🗓️ Important Dates -
Mark Your Calendars!🗓️
Jan 25th- Blood Drive
Jan 28th- End of Second Quarter (K-8)
Feb. 14-15th- No School
Mar 3rd - Parent Teacher Conferences
March 17th- End of Trimester 2
March 18th- No School
March 28th-April 1st- Spring Break- No School

Our goal is to
increase attendance-
school wide!
Every Day Counts Attendance Incentive T-shirts will be going home to families this week to all scholars who were in attendance every day last week. If your student was working virtually last week due to COVID, their attendance still counts toward the t-shirt incentive.

If you haven't received a t-shirt but believe your child qualifies for one, please contact Anna Champeau at

If you are having trouble getting your students to school, please contact Anna Champeau at to brainstorm options.

If you missed a day last week, don't worry! We will have more attendance challenges coming up for you to get 100% and earn yours!
High School Schedule Change
Due to a change in schedules with our bussing company, GoRiteway, the high school dismissal process will be starting at 3:10pm instead of 3:30pm. As a result of this, we have a change in our daily schedule.

First period will now begin at 8:10am instead of 8:25am. If your student does not ride the school bus, please ensure your student arrives at school by 7:55am, when school begins. Any changes to bus scheduling will be communicated to you by GoRiteway.
Re- Enrollment for the 2022/23 school year
Parents--It is time to secure your seat for next year! Be on the look out for an email next month to complete this important step to be a Nova next year!

Re-enrollment for MAS students begins February 1, 2022
This year we will be using the online service SchoolMint for re-enrollment.
To confirm your current students' seat(s) for next year, the 2022/23 school year, please create your account and follow the instructions.
Why SchoolMint? Working with a digital platform, instead of paper forms, allows parents to complete this online on their phones or computers with the click of a button. It is less paperwork for us to process too. As our enrollment grows year after year, we need more efficient systems here at MAS. We will be able to share registration forms on this platform too once it's time for Back to School paperwork.

Will I need to keep my SchoolMint account? Yes! This is the new system we are using for all returning students and new applicants. So starting next year, all MAS parents will have a SchoolMint account that we will use moving forward for re-enrollment and some of our registration paperwork.

What if I don't reply? Your status will remain as "Undecided" and a seat will not be saved for your scholar(s) for next school year until you complete.
Use MAS' COVID Testing Site
Open 8:30 am-2:00 pm daily
We have begun...

Increased Staff Testing: testing staff once a week at a minimum

Increased Student Testing: When there is a positive case in a classroom for 3rd-12th, we will still be quarantining close contacts, but we will also begin testing the students in that class the following day. This will be done as much as possible with the testing supply available. Parents will be notified via email that there was a positive case identified and that we plan to test the following day.

Can't get to MAS?

Milwaukee testing locations include:

Northwest Health Center, 7630 W. Mill Road

Southside Health Center, 1639 S. 23rd St.

Menomonee Valley Site, 2401 W. St. Paul Ave.
In a continued effort to protect our athletes and families we will continue to limit attendance to this weeks games strictly to 2 parent or guardians per athlete. We will be streaming the games on Facebook for free!

We will provide scheduling updates as we know them.
Unstable Housing? We have resources....
Did you know that being "doubled up" with family (living temporarily) allows your family access to additional resources from school?

Please alert our Director of Student Services, Anna Champeau if your family is in this situation. Email

You can also text our Family Engagement Coordinator, Tierra Williams, at 414-406-8131.

We would like to support you and your family.
Boys & Girls Club Accepting Applications
Visit the front desk to pick up your application today or download application here. Please reach out to Morgyn Gathings at or call at 414-933-0302 ext. 4006
Milwaukee Fun & Family Resources
Saturday, February 5th & 12th
10 am - 2 pm
Washington Park

  • 🩺City on the Hill's next Neighborhood Health Outreach is February 12th for health screenings, physician visits, physical therapy, occupational therapy, breast exams, vision screening & glasses, hot meal, hygiene. Learn more here.

  • 🧘🏿‍♀️Mornings of Mindfulness at the Washington Park Urban Ecology Center started Saturday, January 22rd. Learn more here.

  • ⛸️ FREE Ice skating at Red Arrow Park- Bring your own ice skates and skate for free or rent a pair at the warming house. Learn more here.

  • 🥫Need some support with the grocery bill right now, find a food pantry in your zip code

  • 🧥 Coats for the winter, contact the Salvation Army at 414-464-2940 to schedule an appointment

  • 🛠️ Does your student need a work permit? Have your student take these items to the Milwaukee Public School Central Office.

  • 💉 Not vaccinated? Find a center closest to you here.
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to stay updated!