Our Vision Banquet is less than four weeks away, on Thursday, October 24 and Friday, October 25 at The New Center at NEOMED. We encourage you to register soon at mynovateam.com; registration closes in two weeks. There is no charge to attend the banquet; local businesses and churches sponsor the event so that guests are able to give directly to the ministry. In exchange, the sponsors will be highlighted on our screens at the banquet, where up to 600 guests will see their public support for life! They will also be featured on Nova’s donor website and social media pages. Sponsorship is considered a tax-deductible marketing expense. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about sponsoring Nova’s banquet, please contact us at (330) 314-4229, or go to mynovateam.com and select Banquet Sponsorship.
Also, consider hosting a table and inviting friends to fill a table of eight. This will be a beautiful opportunity to connect with old friends and share God’s vision for Nova and how we will reach those who believe abortion to be their only option. Click here to learn more about hosting a table.
We have so much more to share with you! Come celebrate with us as we prepare to open our doors and rescue the future! Be encouraged! We have a powerful God who goes before us into battle!
Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support! We can’t wait to see you soon!
Much love,
Johanna and the Nova Team