Volume 25 | Nov 2020
November 2020 Spiritual Message
Suzanne Hunt, Clairvoyant, Healer, Spiritual Teacher
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Moving out of Judgment
So here we are in the days before the election. Many of us are struggling with the divisiveness that is prevalent everywhere in the media right now - political ads and opinions of all kinds, coming in from the TV news, commentary and pundits, radio, talk shows, late night comedy, newspaper, online news, e-mail, Instagram, FB and twitter. And, worse yet, it may even show up in the conversations with our families, friends and loved ones.

You might find yourself struggling between the impulse to argue your point, let it go, pray for the best, focus on something else or just pretend all this isn't happening. We want our candidate to win, or don't want the other one to win, or maybe we don't like either of them. The worst part is, some people we care about are on the other side of the argument. And we might be asking ourselves, "how could they . . . . [fill in the blank]?"

Actually this is the perfect question to be asking right now because it can help us make a shift. . . .

From Judgment to Curiosity When we are in judgement our view is fixed. Something is wrong. The plan is wrong. The idea is wrong. We might even be thinking something is really wrong with this person. When we have decided that someone is wrong or flawed because of a difference of opinion, the focus of our energy shifts from the issue to the individual. Suddenly, we are participating in -- and promoting this huge national divide.

Of course, we may disagree with this person's idea or proposition. But if we want to maintain our relationships through this election and step out of the divisive energy, we can choose to be curious. I wonder why my friend feels this way? I wonder what about this position feels most important to them. What is their personal story about it? Curiosity allows the resistance to soften and the conversation to be more open and flowing.

We can ask them in person (if the relationship allows) but just thinking about them from a space of curiosity and wonderment will energetically create a shift for ourselves and help release the tension. If we decide to ask them about the importance, their feelings and their story, and then it is good to really listen to the answers.

When we listen to someone talk about an issue of importance to them, we strengthen the relationship and our connection. Moreover, when someone listens to us, we feel more like giving that same gift back. So, they may be more willing to hear us too. Listening opens doors and deepens relationships. Consequently, it provides the opportunity for another shift. . . .

From Curiosity to Understanding When we begin to understand why someone feels or thinks a certain way (even if we disagree) it is a little easier to set aside our opposition. When we have more insight into someone's experience on this planet, their choices begin to make more sense.

We can recognize their journey and challenges and allow the painful point of the disagreement to move back into the issue where it belongs. In this way, we restore kindness back into our most important relationships even when there are strong differences of opinion.

The good news is, when we have more understanding for others we begin to have a little more understanding for ourselves: the hardships we struggle with, the things that went wrong and the challenges we face. Now we can be a little more gentle with ourselves and have more compassion for our own experience, which helps us move through those challenges more easily.

I'm not saying this is easy. Personal growth can be difficult. But it brings huge rewards in more peace, contentment, expansive and objective thought, freedom and fulfillment in life, and more joyful relationships.

Blessings to each of you and your loved ones,
Upcoming events
Emerge Into Your Brilliant Future!
Body Mind Spirit Celebration is back and better than ever! BMSE brings together the finest psychics, healers and holistic lifestyle teachers to create an incredible event for you. ALL readings and healings are just $25 for 20 minutes. Come browse creative jewelry, fun clothing, magical crystals, spiritual books, aura photos and much much more! There will be inspiring presentations on every topic you can imagine, on every hour. The one hour workshops are included FREE with your entry ticket!
Body Mind Spirit Expo
Fort Collins-Loveland,
November 7- 8, 2020
Opening Hours
Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6
Admission: $7
Note: I won't have a booth at the
Colorado Springs fair this weekend.
New location!!!
Ft Collins Hilton - Colorado State Ballroom,
425 W Prospect Rd,
Fort Collins-Loveland, CO.
Global Awakening and Healing Event Nov 2020

Are you ready to awaken?
The invitation is here. 

What: Gather with over 35 facilitators from across the globe to experience our new reality and remember who you are. Join us for over 72 hours of inspirational talks, healing sessions and ascension support while connecting with our community of light.

When: November 1-14, 2020
Video content available Nov 1 and live discussions with presenters begins on Nov 7th.
(See schedule below).
Next steps:
1) Register for this FREE event (link above)
2) Subscribe to the Buddhist Biohacker YouTube (link above)
3) View the LIVE (LIGHT) stream event playlist
4) Set reminders for the LIGHTstreams you would like to watch
5) Join in the conversation with participants and facilitators and share your own awakening stories, insights, and questions.
Calendar of events:
Opening Circle LIVE!
7 AM Mountain time
Introduction to facilitators

11/8 – 11/13/2020 Daily Pulse Check LIVE!
8 AM Mountain Time
Check of the Schuman Resonance
Presenter review 
Daily Card Pull and More

9AM ~ Lindsey Sadowski Committing to your Self-care
10 AM ~ Tim Walter Healing Your Home & World
11 AM ~ Victoria Jane How to Ascend through Pandemic
NOON ~ Yoga Outlook Satyam
1 PM ~ Aimee Cartier Own Your Intuition
2 PM ~ Holy Badass living Amanda Brutus-Phillips
3 PM ~ Living in Alignment Julie Hoyle
4 PM ~ Un-triggerable: The secret to not taking Things Personally Jim Dreaver
5 PM ~ Remember your Essence Anna Downing
6pm ~ Megan Riley Thrive

9 AM ~ Divine Light Claudette Dean
10 AM ~ Cynthia Dillon Channeling the Morkian Collective
11 AM ~ Deanna Hansen Block Therapy for Children
NOON ~ BodyTalk Access for Animals Erica Risberg
1 PM ~ Why vortex spots are conducive to awakening Vishali
2 PM ~ Journey to right before you were born Eve Crowe
3 PM ~ Sacred Soul Love Dr Lisa Thompson
4 PM ~ Aware, Awake and Ready to Create Karen Helene Lizon
5 PM ~ Mary Lydia Ryan Creative Authenticity

9 AM ~ April Megginson The Alchemy of Breath
10 AM ~ You’re Psychic: How to Tune In Dallisa Hocking 
11 AM ~ Honoring Your True Self Suzanne Hunt
1 PM ~ Born to Thrive Dionne Bihari 
3 PM ~ Coaching Conscious Youth Noble One 
5 PM ~ Quantum Field of all Possibilities Becky Prater 

9 AM ~ Live Sound Healing Sandi Daileda
10 AM ~ Michele Snelling Remove your Soul's Amensia with Essential Oils
11 AM ~ The Yogic Diet Monique Toh
NOON ~ Your Naturally Beautiful Self Christine Shahin
1 PM ~ From Head to Heart – Thrive Heather Bryant
2 PM ~ Awakening into 5D+ Kristian Strang
3 PM ~ Susan Walter What are the Solfeggio Frequencies
4 PM ~ Trust the Process Keri Brackett

11/14 – Closing Circle 7 AM
Join us for this fun and insightful discussion
November 7th at 4:00 pm MT !

Register for the Awakening to join this and
all the FREE presentations listed above
Honoring Your True Self
Thursday, November 12th at 11:00 am MT

Register for the November Awakening to join this and
all the FREE presentations listed above!
What is the Ajatakasa Institute?

A one-year interdisciplinary program of metaphysical and spiritual studies and development which includes:  
  • Weekly online courses taught over Zoom with topics to include shamanic practices, holistic health, spiritual anatomy, energy management, Akashic records, tarot, mythology, Jungian and contemporary psychology, metaphysics, parapsychology, dream work, spiritual, intuitive and self development.
  • A light library of meditations, presentations, and spiritual development available during your year of study.  
  • Weekly support hours throughout the year where students can pop in for questions or help with any class or topic in the program. 
  • Faculty members: Lisa Gunshore, Julie Hoyle, Suzanne Hunt, Sheryl Garcia, Julie Ware, Marlena Leonard, Sienna Castinado 
  • Program starts January 2021 with various installment plans for tuition.

Begin 2021 with an incredible one year in-depth program focused on your personal growth and spiritual expansion. With this powerhouse of amazing teachers you will learn fascinating healing modalities, new and ancient mystical techniques, current psychologies and metaphysics to connect more deeply with your heart and truth in a fresh new way.
Watch the replay from the Ajatakasa Institute launch. Meet the faculty as they explain the exciting new program upcoming January 2021.
Look over the program curriculum details, tuition and register at this link.
I am available to schedule clairvoyant reading and healing sessions. Click on the scheduling link below.

Read more information about services at www.EnergeticHealingArts.com
Contact me at [email protected]
call/text 720.351.3492
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