday, August 28:  9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
ZOOM: Course Fee: $15  
For more information about Lay Servant Ministries, click here 
IMPORTANT REMINDER to all Lay Servant/Speaker/Lay Ministers:

It's that time of year! Don't forget to get your Annual Lay Servant/Speaker/Lay Minister reports filled and signed for Charge Conference. The Oneonta District Charge Conferences are scheduled beginning Nov 1. You must complete the form, with necessary signatures and turn in the report to your pastor prior to Charge Conference in order to remain active in Lay Servant Ministries. You can download the forms at
Lay Servant Ministries

A newsletter of Schoharie Region of the UMC
Spiritual practice: Praying the Psalms
Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, Upper New York Assistant Director of Vital Congregations for Spiritual Life, the Rev. Nancy Dibelius, has been providing videos of helpful spiritual practices to help deepen people’s relationship to God during this difficult time.  
This week, Rev. Dibelius revisits the practice of Praying the Psalms.
Click here to watch the video.
Boundaries Training - Pastors and Lay Pastors
Boundary Training required every 5 years of every clergy person in any active status or relationship with the Conference whose appointment is approved or set by the Bishop; every person serving as a supply pastor assigned by the District Superintendent; and retired clergy performing ministerial functions.
(Note: Boundaries Training is not the same as required
New York State Sexual Harassment Prevention Training)
Click to download the letter. Click here for registration.
Continuing Education Requirements for Clergy
Attention:  All clergy under appointment or assignment are required to complete 2 CEUs (20 contact hours) per year or accumulative 8 CEUs (80 contacts hours) per quadrennium
and will provide documentation to the District Superintendent, unless enrolled and attending Course of Study or Seminary Degree Program.
A message from the Conference Safe Sanctuaries Team to trainers  
In this time of Covid-19 and social distancing, the Safe Sanctuaries Conference Team is not recommending any in-person Safe Sanctuaries trainings. This is to keep safe those who would be together for a long period of time. We ask that people be patient. Recertification letters have gone out to the trainers. There is a test training for trainers only set for December 12 from 9 AM to 1 PM. We will test the curriculum that has been redone for a virtual training via zoom. Please watch your emails for the link and the updated materials. Please refer to the recert letter for the co-chair contact in your District and for more information.
Co-Chair Arlene Schmidt, CLM and Pastor Christine Mitchell, Pastor, Honeoye Falls United Methodist Church.
This week, we share the latest Town Hall panel discussion on intersectionality.
In anti-racism work it can be tempting to focus only on fighting racial injustice. After all, in a world dominated by sound bites and social media snippets, we can fall into the trap of reducing anti-racism work into a silo. However, injustice is intersectional, and liberation is interconnected. We will explore historical ways in which we have partitioned off justice work without an awareness of intersectionality and explore the joy and hope around community and coalition building.
Click here to watch this thought-provoking and eye-opening panel discussion. 
Camp & Retreat Ministries
Manna in the Wilderness Campaign

As you may know, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced Aldersgate, Asbury, Casowasco, Sky Lake and Skye Farm to cancel an entire summer camp season as well as numerous church, family and group retreats and gatherings. In addition to the loss of these life-changing ministry opportunities, these cancellations have resulted in over a million dollars in lost revenue. Though each site has begun to reopen, the pandemic will continue to limit what is possible for many months to come. 

These precious ministries have entered a “wilderness time” of uncertainty and scarcity.   In response to this challenge, our conference is making an emergency financial appeal, what we are calling the Manna in the Wilderness Campaign, to support our camp and retreat ministries in these unprecedented times.

Media Resource Center
Media Resource Center is now partially reopened
The Media Resource Center began lending and accepting back overdue resources on Aug. 1. Please send back any items that you currently have as soon as possible. If you need to readjust return dates, please contact Karen Campolieto, Media Resource Coordinator and Archives Assistant. The Media Center will not be available for personal pick-up, but you can mail materials until further notice as our offices are still officially closed to the public at this time.

Click here to read the latest UNY Media Resource Center newsletter!
News To Know
November is Native American Heritage Month
During the month of November, United Methodists are called to learn more about the history of Native/indigenous people. Click here for several resources you can share with your congregation to raise awareness about Native American and indigenous culture in the United States.
File your Boy Scouts of America claim by Nov. 16

Earlier this year, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy to protect itself against a growing number of sexual abuse claims made against it. This bankruptcy process is intended to allow the BSA to deal with these claims – through the creation of and payment from a victim’s compensation trust fund – and continue its operations. As is typical in bankruptcy proceedings, the court has established a “Bar Date,” which is the deadline for potential creditors to file claims against the BSA (the debtor). The Bar Date in this case is Nov. 16, 2020, at 5 p.m. EST.
On Wednesday Oct. 28, Upper New York Conference Treasurer, Bob Flask, sent a note to the UNY Conference that includes a statement by Conference Chancellor, Peter H. Abdella, that all churches who have ever chartered or sponsored a Boy Scout Troop, Cub Scout Pack, or venturing crew must read.
The letter also includes instructions on how to file claims and includes information about Zoom meetings that will take place on Wednesday Nov. 4 at 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. to answer any questions filers may have.
Click here to read more
Visit Conference website for updates
The World Health Organization has declared COVID-19 as a global pandemic. The Upper New York Conference of The United Methodist
Church is actively determining the best way to balance ministry while protecting the health of all clergy and laity.
We have created a resource page designed to support leaders in our Conference as they make critical decisions in a situation that is quickly changing.
Click here for the webpage. Please note that by scrolling down on this link, you will see the latest news on COVID-19 and on the right side, you will see links to FAQs, webinars, live streaming, video conferencing, and more.
If you have a question about COVID-19 and how it affects your church or need assistance, please contact UNY Communications at (315) 898-2012 or [email protected] and someone will contact you.
2020-21 UNY Appointment List

Upper New York Area Resident Bishop Mark J. Webb and the Upper New York Conference release the final appointment list for 2020-2021. Click here to view the full list of changes.
NY State minimum wage and salary increase effective 12/31/20

Effective 12/31/2020, New York State minimum wage increases to $12.50/hour. Employers in the Upper New York Conference, regardless of number of employees, must pay non-exempt employees minimum wage.
Effective Dec. 31, 2020, NY State minimum salary for employees classified as exempt under the New York State Labor Law’s administrative and executive exemption increases to $937.50/week or $48,750 per year. Employers in the Upper New York Conference, regardless of number of employees, must pay employees classified as exempt under the administrative and executive exemption the New York State minimum salary. 
Click here for more information.
Reminder: NY State requires annual training for sexual harassment prevention

As previously communicated, New York State employers must adopt a sexual harassment prevention policy and provide training on sexual harassment prevention to their employees annually.
Each New York State employer is required to have a sexual harassment prevention policy in place. The employer’s sexual harassment prevention policy must be provided to the employee at the time of hire and during each annual training. The policy can be provided electronically as long as the employee is able to print the policy for their records.

It is recommended you obtain a signed acknowledgment from the employee affirming they have received and read the employer’s sexual harassment prevention policy.
There are various free or low-cost online sexual harassment prevention trainings available to your employees. Click here to learn more.
If you have questions on this topic, please contact Tracy Rickett, Human Resources Generalist, at [email protected]g or (315) 898-2017.

General Conference 
The quadrennial legislative event will take place on August 29 - September 7, 2021, at the Minneapolis Convention Center in Minneapolis, MN. Click here to read more.

Jurisdictional Conferences
The Jurisdictional Conferences in the United States will be held November 10-12, 2021. The days prior to and after can be used at the discretion of each Jurisdictional Conference. Click here to read more. 
2020 UNY Journal Vol. 1 is now ready
The 2020 Upper New York Conference Journal, Vol. I (formerly known as the Pre-Conference Booklet) is now available for download as a free PDF and for purchase through the online publisher,
 Click here to view an online version, download a copy, or order a printed copy from ($5.29 plus tax and shipping.
Self-care resources
How have you been doing throughout the coronavirus pandemic? Take some time to give yourself much-needed self-care. Evaluate how you are doing physically, psychologically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually throughout these difficult times with a self-care assessment. Learn dozens of self-care recommendations.
Click here to visit the COVID-19 resources section of the Conference website to see the recently added self-care resources.
Stay Informed, Up-To-Date Through These Links:

UNY Notes -Include notices From the Desk of Bishop Webb; Alerts; Announcements; Prayer requests; Death Notices; Camp & Retreat info 

Weekly Digest  - Sent every Wednesday. It will include a listing of all of the new information available.
This will help reduce the amount of e-news announcements coming to your computers.
Another great resource is the UMCOM newsletter. To subscribe, click here
Contact US !
How to get help from UNY Conference for...
Regular needs or questions, contact the Conference (315) 898-2000 or email: [email protected] and leave a message including what assistance
you are seeking and it will be given to the right person to respond to you.
Technical or creative needs such as online Bible studies/meetings,
live streaming worship, or online giving
(315) 898-2012 or e-mail [email protected]
  Conference Office Address:
 The Upper New York Conference 
   United Methodist Center
    7481 Henry Clay Blvd
   Liverpool, N.Y. 13088

Office is closed at this time!
 Phone: 315-898-2000 Toll Free: (same) 1-855-424-7878    
Denominational Website: The United Methodist Church
"Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by... living the gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God's love with our neighbors in all places."    
Your Partners in Ministry at the Oneonta District Office

Rev. Nancy Adams - District Superintendent

 Teresa Wood, - Minister of Administration

Rev. George Gallandorm,- District Associate

Anna Buell,- District Lay Leader - [email protected]

Phone: (607) 441-5102
Fax: 607-353-1034

The District Newsletter can also be found at 

Please note the Mailing Address for the Oneonta District Office is as follows:

Oneonta District Office UMC
C/OTeresa Wood
28 Orchard Street
Oneonta NY 13820
The physical address of the office remains the same:
64 Chestnut Street, Oneonta NY 13820