County's Legacy Land Use Systems Convert to PLUS in Final Expansion of Centralized Platform
All land use permitting, plan review, inspections, and complaint systems have now been converted to the Planning and Land Use System (PLUS). PLUS replaced outdated systems with a more modernized platform. Using PLUS, residents and businesses can conduct online transactions with the Health Department, Land Development Services, Fire and Rescue, Code Compliance and Planning and Development. Learn more.
Volunteer Openings for Reston Planning and Zoning Committee
The Reston Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Committee is seeking volunteers to serve on the Committee. All residents of Reston (18 and older) are eligible to serve on the Committee. The Committee consists of 15 members with five positions expiring each year, and three associate members that serve one-year terms. Members’ terms run for three years beginning in January of each year. Associate members terms run for one year, also beginning in January. Meetings are typically held virtually on the third Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. If you are interested in volunteering to serve on the Reston P&Z Committee, more information and the online application can be found at The application deadline is Dec. 5
Comment Period Extended for Affordable Housing Policy
The comment deadline for the proposed Affordable Housing Preservation policy is extended through this Friday, Nov. 4 This proposal encourages the preservation of existing affordable rental housing uses and structures throughout the county. Please take a few minutes to review the policy and submit your thoughts about it. Community feedback will be used to inform any additional changes to the proposed Comprehensive Plan text.
Following this comment period, the plan text and public comments will be provided to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors for consideration in a series of public hearings.
Reston Comprehensive Plan Timeline Update
A few weeks ago, the Board of Supervisors' Land Use Committee and the Planning Commission were briefed on an update of the draft recommendations for the Reston Comprehensive Plan. As noted, there has been a tremendous amount of work by both Reston stakeholders and county staff, and we want to ensure that we move forward in a thoughtful and collaborative manner. Staff is currently reviewing community input on the Task Force’s proposed changes to the Draft Reston Comprehensive Plan Text and preparing recommendations for the Comprehensive Plan text. Here is the updated timeline from the Department of Planning and Development:
- The staff report, with responses to public comments, is expected for release after the first of the next year (2023).
- Staff will provide updates to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisor committees, as requested, in December and January.
- Public hearings for the plan amendment are expected to be in the spring of 2023.
In addition, I will have one-on-one meetings with supervisors in the coming months to discuss the draft comprehensive plan.
Residents should continue to provide written input or ask questions about the Reston Comprehensive Plan recommendations here. Your input is critical in helping the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors make informed decisions regarding this comprehensive plan that will impact Restonians for decades. Your best reference for the comprehensive plan study is the county's Reston Comprehensive Plan Study webpage.
You may also listen to an overview from my recent podcast with county staff.
Hunter Mill Land Use Committee Virtual Meeting: Tuesday, Nov. 15, 7:30 p.m.
The Hunter Mill District Land Use Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 15 at 7:30 PM. Use this link to attend. You may also call in and listen to the meeting, dial and 571-429-5982 and use conference call ID: 533 871 828#. For more information contact Shruti Nallappa.
Reston Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Virtual Meeting, Monday, Nov. 21, 7:30 p.m.
The Reston P&Z meeting is scheduled for Monday, Nov. 21 at 7:30 p.m. Use this link to attend and participate. You may also call in and listen to the meeting, dial 571-429-5982 and use conference call ID: 367 883 872#. For more information contact Shruti Nallappa.